Chorus of the Royal Opera House

Chorus of the Royal Opera House    

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Verdi : Aida - Preludio (베르디 : 아이다 - 전주곡)   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Verdi : Aida Act.I Scene I. - Alta Cagion V'aduna (베르디 : 아이다 1막 1장 - 용사들, 여기 오라 함은)   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Verdi : Aida Act.I Scene I. - Celeste Aida (베르디 : 아이다 1막 1장 - 정결한 아이다)   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Verdi : Aida Act.I Scene I. - Quale Insolita Gioia Nel Tuo Sguardo (베르디 : 아이다 1막 1장 - 무슨 기쁜 일이 있었습니까?)   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Verdi : Aida Act.I Scene I. - Ritorna Vincitor (베르디 : 아이다 1막 1장 - 이기고 돌아오라)   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Verdi : Aida Act.I Scene I. - Se Quel Guerrier Io Fossi (베르디 : 아이다 1막 1장 - 내가 그 용사로서!)   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Verdi : Aida Act.I Scene I. - Si Corre Voce Che L'etiope Ardisca (베르디 : 아이다 1막 1장 - 또 에티오피아 군대가 쳐들어 온다 하오)   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Verdi : Aida Act.I Scene I. - Su! Del Nilo Al Sacro Lido (베르디 : 아이다 1막 1장 - 나가자! 우리 용사도 닐로 강가로)   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Verdi : Aida Act.I Scene I. - Vieni, O Diletta, Appressati (베르디 : 아이다 1막 1장 - 자 나의 곁으로 오너라)   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Verdi : Aida Act.I Scene II. - Immenso Phtha!...Mortal, Diletto Ai Numi (베르디 : 아이다 1막 2장 - 수호신들에게 기쁨을)   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Verdi : Aida Act.I Scene II. - Nume, Custode E Vindice (베르디 : 아이다 1막 2장 - 이 나라를 지켜 주는 우리의 신이시여)   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Verdi : Aida Act.I Scene II. - Possente Phtaha... Tu Che Dal Nulla Hai Tratto (베르디 : 아이다 1막 2장 - 전능하신 푸타... 이 세상 만물을 창조하신 자여)   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Verdi : Aida Act.II Scene I. - Chi Mai Fra Gl'inni E I Plausi (베르디 : 아이다 2막 1장 - 당신의 영광 위해 노래를 부르자)   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Verdi : Aida Act.II Scene I. - Dance Of The Young Moorish Slaves (베르디 : 아이다 2막 1장 - 무어 노예의 춤)   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Verdi : Aida Act.II Scene I. - Fu La Sorte Dell'armi A'tuoi Funesta (베르디 : 아이다 2막 1장 - 여기 와 앉으라)   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Verdi : Aida Act.II Scene I. - Pieta Ti Prenda Del Mio Dolor (베르디 : 아이다 2막 1장 - 아! 나를 동정하여 주시오)   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Verdi : Aida Act.II Scene I. - Su! Del Del Nilo A Sacro Lido... Numi, Pieta (베르디 : 아이다 2막 1장 - 신성한 나일 강가로)   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Verdi : Aida Act.II Scene I. - Vieni, Sul, Crin Ti Piovano (베르디 : 아이다 2막 1장 - 그대 머리 위에는)   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Verdi : Aida Act.II Scene II. - Ballet (베르디 : 아이다 2막 2장 - 발레)   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Verdi : Aida Act.II Scene II. - Che Veggo!...Egli?...Mio Padre! (베르디 : 아이다 2막 2장 - 하늘이여, 나의 아버지)   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Verdi : Aida Act.II Scene II. - Gloria All'Egitto, Ad Iside (베르디 : 아이다 2막 2장 - 이집트에 영광을, 이시스 여신에게 영광을)   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Verdi : Aida Act.II Scene II. - Il Dolor Che In Quel Volto Favella...Ma Tu, O Re, Tu Signore Possente   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Verdi : Aida Act.II Scene II. - O Re Pei Sacri Numi Gloria All'Egitto... (베르디 : 아이다 2막 2장 - 오 우리의 왕이시여 이집트에 영광을)   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Verdi : Aida Act.II Scene II. - Salvator Della Patria (베르디 : 아이다 2막 2장 - 우리 용사들을 나 환영하노라)   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Verdi : Aida Act.II Scene II. - Triumphal March (베르디 : 아이다 2막 2장 - 개선 행진곡)   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Verdi : Aida Act.II Scene II. - Vieni O Guerriero Vindice (베르디 : 아이다 2막 2장 - 오라, 승리자들이여 - 개선행진곡)   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Verdi : Aida Act.III - Ciel! Mio Padre! (베르디 : 아이다 3막 - 오! 아버지)   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Verdi : Aida Act.III - Fuggiam Gli Ardori Inospiti... La, Tra Foreste Vergini (베르디 : 아이다 3막 - 이 벌거벗고 뜨거운 사막에서 벗어나자)   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Verdi : Aida Act.III - Ma Dimmi. Per Qual Via (베르디 : 아이다 3막 - 그러나 군인 없는 안전한 길은 어느 쪽이오)   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Verdi : Aida Act.III - Nel Fiero Anelito Di Nuova Guerra (베르디 : 아이다 3막 - 너의 군사들이 앙심을 품고)   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Verdi : Aida Act.III - O Patria Mia (베르디 : 아이다 3막 - 오, 나의 고향)   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Verdi : Aida Act.III - O Tu Che Sei D'Osiride (베르디 : 아이다 3막 - 오시리데 성전에서)   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Verdi : Aida Act.III - Pur Ti Riveggo, Mia Dolce Aida (베르디 : 아이다 3막 - 사랑하는 나의 아이다)   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Verdi : Aida Act.III - Qui Radames Verra! (베르디 : 아이다 3막 - 라마데스가 오리라!)   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Verdi : Aida Act.III - Rivedrai Le Foreste Imbalsamate (베르디 : 아이다 3막 - 아름다운 조국의 푸른 산천)   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Verdi : Aida Act.III - Vieni D'Iside Al Tempio (베르디 : 아이다 3막 - 이시데 성전에서)   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Verdi : Aida Act.IV Scene I. - A Liu Vivo, La Tomba!...Sacerdoti. Compiste Un Delitto!   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Verdi : Aida Act.IV Scene I. - Gia I Sacerdoti Adunansi (베르디 : 아이다 4막 1장 - 사제들이 모여드오)   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Verdi : Aida Act.IV Scene I. - L'abborrita Rivale A Me Sfuggia (베르디 : 아이다 4막 1장 - 어디로 도망갔을까)   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Verdi : Aida Act.IV Scene I. - Ohime! Morir Mi Sento! (베르디 : 아이다 4막 1장 - 때는 이미 늦었으나, 아, 실릴 길은)   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Verdi : Aida Act.IV Scene I. - Spirto Del Nume   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Verdi : Aida Act.IV Scene II. - Immenso Phtha   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Verdi : Aida Act.IV Scene II. - La Fatal Pietra Sovra Me Si Chiuse (베르디 : 아이다 4막 2장 - 무거운 돌문으로 막힌 이 무덤)   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Verdi : Aida Act.IV Scene II. - O Terra, Addio (베르디 : 아이다 4막 2장 - 지상이여, 안녕히)   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Giulietta Simonato, Kurt Baum, Maria Callas
from Verdi : Aida (베르디 : 아이다) (2020)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 1 'Chi Voi Siate'   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Gwynne Howell
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 1 'Di'tu Se Fedele'   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Gwynne Howell
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 1 'E Scherzo Od è Follia'   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Gwynne Howell
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 1 'Finisci Il Vaticinio'   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Gwynne Howell
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 1 'Posa In Pace'   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Gwynne Howell
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 1 'S'avanza Il Conte - La Rivedrà Nell'estasi'   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Gwynne Howell
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 1 'Su, Fatemi Largo'   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Jonathan Summers
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 1 'Su, Profetessa'   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Gwynne Howell
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 1 Signori: 'Oggi D'ulrica'   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Gwynne Howell
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 2 'Seguitemi'   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Gwynne Howell
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 2 'Ve', Se Di Notte'   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Gwynne Howell
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 3 'Ah! Dessa è Là'   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Gwynne Howell
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 3 'Ah! Perché Qui! Fuggite'   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Ingvar Wixell
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 3 'Ella è Pura'   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Gwynne Howell
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 3 'Saper Vorreste'   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Ingvar Wixell
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 1 'Alla Vita Che T'arride'   Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Ingvar Wixell, José Carreras
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 1 'Che V'agita Cosi?'   Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, José Carreras, Montserrat Caballe
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 1 'Il Cenno Mio'   Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Ingvar Wixell, José Carreras
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 1 'Volta La Terrea'   Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, José Carreras, Robin Leggate
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 1 'Zitti...l'incanto Non Dèssi Turbare'   Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, José Carreras, Patricia Payne 외
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 2 'Ahimè. S'appressa Alcun'   Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Ingvar Wixell, José Carreras
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 2 'Ecco L'orrido Campo'   Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Montserrat Caballe, Sir Colin Davis
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 2 'M'ami, M'ami'   Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, José Carreras, Montserrat Caballe
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 2 'Ma Dall'arido Stelo Divulsa'   Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Montserrat Caballe, Sir Colin Davis
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 2 'Teco Io Sto'   Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, José Carreras, Montserrat Caballe
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 2 Preludio   Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Sir Colin Davis
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 3 'A Tal Colpa'   Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Ingvar Wixell, Montserrat Caballe
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 3 'Alzati; Là Tuo Figlio'   Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Ingvar Wixell, Sir Colin Davis
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 3 'Eri Tu Che Macchiavi Quell'anima'   Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Ingvar Wixell, Sir Colin Davis
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 3 'Forse La Soglia Attinse'   Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, José Carreras, Sir Colin Davis
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 3 'Il Messaggio Entri'   Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Gwynne Howell, Ingvar Wixell
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 3 'Ma Se M'è Forza Perderti'   Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, José Carreras, Sir Colin Davis
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 3 'Morrò, Ma Prima In Grazia'   Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Montserrat Caballe, Sir Colin Davis
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 3 'Siam Soli. Udite'   Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Gwynne Howell, Ingvar Wixell
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera Overture   Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Sir Colin Davis
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Rigoletto / Act 1 'Gualtier Maldè' - 'Caro Nome'   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Francesco Molinari-Pradelli
from Roberto Alagna, Juan Diego Florez - Opera 2012 (2012)
Mozart: Così fan tutte / Act 1 - "Bella vita militar!" - "Non v'è più tempo"   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Gabriel Bacquier, Georg Solti
from Georg Solti - Solti - Mozart - The Operas (2012)
Mozart: Così fan tutte / Act 2 - "Fate presto, o cari amici"   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Gabriel Bacquier, Georg Solti
from Georg Solti - Solti - Mozart - The Operas (2012)
Mozart: Così fan tutte / Act 2 - "Miei signori, tutto è fatto"   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Gabriel Bacquier, Georg Solti
from Georg Solti - Solti - Mozart - The Operas (2012)
Mozart: Così fan tutte / Act 2 - "Secondate, aurette amiche" - "Il tutto deponete"   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Gabriel Bacquier, Georg Solti
from Georg Solti - Solti - Mozart - The Operas (2012)
Mozart: Così fan tutte / Act 2 - Benedetti i doppi coniugi..E nel tuo, nel mio bicchiero   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Georg Solti, Jeffrey Tate
from Georg Solti - Solti - Mozart - The Operas (2012)
La Fille Du Régiment / Act 1 'Ah Mes Amis - Pour Mon âme'   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Eric Garrett, Luciano Pavarotti
from Luciano Pavarotti - 101 Pavarotti (2011)
Artaxerxes / Act 3 The Soldier Tir'd of War's Alarms   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Francesco Molinari-Pradelli, Harry Dilley
from Joan Sutherland - The Art Of The Prima Donna (2011)
Rigoletto / Act 1 'Gualtier Maldè' - 'Caro Nome'   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Francesco Molinari-Pradelli, Joan Sutherland
from Joan Sutherland - The Art Of The Prima Donna (2011)
Samson Hwv 57 / Act 3 Let The Bright Seraphim   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Francesco Molinari-Pradelli, Harry Dilley
from Joan Sutherland - The Art Of The Prima Donna (2011)
Semiramide / Act 1 Bel Raggio Lusinghier   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Francesco Molinari-Pradelli, Joan Sutherland
from Joan Sutherland - The Art Of The Prima Donna (2011)
Verdi: Don Carlo - 1886 Modena version / Act 2 - "Nei giardin del bello"   Bernard Haitink, Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Elizabeth Norberg-Schulz
from Olga Borodina - Olga Borodina / Portrait (2006)

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