There’s a limit to your love Like a waterfall in slow motion Like a map with no ocean There’s a limit to your love Your love, your love, your love
There’s a limit to you care So carelessly there, is it truth or dare There’s a limit to your care There’s a limit to your love Like a waterfall in slow motion Like a map with no ocean There’s a limit to your love Your love, your love, your love
There’s a limit to you care So carelessly there, is it truth or dare There’s a limit to your care
Give me my month as a lucky one Let me see where she is going Oh let me see where she has gone Let me see where she has gone
Help me back south with my changing love Ever told her where the fear comes from I never told her where the fear comes from I never told her where the fear comes from
Halfway through the night she won't have come Or seen where I have been in the time We were undone In the time we were undone In the time we were undone
There’s a limit to your love Like a waterfall in slow motion Like a map with no ocean There’s a limit to your love Your love, your love, your love
There’s a limit to you care So carelessly there, is it truth or dare There’s a limit to your care There’s a limit to your love Like a waterfall in slow motion Like a map with no ocean There’s a limit to your love Your love, your love, your love
There’s a limit to you care So carelessly there, is it truth or dare There’s a limit to your care
Please fall down Testing sounds for the death of the forest cold Trees in clouds testing doubt trying not to be too old Please you're pride, telling lies, that you're not on your own Watching them, faith in prayers, will make you see your bones
Please fall down Testing sounds for the sound of the death and the sound of the forest cold Trees in clouds testing doubt trying not to be too old Please your pride, telling lies that you're not on your own Watching them, faith in prayers, will make you see your bones
Please fall down testing sounds for the death and the fall of the forest cold Trees in clouds testing doubts trying not to be too old Please your pride, telling lies that you're not own your own
Watching them, faith in prayers, won;t make you see your bones
Please fall down testing sounds, for the death and the forest cold Trees in clouds testing doubts trying not to be too old Please your pride, telling lies that you're on your own Watching them, faith in prayers will make you see your bones
Now no more to watch two go They don't know (They don't know) Well I wish I could have known I wish I could have known how easy it was to care like you protest too much? was to care like you protest too much?
Now no more to watch two go They don't know And I wish I could have known How easy it
How full on to watch you grow Never alone I can cope
How forlorn to watch you go How full on to watch you grow How forlorn to watch you go How full on to watch you grow How forlorn to watch you go
Was to care like you protest too much? Was to care like you protest too much?
Now no more to watch two go They don't know And I wish I could have known
How forlorn to watch you go They don't know And I wish I could have known
몇 개 보지도 않았지만 가장 흥미도 면에서 떨어졌던 걸 고르라면 이적이었다. 물론 다른 관객들은 엄청 좋아하고 재미있어했지만 난 그냥 좀 지루했다. 명색이 락페인데 유재석이랑 같이 한 노래를 들어야 하는 이유도 모르겠고 다행이다, 달팽이, 같이 걸을까, 왼손잡이 등의 히트곡 메들리도 너무 뻔했다. 하지만 외국인 관객은 거의 없는 상태에서 다들 방방 뛰고 즐거워하는 모습을 보고 있노라니 뭐 이렇게 한바탕 놀자 목적으로 오는 사람들에게는 최고의 무대이지.....
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2011-12-23 15:55:16
James Blake - James Blake [2CD][Repackage] - 제임스 블레이크 (James Blake) 노래/유니버설(Universal) 이 사람 음악을 어떻게 해서 알게 됐냐면... 음... J 선물 준비하다가 누가 추천해준건데 음... 그 사람이 보면 내 정체를 알게 될지도 몰라서 자세히는 못 쓰겠군. 여튼 정말 음악 좋다고 말해줬더니 아이튠즈에서나 mp3 다운받아 들을 수 있다며, 국내에선 발매가 안됐다고 들었었다. 근데 알라.....