Siobhan Armstrong

Siobhan Armstrong    


Beati Omnes (Psalmus), Alternatim Fabordones Del Cuarto Tono   작곡:Antonio de Cabezón Gabrieli Consort, Gabrieli Consort, Siobhan Armstrong
from Gabrieli Consort, Gabrieli Players - Music for the Duke of Lerma (2002)
Fabordon Del Primo Tono, Glosado En Tiple [Tiento para arpa]   작곡:Antonio de Cabezón Gabrieli Consort, Gabrieli Consort, Siobhan Armstrong
from Gabrieli Consort, Gabrieli Players - Music for the Duke of Lerma (2002)
Jocelyn Pook : How Sweet The Moonlight [The Merchant of Venice]   Andreas Scholl, Baroque String Quartet, Elizabeth Kenny, Harvey Brough
from 밤의 노래 [omnibus] (2021)
Jocelyn Pook : How Sweet The Moonlight [The Merchant of Venice]   Andreas Scholl, Baroque String Quartet, Elizabeth Kenny, Harvey Brough
from KBS클래식FM - 노래의 날개 위에 30주년 기념 음반 [omnibus] (2021)
Monteverdi: Pur ti miro (Album Version)   Alastair Ross, Eligio Quinteiro, Elin Manahan-Thomas, Joseph Crouch
from Elin Manahan-Thomas - Eternal Light (2007)
O Quam Suavis Est, Domine [Antiphona ad Magnificat]   작곡:Alonso Lobo Gabrieli Consort, Gabrieli Consort, Siobhan Armstrong
from Gabrieli Consort, Gabrieli Players - Music for the Duke of Lerma (2002)
Traditional: Codladh an Óigfhir (Transcr. for Violin and Harp)   Daniel Hope, Siobhan Armstrong
from Daniel Hope, Air Ensemble - Irish Roots (2024)
with Verses I, Ii, Iv, Vi, Vii From Antonio De Cabezón   작곡:Antonio de Cabezón,Tomás Luis de Victoria Gabrieli Consort, Gabrieli Consort, James Johnstone, Siobhan Armstrong
from Gabrieli Consort, Gabrieli Players - Music for the Duke of Lerma (2002)

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