Jacques Chambon

Jacques Chambon    



Fasch : Sonata For Flute, Oboe And Basso Continuo In D Minor FaWV N/d2 - IV. Allegro (페슈 : 플루트, 오보에와 통주저음을 위한 소나타 라단조 - 4악장)   Anne-Marie Beckensteiner, Bernard Fonteny, Jacques Chambon, Maxence Larrieu
from Maxence Larrieu - L`art De Maxence Larrieu (2016)
Quantz : Sonata For Flute, Oboe And Basso Continuo In G Major QV.2/33 - I. Andante (크반츠 : 플루트, 오보에와 통주저음을 위한 소나타 사장조 - 1악장)   Anne-Marie Beckensteiner, Bernard Fonteny, Jacques Chambon, Maxence Larrieu
from Maxence Larrieu - L`art De Maxence Larrieu (2016)
Quantz : Sonata For Flute, Oboe And Basso Continuo In G Major QV.2/33 - II. Allegro (크반츠 : 플루트, 오보에와 통주저음을 위한 소나타 사장조 - 2악장)   Anne-Marie Beckensteiner, Bernard Fonteny, Jacques Chambon, Maxence Larrieu
from Maxence Larrieu - L`art De Maxence Larrieu (2016)
Quantz : Sonata For Flute, Oboe And Basso Continuo In G Major QV.2/33 - III. Un Poco Largo (크반츠 : 플루트, 오보에와 통주저음을 위한 소나타 사장조 - 3악장)   Anne-Marie Beckensteiner, Bernard Fonteny, Jacques Chambon, Maxence Larrieu
from Maxence Larrieu - L`art De Maxence Larrieu (2016)
Quantz : Sonata For Flute, Oboe And Basso Continuo In G Major QV.2/33 - IV. Vivace (크반츠 : 플루트, 오보에와 통주저음을 위한 소나타 사장조 - 4악장)   Anne-Marie Beckensteiner, Bernard Fonteny, Jacques Chambon, Maxence Larrieu
from Maxence Larrieu - L`art De Maxence Larrieu (2016)
W.F. Bach : Sonata For Flute, Oboe And Basso Continuo In D Major Fk.48 - I. Andante (윌헬름 프리드만 바흐 : 플루트, 오보에와 통주저음을 위한 소나타 라장조 - 1악장)   Anne-Marie Beckensteiner, Bernard Fonteny, Jacques Chambon, Maxence Larrieu
from Maxence Larrieu - L`art De Maxence Larrieu (2016)
W.F. Bach : Sonata For Flute, Oboe And Basso Continuo In D Major Fk.48 - II. Allegro (윌헬름 프리드만 바흐 : 플루트, 오보에와 통주저음을 위한 소나타 라장조 - 2악장)   Anne-Marie Beckensteiner, Bernard Fonteny, Jacques Chambon, Maxence Larrieu
from Maxence Larrieu - L`art De Maxence Larrieu (2016)
W.F. Bach : Sonata For Flute, Oboe And Basso Continuo In D Major Fk.48 - III. Vivace (윌헬름 프리드만 바흐 : 플루트, 오보에와 통주저음을 위한 소나타 라장조 - 3악장)   Anne-Marie Beckensteiner, Bernard Fonteny, Jacques Chambon, Maxence Larrieu
from Maxence Larrieu - L`art De Maxence Larrieu (2016)
Fasch : Sonata For Flute, Oboe And Basso Continuo In D Minor FaWV N/d2 - I. Andante (페슈 : 플루트, 오보에와 통주저음을 위한 소나타 라단조 - 1악장)   Anne-Marie Beckensteiner, Bernard Fonteny, Jacques Chambon, Maxence Larrieu
from Maxence Larrieu - L`art De Maxence Larrieu (2016)
Fasch : Sonata For Flute, Oboe And Basso Continuo In D Minor FaWV N/d2 - II. Allegro (페슈 : 플루트, 오보에와 통주저음을 위한 소나타 라단조 - 2악장)   Anne-Marie Beckensteiner, Bernard Fonteny, Jacques Chambon, Maxence Larrieu
from Maxence Larrieu - L`art De Maxence Larrieu (2016)
Fasch : Sonata For Flute, Oboe And Basso Continuo In D Minor FaWV N/d2 - III. Cantabile (페슈 : 플루트, 오보에와 통주저음을 위한 소나타 라단조 - 3악장)   Anne-Marie Beckensteiner, Bernard Fonteny, Jacques Chambon, Maxence Larrieu
from Maxence Larrieu - L`art De Maxence Larrieu (2016)
C.P.E. Bach : Trio Sonata For Flute, Violin And Continuo In B Minor Wq.143 - III. Presto (카를 필리프 에마누엘 바흐 : 플루트, 바이올린과 통주저음을 위한 3중주 소나타 나단조 - 3악장)   Anne-Marie Beckensteiner, Bernard Fonteny, Jacques Chambon, Maxence Larrieu
from Maxence Larrieu - L`art De Maxence Larrieu (2016)
Stamitz : Trio For Flute, Oboe And Cello No.1 In G Major Op.14 - I. Allegro Moderato (슈타미츠 : 플루트, 오보에와 첼로를 위한 3중주 1번 사장조 작품번호 14 - 1악장)   Anne-Marie Beckensteiner, Bernard Fonteny, Jacques Chambon, Maxence Larrieu
from Maxence Larrieu - L`art De Maxence Larrieu (2016)
Stamitz : Trio For Flute, Oboe And Cello No.1 In G Major Op.14 - II. Andante (슈타미츠 : 플루트, 오보에와 첼로를 위한 3중주 1번 사장조 작품번호 14 - 2악장)   Anne-Marie Beckensteiner, Bernard Fonteny, Jacques Chambon, Maxence Larrieu
from Maxence Larrieu - L`art De Maxence Larrieu (2016)
Stamitz : Trio For Flute, Oboe And Cello No.1 In G Major Op.14 - III. Rondo (슈타미츠 : 플루트, 오보에와 첼로를 위한 3중주 1번 사장조 작품번호 14 - 3악장)   Anne-Marie Beckensteiner, Bernard Fonteny, Jacques Chambon, Maxence Larrieu
from Maxence Larrieu - L`art De Maxence Larrieu (2016)
Hummel : Introduction, Theme And Variations For Oboe And Orchestra Op.102 - Introduction. Adagio   Jacques Chambon, Jean-François Paillard, Orchestre De Chambre Jean-Francois Paillard
from Hummel : Concerto pour mandoline, Introduction et variations pour hautbois et orchestre & Rondo de societe (1982)
Hummel : Introduction, Theme And Variations For Oboe And Orchestra Op.102 - Theme. Allegretto   Jacques Chambon, Jean-François Paillard, Orchestre De Chambre Jean-Francois Paillard
from Hummel : Concerto pour mandoline, Introduction et variations pour hautbois et orchestre & Rondo de societe (1982)
Hummel : Introduction, Theme And Variations For Oboe And Orchestra Op.102 - Var.I   Jacques Chambon, Jean-François Paillard, Orchestre De Chambre Jean-Francois Paillard
from Hummel : Concerto pour mandoline, Introduction et variations pour hautbois et orchestre & Rondo de societe (1982)
Hummel : Introduction, Theme And Variations For Oboe And Orchestra Op.102 - Var.II   Jacques Chambon, Jean-François Paillard, Orchestre De Chambre Jean-Francois Paillard
from Hummel : Concerto pour mandoline, Introduction et variations pour hautbois et orchestre & Rondo de societe (1982)
Hummel : Introduction, Theme And Variations For Oboe And Orchestra Op.102 - Var.III   Jacques Chambon, Jean-François Paillard, Orchestre De Chambre Jean-Francois Paillard
from Hummel : Concerto pour mandoline, Introduction et variations pour hautbois et orchestre & Rondo de societe (1982)

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