Julie Angelis Boehler

Julie Angelis Boehler    



`Mendelssohn: Festgesang, Mwv D4, `Gutenberg-Kantate`: No. 2. (Adap. W.H. Cummings As Hark! The Herald Angels Sing)`   J. Reilly Lewis, Julie Angelis Boehler, Scott Tucker, Terry Bingham
from Choral Music - Hymns Of Charles Wesley (Lift Up Your Voice) (Washington Choral Arts Society, J.R. Lewis, Tucker) (2015)
Anonymous: Christ The Lord Is Risen Today (Arr. For Chorus And Organ)   J. Reilly Lewis, Julie Angelis Boehler, Scott Tucker, Terry Bingham
from Choral Music - Hymns Of Charles Wesley (Lift Up Your Voice) (Washington Choral Arts Society, J.R. Lewis, Tucker) (2015)
Zundel: Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (Arr. For Chorus And Organ)   J. Reilly Lewis, Julie Angelis Boehler, Scott Tucker, Terry Bingham
from Choral Music - Hymns Of Charles Wesley (Lift Up Your Voice) (Washington Choral Arts Society, J.R. Lewis, Tucker) (2015)
`Mendelssohn: Festgesang, Mwv D4, `Gutenberg-Kantate`: No. 2. (Adap. W.H. Cummings As Oid Un Son En Alta Esfera (Hark! The Herald Angels Sing))`   J. Reilly Lewis, Julie Angelis Boehler, Scott Tucker, Washington Choral Arts Society
from Choral Music - Hymns By Charles Wesley (Sung In Spanish) (Alza Tu Voz) (Washington Choral Arts Society, J.R. Lewis, Tucker) (2015)
Anonymous: Cristo, Ya Resucito (Christ The Lord Is Risen Today)   J. Reilly Lewis, Julie Angelis Boehler, Scott Tucker, Washington Choral Arts Society
from Choral Music - Hymns By Charles Wesley (Sung In Spanish) (Alza Tu Voz) (Washington Choral Arts Society, J.R. Lewis, Tucker) (2015)
Zundel: Solo Excelso, Amor Divino (Love Divine, All Loves Excelling)   J. Reilly Lewis, Julie Angelis Boehler, Scott Tucker, Washington Choral Arts Society
from Choral Music - Hymns By Charles Wesley (Sung In Spanish) (Alza Tu Voz) (Washington Choral Arts Society, J.R. Lewis, Tucker) (2015)

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