Cologne West German Radio Chorus

Cologne West German Radio Chorus    
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Lortzing: Undine - Act IV: Finale: Hort Nur, Wie Es Unten Kocht Und Braust (Veit, Hans, Hugo, Chorus, Bertalda)   Andreas Schmidt, Christine Hampe, Cologne West German Radio Chorus, Cologne West German Radio Orchestra
from Lortzing, A.: Undine (Opera) (Krause) (2005)
Lortzing: Undine - Act II: Was Ich Sagte, Bleibet Wahr (Kuhleborn, Chorus, Undine, Marthe, Tobias, Bertalda, Hugo, Bote)   Andreas Schmidt, Christine Hampe, Cologne West German Radio Chorus, Cologne West German Radio Orchestra
from Lortzing, A.: Undine (Opera) (Krause) (2005)
Lortzing: Undine - Act III: Chorus And Ensemble: Auf, Ihr Zecher (Chorus, Veit)   Andreas Schmidt, Christine Hampe, Cologne West German Radio Chorus, Cologne West German Radio Orchestra
from Lortzing, A.: Undine (Opera) (Krause) (2005)
Lortzing: Undine - Act III: Dialogue: Nun Sagt Mir Doch Endlich, Was Euch So Entsetzt Hat (Hans, Veit)   Andreas Schmidt, Christine Hampe, Cologne West German Radio Chorus, Cologne West German Radio Orchestra
from Lortzing, A.: Undine (Opera) (Krause) (2005)
Lortzing: Undine - Act III: Lied: Vater, Mutter, Schestern, Bruder (Veit)   Andreas Schmidt, Christine Hampe, Cologne West German Radio Chorus, Cologne West German Radio Orchestra
from Lortzing, A.: Undine (Opera) (Krause) (2005)
Lortzing: Undine - Act III: Dialogue: Sst! Sst! - Was Gibt`s? (Hans, Veit)   Andreas Schmidt, Christine Hampe, Cologne West German Radio Chorus, Cologne West German Radio Orchestra
from Lortzing, A.: Undine (Opera) (Krause) (2005)
Lortzing: Undine - Act III: Duet And Finale: Ich Lasse Dich Nicht, Nein, Nein (Hugo, Bertalda, Chorus)   Andreas Schmidt, Christine Hampe, Cologne West German Radio Chorus, Cologne West German Radio Orchestra
from Lortzing, A.: Undine (Opera) (Krause) (2005)
Lortzing: Undine - Act III: Was Seh Ich? (Undine, Hugo, Bertalda)   Andreas Schmidt, Christine Hampe, Cologne West German Radio Chorus, Cologne West German Radio Orchestra
from Lortzing, A.: Undine (Opera) (Krause) (2005)
Lortzing: Undine - Act III: Nun Ist`s Vollbracht! (Kuhleborn, Undine, Chorus)   Andreas Schmidt, Christine Hampe, Cologne West German Radio Chorus, Cologne West German Radio Orchestra
from Lortzing, A.: Undine (Opera) (Krause) (2005)
Lortzing: Undine - Act III: O Kehr Zuruck! (Kuhleborn, Chorus, Undine)   Andreas Schmidt, Christine Hampe, Cologne West German Radio Chorus, Cologne West German Radio Orchestra
from Lortzing, A.: Undine (Opera) (Krause) (2005)
Lortzing: Undine - Act IV: Entracte, Recitative And Aria: Hinweg! Hinweg! Dein Drauend Angesicht! (Hugo)   Andreas Schmidt, Christine Hampe, Cologne West German Radio Chorus, Cologne West German Radio Orchestra
from Lortzing, A.: Undine (Opera) (Krause) (2005)
Lortzing: Undine - Act IV: Dialogue: Lasst Mich In Ruh (Veit, Hans)   Andreas Schmidt, Christine Hampe, Cologne West German Radio Chorus, Cologne West German Radio Orchestra
from Lortzing, A.: Undine (Opera) (Krause) (2005)
Lortzing: Undine - Act IV: Lied: Ich War In Meinen Jungen Jahren (Hans, Veit)   Andreas Schmidt, Christine Hampe, Cologne West German Radio Chorus, Cologne West German Radio Orchestra
from Lortzing, A.: Undine (Opera) (Krause) (2005)
Lortzing: Undine - Act IV: Dialogue: Lasst Uns Jetzt Wieder Hineingehen (Hans, Veit)   Andreas Schmidt, Christine Hampe, Cologne West German Radio Chorus, Cologne West German Radio Orchestra
from Lortzing, A.: Undine (Opera) (Krause) (2005)
Lortzing: Undine - Act II: Es Wohnt Am Seegestade (Kuhleborn, Bertalda, Chorus)   Andreas Schmidt, Christine Hampe, Cologne West German Radio Chorus, Cologne West German Radio Orchestra
from Lortzing, A.: Undine (Opera) (Krause) (2005)
Lortzing: Undine - Act IV: Ha! Es Schlagt Mitternacht! (Hugo, Bertalda, Chorus, Kuhleborn, Undine)   Andreas Schmidt, Christine Hampe, Cologne West German Radio Chorus, Cologne West German Radio Orchestra
from Lortzing, A.: Undine (Opera) (Krause) (2005)
Mozart : Missa Longa In C Major K.262 - Kyrie (모차르트 : 긴 미사곡 다장조 - 자비를 베푸소서)   Angelo Pollak, Carolina Ullrich, Christoph Poppen, Cologne Chamber Orchestra
from Mozart : Missa Longa K.262 / Mass No.16, K.317, "Kronungsmesse" (Coronation Mass) (모차르트 : 긴 미사곡 / 대관식 미사곡) (2021)
Mozart : Missa Longa In C Major K.262 - Gloria (모차르트 : 긴 미사곡 다장조 - 대영광송)   Angelo Pollak, Carolina Ullrich, Christoph Poppen, Cologne Chamber Orchestra
from Mozart : Missa Longa K.262 / Mass No.16, K.317, "Kronungsmesse" (Coronation Mass) (모차르트 : 긴 미사곡 / 대관식 미사곡) (2021)
Mozart : Missa Longa In C Major K.262 - Credo (모차르트 : 긴 미사곡 다장조 - 사도신경)   Angelo Pollak, Carolina Ullrich, Christoph Poppen, Cologne Chamber Orchestra
from Mozart : Missa Longa K.262 / Mass No.16, K.317, "Kronungsmesse" (Coronation Mass) (모차르트 : 긴 미사곡 / 대관식 미사곡) (2021)
Mozart : Missa Longa In C Major K.262 - Sanctus (모차르트 : 긴 미사곡 다장조 - 거룩하시도다)   Christoph Poppen, Cologne Chamber Orchestra, Cologne West German Radio Chorus
from Mozart : Missa Longa K.262 / Mass No.16, K.317, "Kronungsmesse" (Coronation Mass) (모차르트 : 긴 미사곡 / 대관식 미사곡) (2021)

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