Graham Johnson

Graham Johnson    그라함 존슨
2000s -
1950년 07월 10일

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Am Feierabend   작곡:Franz Schubert Christopher Maltman, Graham Johnson
from Christopher Maltman, Graham Johnson - Schubert: Die Schone Mullerin (Wigmore Hall Live) [live] (2011)
Danksagung An Den Bach   작곡:Franz Schubert Christopher Maltman, Graham Johnson
from Christopher Maltman, Graham Johnson - Schubert: Die Schone Mullerin (Wigmore Hall Live) [live] (2011)
Das Wandern   작곡:Franz Schubert Christopher Maltman, Graham Johnson
from Christopher Maltman, Graham Johnson - Schubert: Die Schone Mullerin (Wigmore Hall Live) [live] (2011)
Der Jager   작곡:Franz Schubert Christopher Maltman, Graham Johnson
from Christopher Maltman, Graham Johnson - Schubert: Die Schone Mullerin (Wigmore Hall Live) [live] (2011)
Der Muller Und Der Bach   작곡:Franz Schubert Christopher Maltman, Graham Johnson
from Christopher Maltman, Graham Johnson - Schubert: Die Schone Mullerin (Wigmore Hall Live) [live] (2011)
Der Neugierige   작곡:Franz Schubert Christopher Maltman, Graham Johnson
from Christopher Maltman, Graham Johnson - Schubert: Die Schone Mullerin (Wigmore Hall Live) [live] (2011)
Des Baches Wiegenlied   작곡:Franz Schubert Christopher Maltman, Graham Johnson
from Christopher Maltman, Graham Johnson - Schubert: Die Schone Mullerin (Wigmore Hall Live) [live] (2011)
Des Mullers Blumen   작곡:Franz Schubert Christopher Maltman, Graham Johnson
from Christopher Maltman, Graham Johnson - Schubert: Die Schone Mullerin (Wigmore Hall Live) [live] (2011)
Die Bose Farbe   작곡:Franz Schubert Christopher Maltman, Graham Johnson
from Christopher Maltman, Graham Johnson - Schubert: Die Schone Mullerin (Wigmore Hall Live) [live] (2011)
Die Liebe Farbe   작곡:Franz Schubert Christopher Maltman, Graham Johnson
from Christopher Maltman, Graham Johnson - Schubert: Die Schone Mullerin (Wigmore Hall Live) [live] (2011)
Die Schone Mullerin   작곡:Franz Schubert Christopher Maltman, Graham Johnson
from Christopher Maltman, Graham Johnson - Schubert: Die Schone Mullerin (Wigmore Hall Live) [live] (2011)
Eifersucht Und Stolz   작곡:Franz Schubert Christopher Maltman, Graham Johnson
from Christopher Maltman, Graham Johnson - Schubert: Die Schone Mullerin (Wigmore Hall Live) [live] (2011)
Halt!   작곡:Franz Schubert Christopher Maltman, Graham Johnson
from Christopher Maltman, Graham Johnson - Schubert: Die Schone Mullerin (Wigmore Hall Live) [live] (2011)
Mein!   작곡:Franz Schubert Christopher Maltman, Graham Johnson
from Christopher Maltman, Graham Johnson - Schubert: Die Schone Mullerin (Wigmore Hall Live) [live] (2011)
Mit Dem Grunen Lautenbande   작곡:Franz Schubert Christopher Maltman, Graham Johnson
from Christopher Maltman, Graham Johnson - Schubert: Die Schone Mullerin (Wigmore Hall Live) [live] (2011)
Morgengruss   작곡:Franz Schubert Christopher Maltman, Graham Johnson
from Christopher Maltman, Graham Johnson - Schubert: Die Schone Mullerin (Wigmore Hall Live) [live] (2011)
Pause   작곡:Franz Schubert Christopher Maltman, Graham Johnson
from Christopher Maltman, Graham Johnson - Schubert: Die Schone Mullerin (Wigmore Hall Live) [live] (2011)
Tranenregen   작곡:Franz Schubert Christopher Maltman, Graham Johnson
from Christopher Maltman, Graham Johnson - Schubert: Die Schone Mullerin (Wigmore Hall Live) [live] (2011)
Trockne Blumen   작곡:Franz Schubert Christopher Maltman, Graham Johnson
from Christopher Maltman, Graham Johnson - Schubert: Die Schone Mullerin (Wigmore Hall Live) [live] (2011)
Ungeduld   작곡:Franz Schubert Christopher Maltman, Graham Johnson
from Christopher Maltman, Graham Johnson - Schubert: Die Schone Mullerin (Wigmore Hall Live) [live] (2011)
Wohin?   작곡:Franz Schubert Christopher Maltman, Graham Johnson
from Christopher Maltman, Graham Johnson - Schubert: Die Schone Mullerin (Wigmore Hall Live) [live] (2011)
22 Songs And Duets By Beethoven, Schumann, Brahms, Berlioz, Gounod, Chausson, Shint-saens, Faure   Felicity Lott
from Felicity Lott, Ann Murray - Sweet Power Of Song (2006)
26 Songs And Duets By Purcell, Mendelssohn, Rossini, Gounod, Delibes, Massenet, Paldilhe, Aubert...   Felicity Lott
from Felicity Lott, Ann Murray - Sweet Power Of Song (2006)
Arpege   Gabriel Faure
from Graham Johnson, Gabriel Faure - The Complete Songs 4/ Jennifer Smith (2006)
Aubade   Gabriel Faure
from Graham Johnson, Gabriel Faure - The Complete Songs 4/ Jennifer Smith (2006)
Aurore   Gabriel Faure
from Graham Johnson, Gabriel Faure - The Complete Songs 4/ Jennifer Smith (2006)
Dans Les Ruines D`une Abbaye   Gabriel Faure
from Graham Johnson, Gabriel Faure - The Complete Songs 4/ Jennifer Smith (2006)
Ici-bas!   Gabriel Faure
from Graham Johnson, Gabriel Faure - The Complete Songs 4/ Jennifer Smith (2006)
La Chanson D`eve Op95 - Ⅰparadis   Gabriel Faure
from Graham Johnson, Gabriel Faure - The Complete Songs 4/ Jennifer Smith (2006)
La Papillon Et La Fleur   Gabriel Faure
from Graham Johnson, Gabriel Faure - The Complete Songs 4/ Jennifer Smith (2006)
La Rancon   Gabriel Faure
from Graham Johnson, Gabriel Faure - The Complete Songs 4/ Jennifer Smith (2006)
La Rose   Gabriel Faure
from Graham Johnson, Gabriel Faure - The Complete Songs 4/ Jennifer Smith (2006)
Le Partum Imperissable   Gabriel Faure
from Graham Johnson, Gabriel Faure - The Complete Songs 4/ Jennifer Smith (2006)
Le Pays Des Reves   Gabriel Faure
from Graham Johnson, Gabriel Faure - The Complete Songs 4/ Jennifer Smith (2006)
Le Plus Doux Chemin   Gabriel Faure
from Graham Johnson, Gabriel Faure - The Complete Songs 4/ Jennifer Smith (2006)
Les Roses D`ispahan   Gabriel Faure
from Graham Johnson, Gabriel Faure - The Complete Songs 4/ Jennifer Smith (2006)
L`aurore   Gabriel Faure
from Graham Johnson, Gabriel Faure - The Complete Songs 4/ Jennifer Smith (2006)
Melisande`s Song   Gabriel Faure
from Graham Johnson, Gabriel Faure - The Complete Songs 4/ Jennifer Smith (2006)
Nocturne   Gabriel Faure
from Graham Johnson, Gabriel Faure - The Complete Songs 4/ Jennifer Smith (2006)
Reve D`amour   Gabriel Faure
from Graham Johnson, Gabriel Faure - The Complete Songs 4/ Jennifer Smith (2006)
Soir   Gabriel Faure
from Graham Johnson, Gabriel Faure - The Complete Songs 4/ Jennifer Smith (2006)
Vocalise-etude   Gabriel Faure
from Graham Johnson, Gabriel Faure - The Complete Songs 4/ Jennifer Smith (2006)
Ⅱprima Verba   Gabriel Faure
from Graham Johnson, Gabriel Faure - The Complete Songs 4/ Jennifer Smith (2006)
Ⅲroses Ardentes   Gabriel Faure
from Graham Johnson, Gabriel Faure - The Complete Songs 4/ Jennifer Smith (2006)
Ⅳcomme Dieu Rayonne   Gabriel Faure
from Graham Johnson, Gabriel Faure - The Complete Songs 4/ Jennifer Smith (2006)
Ⅴl`aube Blanche   Gabriel Faure
from Graham Johnson, Gabriel Faure - The Complete Songs 4/ Jennifer Smith (2006)
Ⅵeau Vivante   Gabriel Faure
from Graham Johnson, Gabriel Faure - The Complete Songs 4/ Jennifer Smith (2006)
Ⅶveilles-tu, Ma Senteur De Soleil?   Gabriel Faure
from Graham Johnson, Gabriel Faure - The Complete Songs 4/ Jennifer Smith (2006)
Ⅷdans Un Parfum De Roses Blanches   Gabriel Faure
from Graham Johnson, Gabriel Faure - The Complete Songs 4/ Jennifer Smith (2006)
Ⅸcrepuscule   Gabriel Faure
from Graham Johnson, Gabriel Faure - The Complete Songs 4/ Jennifer Smith (2006)
Ⅹo Mort, Poussiere D`etoiles   Gabriel Faure
from Graham Johnson, Gabriel Faure - The Complete Songs 4/ Jennifer Smith (2006)
A Bar On The Piccolo Marina (Coward)   Felicity Lott
from Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson - Fallen Women And Virtuous Wives Etc (2006)
Alice Is At It Again (Coward)   Felicity Lott
from Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson - Fallen Women And Virtuous Wives Etc (2006)
Au Pays Ou Se Fait La Guerre (Duparc)   Felicity Lott
from Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson - Fallen Women And Virtuous Wives Etc (2006)
C`est Tres Villain D`etre Infidele (Hahn)   Felicity Lott
from Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson - Fallen Women And Virtuous Wives Etc (2006)
Die Alte (Mozart)   Felicity Lott
from Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson - Fallen Women And Virtuous Wives Etc (2006)
Die Zu Spate Ankunft Der Mutter (Haydn)   Felicity Lott
from Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson - Fallen Women And Virtuous Wives Etc (2006)
Drei Lieder Der Ophelia (Strauss)   Felicity Lott
from Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson - Fallen Women And Virtuous Wives Etc (2006)
I Know Where I`m Going (Hughes)   Felicity Lott
from Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson - Fallen Women And Virtuous Wives Etc (2006)
Ich Hab In Penna (Wolf)   Felicity Lott
from Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson - Fallen Women And Virtuous Wives Etc (2006)
La Dame De Monte Carlo (Poulenc)   Felicity Lott
from Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson - Fallen Women And Virtuous Wives Etc (2006)
Lied Der Braut Ii (From Mythen) (Schumann)   Felicity Lott
from Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson - Fallen Women And Virtuous Wives Etc (2006)
Madchenlied (Brahms)   Felicity Lott
from Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson - Fallen Women And Virtuous Wives Etc (2006)
Nannas Lied (Weill)   Felicity Lott
from Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson - Fallen Women And Virtuous Wives Etc (2006)
O Waly, Waly (Arr. Britten   Felicity Lott
from Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson - Fallen Women And Virtuous Wives Etc (2006)
Reponse D`une Epouse Sage (Roussel)   Felicity Lott
from Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson - Fallen Women And Virtuous Wives Etc (2006)
Spinning Song (Coward)   Felicity Lott
from Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson - Fallen Women And Virtuous Wives Etc (2006)
Sweet Polly Oliver (Arr. Britten)   Felicity Lott
from Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson - Fallen Women And Virtuous Wives Etc (2006)
The Return From Town (Bliss)   Felicity Lott
from Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson - Fallen Women And Virtuous Wives Etc (2006)
Und Was Bekam Des Soldten Weib   Felicity Lott
from Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson - Fallen Women And Virtuous Wives Etc (2006)
Une Sainte En Son Aureole (From La Bonne Chanson) (Faure)   Felicity Lott
from Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson - Fallen Women And Virtuous Wives Etc (2006)
Wapping Old Stirs (From A Song For The Lord Mayor`s Table) (Walton)   Felicity Lott
from Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson - Fallen Women And Virtuous Wives Etc (2006)
Warum Soll Eine Frau Kein Verhaltnis Haben (Straus)   Felicity Lott
from Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson - Fallen Women And Virtuous Wives Etc (2006)
What`s A Lady Like Me (Grand)   Felicity Lott
from Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson - Fallen Women And Virtuous Wives Etc (2006)
[Encores] Geh`n Wir In`s Chambre Separee (From Der Opernball) (Heuberger)   Felicity Lott
from Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson - Fallen Women And Virtuous Wives Etc (2006)
Chanson D'amour   Gabriel Faure
from Ronan O`Hora, Graham Johnson - The Complete Songs 3/ Chanson D'amour (2005)
Fleur Jetee   Gabriel Faure
from Ronan O`Hora, Graham Johnson - The Complete Songs 3/ Chanson D'amour (2005)
Hymne   Gabriel Faure
from Ronan O`Hora, Graham Johnson - The Complete Songs 3/ Chanson D'amour (2005)
La Bonne Chanson 1 Une Sainte En Son Aureole   Gabriel Faure
from Ronan O`Hora, Graham Johnson - The Complete Songs 3/ Chanson D'amour (2005)
La Bonne Chanson 2 Puisque L'aube Grandit   Gabriel Faure
from Ronan O`Hora, Graham Johnson - The Complete Songs 3/ Chanson D'amour (2005)
La Bonne Chanson 3 La Lune Blanche   Gabriel Faure
from Ronan O`Hora, Graham Johnson - The Complete Songs 3/ Chanson D'amour (2005)
La Bonne Chanson 4 J'allais Par Des Chemins Perfides   Gabriel Faure
from Ronan O`Hora, Graham Johnson - The Complete Songs 3/ Chanson D'amour (2005)
La Bonne Chanson 5 J'ai Presque Peur, En Verite   Gabriel Faure
from Ronan O`Hora, Graham Johnson - The Complete Songs 3/ Chanson D'amour (2005)
La Bonne Chanson 6 Acant Que Tu Ne T'en Ailles   Gabriel Faure
from Ronan O`Hora, Graham Johnson - The Complete Songs 3/ Chanson D'amour (2005)
La Bonne Chanson 7 Donc, Ce Sera Par Un Clair Jour D'ete   Gabriel Faure
from Ronan O`Hora, Graham Johnson - The Complete Songs 3/ Chanson D'amour (2005)
La Bonne Chanson 8 N'est-ce Pas?   Gabriel Faure
from Ronan O`Hora, Graham Johnson - The Complete Songs 3/ Chanson D'amour (2005)
La Bonne Chanson 9 L'hiver A Cesse   Gabriel Faure
from Ronan O`Hora, Graham Johnson - The Complete Songs 3/ Chanson D'amour (2005)
Le Don Silencieu   Gabriel Faure
from Ronan O`Hora, Graham Johnson - The Complete Songs 3/ Chanson D'amour (2005)
Le Ramier   Gabriel Faure
from Ronan O`Hora, Graham Johnson - The Complete Songs 3/ Chanson D'amour (2005)
Le Secret   Gabriel Faure
from Ronan O`Hora, Graham Johnson - The Complete Songs 3/ Chanson D'amour (2005)
Les Presents   Gabriel Faure
from Ronan O`Hora, Graham Johnson - The Complete Songs 3/ Chanson D'amour (2005)
Nell   Gabriel Faure
from Ronan O`Hora, Graham Johnson - The Complete Songs 3/ Chanson D'amour (2005)
Notre Amour   Gabriel Faure
from Ronan O`Hora, Graham Johnson - The Complete Songs 3/ Chanson D'amour (2005)
Poeme D.un Jour 1 Rencontre   Gabriel Faure
from Ronan O`Hora, Graham Johnson - The Complete Songs 3/ Chanson D'amour (2005)
Poeme D.un Jour 2 Toujours   Gabriel Faure
from Ronan O`Hora, Graham Johnson - The Complete Songs 3/ Chanson D'amour (2005)
Poeme D.un Jour 3 Adieu   Gabriel Faure
from Ronan O`Hora, Graham Johnson - The Complete Songs 3/ Chanson D'amour (2005)
Puisque J'ai Mis Ma Levre   Gabriel Faure
from Ronan O`Hora, Graham Johnson - The Complete Songs 3/ Chanson D'amour (2005)
Serenade Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme   Gabriel Faure
from Ronan O`Hora, Graham Johnson - The Complete Songs 3/ Chanson D'amour (2005)
Shylock 1 Prelude Et Chanson   Gabriel Faure
from Ronan O`Hora, Graham Johnson - The Complete Songs 3/ Chanson D'amour (2005)
Shylock 2 Entr'acte   Gabriel Faure
from Ronan O`Hora, Graham Johnson - The Complete Songs 3/ Chanson D'amour (2005)

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