The English Baroque Sololists

The English Baroque Sololists    



Coro (Choral) - Also Hat Gott Die Welt Geliebt   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Sololists - Cantatas/ Gardiner (2006)
Recitativo (Bass) - Erwahlt Sich Gott Die Heilgen Hutten   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Sololists - Cantatas/ Gardiner (2006)
Coro - Friede Uber Israel   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Sololists - Cantatas/ Gardiner (2006)
Choral - Kein Menschenkind Hier Auf Der Erd   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Sololists - Cantatas/ Gardiner (2006)
Coro - O Ewiges Feuer, O Ursprung Der Liebe   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Sololists - Cantatas/ Gardiner (2006)
Recitativo (Tenor) - Erhohtes Fleisch Und Blut   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Sololists - Cantatas/ Gardiner (2006)
Aria (Tenor) - Ein Geheiligtes Gemute   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Sololists - Cantatas/ Gardiner (2006)
Aria (Alt) - Gott Will, O Ihr Menschenkinder   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Sololists - Cantatas/ Gardiner (2006)
Aria Duetto (Sopran, Bass) - So Hat Gott Die Welt Geliebt   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Sololists - Cantatas/ Gardiner (2006)
Recitativo Duetto (Sopran, Tenor) - Unendlichster, Den Man Doch Vater Nennt   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Sololists - Cantatas/ Gardiner (2006)
Coro - Ruhre, Hochster, Unsern Geist   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Sololists - Cantatas/ Gardiner (2006)
Aria (Alt) - Wohl Euch, Ihr Auserwahlten Seelen   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Sololists - Cantatas/ Gardiner (2006)
Aria (Sopran) - Mein Glaubiges Herze   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Sololists - Cantatas/ Gardiner (2006)
Recitaitivo (Bass) - Ich Bin Mit Petro Nicht Vermesse   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Sololists - Cantatas/ Gardiner (2006)
Aria (Bass) - Du Bist Geboren Mir Zugute   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Sololists - Cantatas/ Gardiner (2006)
Coro - Wer An Ihn Glaubet   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Sololists - Cantatas/ Gardiner (2006)
Sinfonia   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Sololists - Cantatas/ Gardiner (2006)
Aria (Alt) - Ich Liebe Den Hochsten Von Ganzem Gemu   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Sololists - Cantatas/ Gardiner (2006)
Recitativo (Tenor) - O Liebe, Welcher Keine Gleich!   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Sololists - Cantatas/ Gardiner (2006)
Aria (Bass) - Greifet Zu   J.S.Bach
from John Eliot Gardiner, The English Baroque Sololists - Cantatas/ Gardiner (2006)

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