Nederlands Kamerkoor

Nederlands Kamerkoor    
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1930s -
0000년 / 네덜란드



The Lamentation of the Israelites for the Death of Joseph:The Sons of Israel Do Mourn (Chorus)   Le Concert Lorrain, Nederlands Kamerkoor
from Le Concert Lorrain, Nederlands Kamerkoor - Handel:Israel in Egypt (2015)
The Lamentation of the Israelites for the Death of Joseph:How Is the Mighty Fall`n (Chorus)   Le Concert Lorrain, Nederlands Kamerkoor
from Le Concert Lorrain, Nederlands Kamerkoor - Handel:Israel in Egypt (2015)
The Lamentation of the Israelites for the Death of Joseph:The Righteous Shall Be Had (Quartet/Chorus)   Le Concert Lorrain, Nederlands Kamerkoor
from Le Concert Lorrain, Nederlands Kamerkoor - Handel:Israel in Egypt (2015)
The Lamentation of the Israelites for the Death of Joseph:Their Bodies Are Buried in Peace (Chorus)   Le Concert Lorrain, Nederlands Kamerkoor
from Le Concert Lorrain, Nederlands Kamerkoor - Handel:Israel in Egypt (2015)
The Lamentation of the Israelites for the Death of Joseph:The People Will Tell of Their Wisdom (Chorus)   Le Concert Lorrain, Nederlands Kamerkoor
from Le Concert Lorrain, Nederlands Kamerkoor - Handel:Israel in Egypt (2015)
The Lamentation of the Israelites for the Death of Joseph:The Merciful Goodness of the Lord (Chorus)   Le Concert Lorrain, Nederlands Kamerkoor
from Le Concert Lorrain, Nederlands Kamerkoor - Handel:Israel in Egypt (2015)
Exodus:And the Children of Israel Sigh`d (Solo/Chorus)   David Allsopp, Le Concert Lorrain, Nederlands Kamerkoor
from Le Concert Lorrain, Nederlands Kamerkoor - Handel:Israel in Egypt (2015)
Exodus:They Loathed to Drink of the River (Chorus)   Le Concert Lorrain, Nederlands Kamerkoor
from Le Concert Lorrain, Nederlands Kamerkoor - Handel:Israel in Egypt (2015)
Exodus:He Spake the Word (Chorus)   Le Concert Lorrain, Nederlands Kamerkoor
from Le Concert Lorrain, Nederlands Kamerkoor - Handel:Israel in Egypt (2015)
Exodus:He Gave Them Hailstones for Rain (Chorus)   Le Concert Lorrain, Nederlands Kamerkoor
from Le Concert Lorrain, Nederlands Kamerkoor - Handel:Israel in Egypt (2015)
Exodus:He Sent a Thick Darkness over All the Land (Chorus)   Le Concert Lorrain, Nederlands Kamerkoor
from Le Concert Lorrain, Nederlands Kamerkoor - Handel:Israel in Egypt (2015)
Exodus:He Smote All the Firstborn of Egypt (Chorus)   Le Concert Lorrain, Nederlands Kamerkoor
from Le Concert Lorrain, Nederlands Kamerkoor - Handel:Israel in Egypt (2015)
Exodus:But As for His People (Chorus)   Le Concert Lorrain, Nederlands Kamerkoor
from Le Concert Lorrain, Nederlands Kamerkoor - Handel:Israel in Egypt (2015)
Exodus:Egypt Was Glad When They Departed (Chorus)   Le Concert Lorrain, Nederlands Kamerkoor
from Le Concert Lorrain, Nederlands Kamerkoor - Handel:Israel in Egypt (2015)
Exodus:He Rebuked the Red Sea (Chorus)   Le Concert Lorrain, Nederlands Kamerkoor
from Le Concert Lorrain, Nederlands Kamerkoor - Handel:Israel in Egypt (2015)
Exodus:And Israel Saw That Great Work (Chorus)   Le Concert Lorrain, Nederlands Kamerkoor
from Le Concert Lorrain, Nederlands Kamerkoor - Handel:Israel in Egypt (2015)
Moses` Song:Moses and the Children of Israel (Introitus)   Le Concert Lorrain, Nederlands Kamerkoor
from Le Concert Lorrain, Nederlands Kamerkoor - Handel:Israel in Egypt (2015)
Moses` Song:He Is My God (Chorus)   Le Concert Lorrain, Nederlands Kamerkoor
from Le Concert Lorrain, Nederlands Kamerkoor - Handel:Israel in Egypt (2015)
Moses` Song:The Depths Have Cover`d Them (Chorus)   Le Concert Lorrain, Nederlands Kamerkoor
from Le Concert Lorrain, Nederlands Kamerkoor - Handel:Israel in Egypt (2015)
Moses` Song:Thy Right Hand, O Lord (Chorus)   Le Concert Lorrain, Nederlands Kamerkoor
from Le Concert Lorrain, Nederlands Kamerkoor - Handel:Israel in Egypt (2015)

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