Thomas Hobbs

Thomas Hobbs    
2010s -
0000년 / 영국



Bach : Cantata BWV.80 `Ein Feste Burg Ist Unser Gott` - VI. Recitativo `So Stehe Dann Bei Christi Blutgefarbten Fahne` (바흐 : 칸타타 `내 주는 강한 성이요` - 6번. 레치타티보 `그리스도의 피로 얼룩진 깃발 아래 서라`)   Collegium Vocale Gent, Philippe Herreweghe, Thomas Hobbs
from Philippe Herreweghe, Collegium Vocale Gent - Bach : Sonn Und Schild Cantatas BWV.4, 79 & 80 (2019)
Bach : Cantata BWV.80 `Ein Feste Burg Ist Unser Gott` - VII. Duet `Wie Selig Sind Doch Die, Die Gott Im Munde Tragen` (바흐 : 칸타타 `내 주는 강한 성이요` - 7번. 이중창 `하나님을 입으로 기도하는 자는`)   Alex Potter, Collegium Vocale Gent, Philippe Herreweghe, Thomas Hobbs
from Philippe Herreweghe, Collegium Vocale Gent - Bach : Sonn Und Schild Cantatas BWV.4, 79 & 80 (2019)
Bach : Christ Lag In Todes Banden BWV.4 - IV. Aria Jesus Christus Gottes Sohn (바흐 : 그리스도는 죽음의 포로가 되어 - 4번)   Collegium Vocale Gent, Philippe Herreweghe, Thomas Hobbs
from Philippe Herreweghe, Collegium Vocale Gent - Bach : Sonn Und Schild Cantatas BWV.4, 79 & 80 (2019)
Bach : Christ Lag In Todes Banden BWV.4 - VII. Duetto So Feiern Wir Das Hohe Fest (바흐 : 그리스도는 죽음의 포로가 되어 - 7번)   Collegium Vocale Gent, Dorothee Mields, Philippe Herreweghe, Thomas Hobbs
from Philippe Herreweghe, Collegium Vocale Gent - Bach : Sonn Und Schild Cantatas BWV.4, 79 & 80 (2019)
Bach : Cantate BWV.63 Christen Atzet Diesen Tag - IV. So Kehret Sich Nun Heut Das Bange Leid [Live at Chapelle Royale, Chateau de Versailles]   La Chapelle Harmonique, Thomas Hobbs, Valentin Tournet
from La Chapelle Harmonique, Valentin Tournet - Bach : Magnificat (2019)
Bach : Cantate BWV.63 Christen Atzet Diesen Tag - V. Ruft Und Fleht Den Himmel An [Live at Chapelle Royale, Chateau de Versailles]   La Chapelle Harmonique, Thomas Hobbs, Valentin Tournet
from La Chapelle Harmonique, Valentin Tournet - Bach : Magnificat (2019)
Bach : Magnificat In E Flat Major BWV.243a - VIII. Et Misericordia [Live at Chapelle Royale, Chateau de Versailles]   Eva Zaicik, La Chapelle Harmonique, Thomas Hobbs, Valentin Tournet
from La Chapelle Harmonique, Valentin Tournet - Bach : Magnificat (2019)
Bach : Magnificat In E Flat Major BWV.243a - XI. Deposuit Potentes [Live at Chapelle Royale, Chateau de Versailles]   La Chapelle Harmonique, Thomas Hobbs, Valentin Tournet
from La Chapelle Harmonique, Valentin Tournet - Bach : Magnificat (2019)
Beethoven : Mass In C Major Op.86 - I. Kyrie (베토벤 : 미사 다장조 작품번호 86 - 1번. 자비송)   Frieder Bernius, Hofkapelle Stuttgart, Kammerchor Stuttgart, Margot Oitzinger
from Beethoven : Mass In C Major Op.86; Cherubini : Sciant Gentes (2013)
Beethoven : Mass In C Major Op.86 - II. Gloria (베토벤 : 미사 다장조 작품번호 86 - 2번. 대영광송)   Frieder Bernius, Hofkapelle Stuttgart, Kammerchor Stuttgart, Margot Oitzinger
from Beethoven : Mass In C Major Op.86; Cherubini : Sciant Gentes (2013)
Beethoven : Mass In C Major Op.86 - III. Credo (베토벤 : 미사 다장조 작품번호 86 - 3번. 사도신경)   Frieder Bernius, Hofkapelle Stuttgart, Kammerchor Stuttgart, Margot Oitzinger
from Beethoven : Mass In C Major Op.86; Cherubini : Sciant Gentes (2013)
Beethoven : Mass In C Major Op.86 - IVb. Benedictus (베토벤 : 미사 다장조 작품번호 86 - 4b번. 주에 축복있으라)   Frieder Bernius, Hofkapelle Stuttgart, Kammerchor Stuttgart, Margot Oitzinger
from Beethoven : Mass In C Major Op.86; Cherubini : Sciant Gentes (2013)
Beethoven : Mass In C Major Op.86 - V. Agnus Dei (베토벤 : 미사 다장조 작품번호 86 - 5번. 하나님의 어린양)   Frieder Bernius, Hofkapelle Stuttgart, Kammerchor Stuttgart, Margot Oitzinger
from Beethoven : Mass In C Major Op.86; Cherubini : Sciant Gentes (2013)
Cherubini : Sciant Gentes - I. Sciant Gentes   Frieder Bernius, Hofkapelle Stuttgart, Kammerchor Stuttgart, Maria Keohane
from Beethoven : Mass In C Major Op.86; Cherubini : Sciant Gentes (2013)
Cherubini : Sciant Gentes - III. Commovisti   Frieder Bernius, Hofkapelle Stuttgart, Kammerchor Stuttgart, Margot Oitzinger
from Beethoven : Mass In C Major Op.86; Cherubini : Sciant Gentes (2013)
Handel : Messiah HWV.56 Part.I - III. Ev'ry Valley Shall Be Exalted (헨델 : 메시아 1부 - 3번. 모든 골짜기 높아지리라)   Akademie Fur Alte Musik Berlin, Justin Doyle, Thomas Hobbs
from Handel: Famous Pieces [omnibus] (2023)

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