Jörg-Peter Weigle

Jörg-Peter Weigle    
2000s -
1953년 / 독일

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>>gudrun<< Overture   Felix Draeseke
from Jorg-Peter Weigle, Ndr Radiophilharmonie - Symphonies 1 & 4/ Jorg-peter Weigle (2005)
Symphony No.1 Op.12 In G Major   Felix Draeseke
from Jorg-Peter Weigle, Ndr Radiophilharmonie - Symphonies 1 & 4/ Jorg-peter Weigle (2005)
Symphony No.4 Wo0 38 In E Minor   Felix Draeseke
from Jorg-Peter Weigle, Ndr Radiophilharmonie - Symphonies 1 & 4/ Jorg-peter Weigle (2005)
Serenade Op.49 In D Major   Felix Draeseke
from Jorg-Peter Weigle, NDR Radiophilharmonie - Symphony No.3 "tragica"/ Weigle (2002)
Symphony No 2 Op.25 In F Major   Felix Draeseke
from Jorg-Peter Weigle, NDR Radiophilharmonie - Symphony No.3 "tragica"/ Weigle (2002)
(Scene 1) Entr'acte and Waltz with Chorus. "Vot Tak Syurpriz!"   작곡:차이코프스키 James Levine, Jörg-Peter Weigle, Konstantin Shilovsky, Neil Shicoff
from The Sachsische Staatskapelle Dresden, James Levine - Tchaikovsky: Eugen Onegin (2000)
(Scene 3) Servant Girls' Chorus. "Dyevitsi, Krasavitsi"   작곡:차이코프스키 James Levine, Jörg-Peter Weigle, Konstantin Shilovsky, Rundfunkchor Leipzig
from The Sachsische Staatskapelle Dresden, James Levine - Tchaikovsky: Eugen Onegin (2000)
Finale. "V Vashem Dome! V Vashem Dome!"   작곡:차이코프스키 Anne Sofie von Otter, James Levine, Jörg-Peter Weigle, Konstantin Shilovsky
from The Sachsische Staatskapelle Dresden, James Levine - Tchaikovsky: Eugen Onegin (2000)
Mazurka and Scene. "Messieurs, Mesdames, Mesta Zanyat Izvolte" - "Ti Ne Tantsuyesh, Lenski?"   작곡:차이코프스키 James Levine, Jörg-Peter Weigle, Konstantin Shilovsky, Neil Shicoff
from The Sachsische Staatskapelle Dresden, James Levine - Tchaikovsky: Eugen Onegin (2000)
Peasants' Chorus and Dance. "Bolyat Moyi Skori Nozhenki So Pokhodushki" - "Uzh Kak Po Mostu, Mostochku"   작곡:차이코프스키 James Levine, Jörg-Peter Weigle, Konstantin Shilovsky, Rundfunkchor Leipzig
from The Sachsische Staatskapelle Dresden, James Levine - Tchaikovsky: Eugen Onegin (2000)
Scene and Aria. "I Zdyes Mnye Skuchno!" - "Knyaginya Gremina! Smotrite!"   작곡:차이코프스키 James Levine, Jörg-Peter Weigle, Konstantin Shilovsky, Mirella Freni
from The Sachsische Staatskapelle Dresden, James Levine - Tchaikovsky: Eugen Onegin (2000)
Scene and Couplets. "Uzhel Ya Zasluzhil Ot Nasmyeshku Etu?"   작곡:차이코프스키 Anne Sofie von Otter, James Levine, Jörg-Peter Weigle, Konstantin Shilovsky
from The Sachsische Staatskapelle Dresden, James Levine - Tchaikovsky: Eugen Onegin (2000)
Scene. "Nu Ti, Moya Vostrushka"   작곡:차이코프스키 Anne Sofie von Otter, James Levine, Jörg-Peter Weigle, Konstantin Shilovsky
from The Sachsische Staatskapelle Dresden, James Levine - Tchaikovsky: Eugen Onegin (2000)

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