
Cosiner    코시아너 / 본명:Hiro Matsuo
2000s -


[Disc 1]
1. Intro / 2. S.O.S. / 3. Breakthru / 4. Spells / 5. On A Page Too Dim / 6. Come Closer / 7. Not By Demand / 8. Do Without / 9. The Rainsmell / 10. February / 11. 4-letter-word That / 12. For The Sake Of Somethin' Else / 13. Thereafter / 14. Endnote
[Disc 1]
1. Crafty Intro Part 2 / 2. Accelerando / 3. Off-3-4 Tune / 4. Twelve-bar Blues Again and Again / 5. Crafty Skit #6 / 6. In The Empty Skies / 7. On-3-on Tune / 8. The Passeges / 9. Crafty Skit #7 / 10. Self-evident As You Are / 11. Crafty Skit #8 / 12. Time-keeper Function / 13. Crafty Skit #9 / 14. 6-8-6 Tune / 15. Crafty Skit #10 / 16. A Fluid / 17. 4-4-off Tune / 18. Crafty Outro Part 2
[Disc 1]
1. Crafty [Intro] / 2. Money Jungle Revisited / 3. If Tomorrow Be As You Wish / 4. On-2-on Tune / 5. Scanian Tune / 6. Return Of The Angry Man / 7. Crafty (Skit #1) [skit] / 8. Beauty Strived / 9. On-4-off Tune / 10. Crafty (Skit #2) [skit] / 11. When Things Of The Spirit Come First / 12. Makin' Eyes / 13. Crafty (Skit #3) [skit] / 14. 1-2-on Tune / 15. Crafty (Skit #4) [skit] / 16. Follow The Bandleader / 17. In A Calypso Mood / 18. Everything You Have / 19. Crafty (Skit #5) [skit] / 20. Crafty [Outro]
[Disc 1]
1. Nother Intro In Space / 2. In Revolt / 3. Half - Return (And Continues) / 4. Sweet Nothing / 5. Erratically, Operatically / 6. Nother Interlude Part 3 / 7. Hands Tight / 8. In Your Hurry / 9. Stark + Tender = Raw / 10. There's More Than One Way To Slow Down / 11. Nother Interlude Part 4 / 12. Part of Your World / 13. The Wind-up / 14. The Oddest Thing Of All / 15. Nother Day In Space / 16. Nother Outro In Space
[Disc 1]
1. Nother Intro / 2. See For Yourself / 3. Elaborate Theory / 4. Think Loud / 5. Sneakpeakattack / 6. Barely, Oddly / 7. Nother Interlude Part 1 / 8. Everything Fell Into Place / 9. Relentless Pursuit / 10. Flame / 11. By Way Of Nother / 12. Nother Interlude Part 2 / 13. Far From Over / 14. Nother Kind Of Silence / 15. Nother Outro

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