Ferenc Balogh

Ferenc Balogh    페렝 발로
2000s -
1947년 / 루마니아



Hungarian Rhapsody   작곡:Franz Liszt Ferenc Balogh, Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar
from Ferenc Balogh, Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar - Hungarian Music Festival (2011)
The Fairy Tale Begins   작곡:Zoltan Kodaly Ferenc Balogh, Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar
from Ferenc Balogh, Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar - Hungarian Music Festival (2011)
Viennese Musical Clock   작곡:Zoltan Kodaly Ferenc Balogh, Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar
from Ferenc Balogh, Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar - Hungarian Music Festival (2011)
Song   작곡:Zoltan Kodaly Ferenc Balogh, Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar
from Ferenc Balogh, Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar - Hungarian Music Festival (2011)
The Battle And Defeat Of Napoleon   작곡:Zoltan Kodaly Ferenc Balogh, Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar
from Ferenc Balogh, Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar - Hungarian Music Festival (2011)
Intermezzo   작곡:Zoltan Kodaly Ferenc Balogh, Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar
from Ferenc Balogh, Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar - Hungarian Music Festival (2011)
Entrance Of The Emperor And His Court   작곡:Zoltan Kodaly Ferenc Balogh, Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar
from Ferenc Balogh, Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar - Hungarian Music Festival (2011)
No.1 In F Minor   작곡:Franz Liszt Ferenc Balogh, Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar
from Ferenc Balogh, Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar - Hungarian Music Festival (2011)
No.6 In D Major, 'Pesther Carneval'   작곡:Franz Liszt Ferenc Balogh, Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar
from Ferenc Balogh, Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar - Hungarian Music Festival (2011)
No.4 Hejre Kati (Hey, Katy)   작곡:Jenő Hubay Ferenc Balogh, Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar
from Ferenc Balogh, Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar - Hungarian Music Festival (2011)
Hungarian March (Rakoczy March)   작곡:Hector Berlioz Ferenc Balogh, Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar
from Ferenc Balogh, Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar - Hungarian Music Festival (2011)
Hary Janos Suite   작곡:Zoltan Kodaly Ferenc Balogh, Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar
from Ferenc Balogh, Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar - Hungarian Music Festival (2011)
14 Scenes De La Czarda, Op.32   작곡:Jenő Hubay Ferenc Balogh, Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar
from Ferenc Balogh, Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar - Hungarian Music Festival (2011)
The Damnation Of Faust, Op.24   작곡:Hector Berlioz Ferenc Balogh, Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar
from Ferenc Balogh, Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar - Hungarian Music Festival (2011)
No.2 In D Minor   작곡:Franz Liszt Ferenc Balogh, Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar
from Ferenc Balogh, Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar - Hungarian Music Festival (2011)
New Year’s Song 4 : Allegro Non Troppo   Bela Bartok
from Ferenc Balogh, Andras Kiss - 44 Duos For Two Violins/ Andras Kiss/ Ferenc Balogh (2007)
Dancing Song From Maramaros : Allegro Giocoso   Bela Bartok
from Ferenc Balogh, Andras Kiss - 44 Duos For Two Violins/ Andras Kiss/ Ferenc Balogh (2007)
Harvest Song : Lento - Piu Mosso, Parlando - Tempo 1 - Tempo 2   Bela Bartok
from Ferenc Balogh, Andras Kiss - 44 Duos For Two Violins/ Andras Kiss/ Ferenc Balogh (2007)
Counting Song : Allegramente   Bela Bartok
from Ferenc Balogh, Andras Kiss - 44 Duos For Two Violins/ Andras Kiss/ Ferenc Balogh (2007)
Ruthenian Kolomejka : Allegro - Meno Mosso - Tempo 1   Bela Bartok
from Ferenc Balogh, Andras Kiss - 44 Duos For Two Violins/ Andras Kiss/ Ferenc Balogh (2007)

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