Electric Planet Five

Electric Planet Five    일레트릭 플래닛 파이브 / 본명:이지선
2010s -


[Disc 1]
1. 선인장 / 2. Flower  featuring JY Lee, Inseop Song / 3. 숲 / 4. Practice 6. / 5. 일상 / 6. 3'O Clock / 7. Espresso / 8. 고양이의 움직임 / 9. Rain  featuring Inseop Song / 10. Your Favorite / 11. Flower (Solo Piano)
[Disc 1]
1. 겨울 밤 (Solo Piano) / 2. Swan / 3. Tobi / 4. 피아노를 위한 밤 / 5. Practice 3. / 6. Summer / 7. Promenade / 8. Chocolate & Elderflower / 9. Blue Bird / 10. Friends (Solo Piano) / 11. Yellow (Solo Piano) / 12. After Winter (Solo Piano) / 13. Ho! (Feat. 조예진 of Lucite Tokki)  featuring 조예진 of Lucite Tokki / 14. Yellow (Remastered) / 15. Friends / 16. 9월의 밤 / 17. A ,B / 18. Into the Sun (Feat. 조예진 of Lucite Tokki)  featuring 조예진 of Lucite Tokki / 19. Five / 20. Solar / 21. Digital 7 / 22. Time Lapse / 23. Toyland / 24. After Winter (Remastered) (Feat. Inseop Song)  featuring Inseop Song / 25. BBEAT 2335 (Feat. Lucite Tokki)  featuring Lucite Tokki
[Disc 1]
1. 겨울 밤 (Solo Piano) / 2. Swan / 3. Tobi / 4. 피아노를 위한 밤 / 5. Practice 3. / 6. Summer / 7. Promenade / 8. Chocolate & Elderflower / 9. Blue Bird / 10. Friends (Solo Piano) / 11. Yellow (Solo Piano) / 12. After Winter (Solo Piano) / 13. Ho!  featuring 조예진 Of Lucite Tokki / 14. Yellow (Remastered) / 15. Friends / 16. 9월의 밤 / 17. A ,B / 18. Into The Sun  featuring 조예진 Of Lucite Tokki / 19. Five / 20. Solar / 21. Digital 7 / 22. Time Lapse / 23. Toyland / 24. After Winter (Remastered)  featuring Inseop Song / 25. Bbeat 2335  featuring Lucite Tokki

Trackback :: http://d2.maniadb.com/trackback/P407660


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