Eberhard Buchner

Eberhard Buchner    



J.S. Bach: Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248 - Part Two - For the second Day of Christmas - No. 15 Aria (Tenor): "Frohe Hirten, eilt, ach eilet"   Eberhard Buchner, Peter Schreier, Staatskapelle Dresden
from J.S. Bach : The Great Choral Masterpieces (2013)
J.S. Bach: Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248 - Part Four - For New Year's Day - No. 41 Aria (Tenor): "Ich will nur dir zu Ehren leben"   Eberhard Buchner, Peter Schreier, Staatskapelle Dresden
from J.S. Bach : The Great Choral Masterpieces (2013)
J.S. Bach: Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248 - Part Five - For the 1st Sunday in the New Year - No. 51 Terzetto (Soprano, Alto, Tenor): "Ach, wann wird die Zeit erscheinen?"   Eberhard Buchner, Helen Donath, Marjana Lipovsek, Peter Schreier
from J.S. Bach : The Great Choral Masterpieces (2013)
J.S. Bach: Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248 - Part Six - For the Feast of Epiphany - No. 62 Aria (Tenor): "Nun mögt ihr stolzen Feinde schrecken"   Eberhard Buchner, Peter Schreier, Staatskapelle Dresden
from J.S. Bach : The Great Choral Masterpieces (2013)
J.S. Bach: Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248 - Part Six - For the Feast of Epiphany - No. 63 Rezitativ (Sopran, Alt, Tenor, Baß): "Was will der Hölle Schrecken nun?"   Eberhard Buchner, Helen Donath, Marjana Lipovsek, Peter Schreier
from J.S. Bach : The Great Choral Masterpieces (2013)
J.S. Bach: St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 / Part One - No. 19 Recitative (Tenor, Chorus II): "O Schmerz! hier zittert das gequälte Herz"   Eberhard Buchner, Peter Schreier, Rundfunkchor Leipzig, Staatskapelle Dresden
from J.S. Bach : The Great Choral Masterpieces (2013)
J.S. Bach: St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 / Part One - No. 20 Aria (Tenor, Chorus II): "Ich will bei meinem Jesu wachen"   Eberhard Buchner, Peter Schreier, Rundfunkchor Leipzig, Staatskapelle Dresden
from J.S. Bach : The Great Choral Masterpieces (2013)
J.S. Bach: St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 / Part Two - No. 34 Recitative (Tenor): "Mein Jesus schweigt zu falschen Lügen stille"   Eberhard Buchner, Peter Schreier, Staatskapelle Dresden
from J.S. Bach : The Great Choral Masterpieces (2013)
J.S. Bach: St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 / Part Two - No. 35 Aria (Tenor): "Geduld"   Eberhard Buchner, Peter Schreier, Staatskapelle Dresden
from J.S. Bach : The Great Choral Masterpieces (2013)
J.S. Bach: St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 / Part Two - No.67 Recitative (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, Chorus II): "Nun ist der Herr zur Ruh gebracht"   Eberhard Buchner, Lucia Popp, Marjana Lipovsek, Peter Schreier
from J.S. Bach : The Great Choral Masterpieces (2013)

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