The English Baroque Soloists

The English Baroque Soloists    


Aira (Alto) - Kommt, Ihr Angefochtnen Sunder   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.1/ Gardiner (2005)
Aira (Bass) - Gute Nacht, Du Weltgetummel   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.8/ Gardiner (2005)
Aira (Bass) - Wenn Trost Und Hulf Ermangeln Muss   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.24/ Gardiner (2005)
Aira (Sopran) - Ich Sae Meine Zahren   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.24/ Gardiner (2005)
Alles Mit Gott Und Nichts Ohn`ihn Bwv1127   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Alles Mit Gott/ John Eliot Gardiner (2005)
Am Abend Aber Desselbigen Sabbats Bwv 42   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Cantatas Vol.23/ John Eliot Gardiner (2007)
Aria (Alt) - Ach, Lege Das Sodom Der Sudlichen Glieder   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.10/ John Eliot Gardine (2005)
Aria (Alt) - Gott Ist Unser Sonn Und Schild   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.10/ John Eliot Gardine (2005)
Aria (Alt) - Ich Will Dich All Mein Leben Lang   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.24/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria (Alt) - Ich Will Nach Dem Himmel Zu   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.24/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria (Alt) - Jesus Schlaft, Was Soll Ich Hoffen?   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Cantatas Vol.19/ Greenwich/ Romsey (2006)
Aria (Alt) - Kein Arzt Ist Ausser Dir Zu Finden   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.24/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria (Alt) - Kreuz Und Krone Sind Verbunden   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.24/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria (Alt) - Leget Euch Dem Heiland Unter   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Cantatas Vol.21/ Cambridge/ Walpole St Peter (2006)
Aria (Alt) - Man Nehme Sich In Acht   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.24/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria (Alt) - Mein Jesu, Ziehe Mich Nach Dir   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Cantatas Vol.21/ Cambridge/ Walpole St Peter (2006)
Aria (Alt) - Was Mein Herz Von Dir Begehrt   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.24/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria (Alt) - Wer Sunde Tut, Der Ist Vom Teufel   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Cantatas Vol.21/ Cambridge/ Walpole St Peter (2006)
Aria (Alt) - Widerstehe Doch Der Sunde   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Cantatas Vol.21/ Cambridge/ Walpole St Peter (2006)
Aria (Alt) Con Choral (Sopran) - Ich Folge Dir Nach   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Cantatas Vol.21/ Cambridge/ Walpole St Peter (2006)
Aria (Alto) - Jesus Macht Mich Geistlich Reich   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.1/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria (Alto) - Menschen, Glaubt Doch Dieser Gnade   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.1/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria (Alto) - O Mensch, Erette Deine Seele   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.1/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria (Alto) - Seinem Schopfer Noch Auf Erden   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.1/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria (Alto) - Was Gott Tut, Das Ist Wohlgetan   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.8/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria (Alto) - Willkommen Will Ich Sagen   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.8/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria (Alto) Con Choral - Komm, Du Sube Todesstunde   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.8/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria (Bass) - Achzen Und Erbarmlich Weinen   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Cantatas Vol.19/ Greenwich/ Romsey (2006)
Aria (Bass) - An Irdische Schatze Das Herze Zu Hangen   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Cantatas Vol.19/ Greenwich/ Romsey (2006)
Aria (Bass) - Auf Gott Steht Meine Zuversicht   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.8/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria (Bass) - Doch Weichet, Ihr Tollen, Vergeblichen Sorgen   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.8/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria (Bass) - Empfind Ich Hollenangst Und Pein   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Cantatas Vol.19/ Greenwich/ Romsey (2006)
Aria (Bass) - Endlich, Endlich Wird Mein Joch   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.10/ John Eliot Gardine (2005)
Aria (Bass) - Es Ist Vollbracht   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Cantatas Vol.21/ Cambridge/ Walpole St Peter (2006)
Aria (Bass) - Gott Ist Gerecht In Seinen Werken   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.1/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria (Bass) - Gott, Bei Deinem Starken Schutzen   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Cantatas Vol.19/ Greenwich/ Romsey (2006)
Aria (Bass) - Ich Folge Christo Nach   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.24/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria (Bass) - Ich Will Den Kreuzstab Gerne Tragen Bwv 56   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.10/ John Eliot Gardine (2005)
Aria (Bass) - Ich Will Nun Hassen   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.1/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria (Bass) - Mein Herze Glaubt Und Liebt   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.1/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria (Bass) - Merkt Und Hort, Ihr Menschenkinder   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.1/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria (Bass) - Schweig, Aufgeturmtes Meer!   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Cantatas Vol.19/ Greenwich/ Romsey (2006)
Aria (Bass) - So Lochtet Im Eifer Der Rahende Richter   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.10/ John Eliot Gardine (2005)
Aria (Bass) - Starkes Lieben   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Cantatas Vol.21/ Cambridge/ Walpole St Peter (2006)
Aria (Bass) - Verstumme, Holenheer   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.10/ John Eliot Gardine (2005)
Aria (Bass) - Wacht Auf, Wacht Auf, Verloren Schafe   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.1/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria (Bass) - Was Gott Tut, Das Ist Wohlgetan   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.8/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria (Bass) - Wohlzutun Und Mitzuteilen Vergesset Nicht   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.1/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria (Bass) Con Choral - Alles, Was Von Gott Geboren   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.10/ John Eliot Gardine (2005)
Aria (Bsass) - Gelobet Sei Gott, Gelobet Sein Name   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.1/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria (Sopran) - Die Seele Ruht In Jesu Handen   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Cantatas Vol.21/ Cambridge/ Walpole St Peter (2006)
Aria (Sopran) - Erfullet, Ihr Himmlischen Gottlichen   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Cantatas Vol.21/ Cambridge/ Walpole St Peter (2006)
Aria (Sopran) - Komm In Mein Herzenshaus   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.10/ John Eliot Gardine (2005)
Aria (Sopran) - Unsre Starke Heibt Zu Schwach   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Cantatas Vol.19/ Greenwich/ Romsey (2006)
Aria (Sopran) - Wirf, Mein Herze, Wirf Dich Noch   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Cantatas Vol.19/ Greenwich/ Romsey (2006)
Aria (Soprano) - Allelujah!   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.8/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria (Soprano) - Eilt, Ihr Stunden, Kommt Herbei   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.1/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria (Soprano) - Hochster, Mache Deine Gute   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.8/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria (Soprano) - Hochster, Was Ich Habe   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.1/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria (Soprano) - Ich Nehme Mein Leiden Mit Freuden Auf Mich   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.1/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria (Soprano) - Jauchzet Gott In Allen Landen (Bwv 51)   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.8/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria (Soprano) - Was Gott Tut, Das Ist Wohlgetan   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.8/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria (Tenor) - Ach, Schlage Doch Bald   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.8/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria (Tenor) - Des Vaters Stimme Liess Sich Horen   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.1/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria (Tenor) - Die Schaumenden Wellen Von Belials Bac   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Cantatas Vol.19/ Greenwich/ Romsey (2006)
Aria (Tenor) - Ergiebe Dich Reichlich, Du Gotliche Quelle   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.10/ John Eliot Gardine (2005)
Aria (Tenor) - Erholet Euch, Betrubte Sinnen   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.24/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria (Tenor) - Erschuttre Dich Nur Nicht, Verzagte Seele   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.8/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria (Tenor) - Es Reibet Euch Ein Schrecklich Ende Bwv 90   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.10/ John Eliot Gardine (2005)
Aria (Tenor) - Ewigkeit, Du Macht Mir Bange   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.1/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria (Tenor) - Ich Will An Den Himmel Denken   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.24/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria (Tenor) - Ihr Menschen Ruhmet Gottes Liebe (Bwv 167)   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.1/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria (Tenor) - Jesu, Lass Durch Wohl Und Weh   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Cantatas Vol.21/ Cambridge/ Walpole St Peter (2006)
Aria (Tenor) - Mein Alles In Allem, Mein Ewiges Gut   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Cantatas Vol.21/ Cambridge/ Walpole St Peter (2006)
Aria (Tenor) - Mein Jesus Soll Mein Alles Sein   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.1/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria (Tenor) - Mein Seufzer, Meine Tranen   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Cantatas Vol.19/ Greenwich/ Romsey (2006)
Aria (Tenor) - Mein Verlangen   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.8/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria (Tenor) - Mich Kann Kein Zweifel Storen   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.24/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria (Tenor) - So Schnell Ein Rauschend Wasser Schieb   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Cantatas Vol.19/ Greenwich/ Romsey (2006)
Aria (Tenor) - Unser Mund Und Tod Der Saiten   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Cantatas Vol.21/ Cambridge/ Walpole St Peter (2006)
Aria (Tenor) - Vergibt Mir Jesus Meine Suden   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.10/ John Eliot Gardine (2005)
Aria (Tenor) - Was Unser Gott Geschaffen Hat   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.24/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria (Tenor) - Was Willst Du Dich, Mein Geist Entsetzen   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.8/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria Con Choral (Tenor) - Sei Getreu, Alle Pein   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.24/ Gardiner (2005)
Aria Duetto (Alt, Tenor) - Du Musst Glauben, Du Muss   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Cantatas Vol.19/ Greenwich/ Romsey (2006)
Aria Duetto (Sopran, Alt) - Du Wahrer Gott Und Davids   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Cantatas Vol.21/ Cambridge/ Walpole St Peter (2006)
Aria Duetto (Sopran, Alt) - Wenn Sorgen Auf Mich Dring   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Cantatas Vol.19/ Greenwich/ Romsey (2006)
Arioso (Bass) - Ihr Klienglaubigen, Warum Seid Ihr So   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Cantatas Vol.19/ Greenwich/ Romsey (2006)
Arioso (Bass) E Recitativo (Alt) - Alt Sehet! Wir G   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Cantatas Vol.21/ Cambridge/ Walpole St Peter (2006)
Arioso (Tenor, Bass E Coro) - Jesus Nahm Zu Sich Die   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Cantatas Vol.21/ Cambridge/ Walpole St Peter (2006)
Aus Der Tiefen Rufe Ich, Herr, Zu Dir Bwv 131   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Cantatas Vol.3/ John Eliot Gardiner (2008)
Barmherziges Herze Der Ewigen Liebe Bwv 185   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Cantatas Vol.3/ John Eliot Gardiner (2008)
Bisher Habt Ihr Nichts Gebeten In Meinem Namen Bwv 87   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Cantatas Vol.25/ John Eliot Gardiner (2008)
Bleib Bei Uns, Denn Es Will Abend Werden Bwv 6   J.S.Bach
from John Elio Tgardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantata Vol.22/ John Eliot Gardiner (2007)
Choral - Fuhr Auch Mein Herz Und Sinn   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.10/ John Eliot Gardine (2005)
Choral (Alt) - Der Gott, Der Mit Hat Versprochen   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Cantatas Vol.19/ Greenwich/ Romsey (2006)
Choral (Coro) - Jesu, Deine Passion   J.S.Bach
from The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner - Cantatas Vol.21/ Cambridge/ Walpole St Peter (2006)
Choral (Sopran) - Ich Bitte Dich, Herr Jesu Christ   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.24/ Gardiner (2005)
Choral (Soprano) - Sei Lob Und Preis Mit Ehren   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.8/ Gardiner (2005)
Choral (Soprano) - Valet Will Ich Dir Geben   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas/ Cantatas Vol.8/ Gardiner (2005)

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