고희안 트리오

고희안 트리오    Koheean Trio
uploaded by matia
uploaded by matia
2010s -


[Disc 1]
1. Snap / 2. Waltz for Carlos / 3. Clean up / 4. In the Middle of Raindrop / 5. Highway / 6. Nigeria / 7. Pit a Pat / 8. Small Village / 9. Habana / 10. No Denying
[Disc 1]
1. Western Grip / 2. Dancing without Moving / 3. Short Cut / 4. Pure / 5. Announcement / 6. An Eccentric Person / 7. Do You Have a Boyfreind? / 8. Red Sky / 9. Thrill / 10. The Cure
[Disc 1]
1. A Land of Blue Sky / 2. Bini / 3. 푸른약국 / 4. Early Bird / 5. After Work / 6. Peanut House / 7. Tomboy / 8. Cobalt Blues / 9. Hay Babe
[Disc 1]
1. How About You / 2. Someday My Prince Will Come / 3. Delfeayo’s Dilemma / 4. It Could Happen To You / 5. I Fall In Love Too Easily / 6. Stella By Starlight / 7. All The Things You Are / 8. Oleo
[Disc 1]
1. But Not For Me / 2. Wave / 3. Big Butter & Egg Man / 4. All Of Me / 5. When You Wish Upon A Star / 6. Maria Cervantes / 7. More Than You Know / 8. Bourbon Street Parade / 9. If I Should Lose You / 10. It's Alright With Me / 11. I Love You Porgy / 12. Billies' Bounce

Trackback :: http://d2.maniadb.com/trackback/P421961


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