Lauren Kennedy

Lauren Kennedy    
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1980s -
0000년 / 미국



A Cock-Eyed Optimist   Lauren Kennedy
from South Pacific (2002 Royal National Theatre Cast Recording) by Oscar Hammerstein Ii, Richard Rodgers [single, ost] (2020)
Twin Soliloquies   Lauren Kennedy, Philip Quast
from South Pacific (2002 Royal National Theatre Cast Recording) by Oscar Hammerstein Ii, Richard Rodgers [single, ost] (2020)
I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Outa My Hair   Lauren Kennedy, South Pacific -2002 Royal National Theatre Cast
from South Pacific (2002 Royal National Theatre Cast Recording) by Oscar Hammerstein Ii, Richard Rodgers [single, ost] (2020)
Reprise: Some Enchanted Evening   Lauren Kennedy, Philip Quast
from South Pacific (2002 Royal National Theatre Cast Recording) by Oscar Hammerstein Ii, Richard Rodgers [single, ost] (2020)
A Wonderful Guy   Lauren Kennedy, South Pacific -2002 Royal National Theatre Cast
from South Pacific (2002 Royal National Theatre Cast Recording) by Oscar Hammerstein Ii, Richard Rodgers [single, ost] (2020)
This Is How It Feels   Lauren Kennedy, Philip Quast
from South Pacific (2002 Royal National Theatre Cast Recording) by Oscar Hammerstein Ii, Richard Rodgers [single, ost] (2020)
Finale Act I   Caresse Mingo, Kevin Tan, Lauren Kennedy, Malissa Tang
from South Pacific (2002 Royal National Theatre Cast Recording) by Oscar Hammerstein Ii, Richard Rodgers [single, ost] (2020)
Honey Bun   Lauren Kennedy, South Pacific 2002 National Theatre Ensemble
from South Pacific (2002 Royal National Theatre Cast Recording) by Oscar Hammerstein Ii, Richard Rodgers [single, ost] (2020)
My Girl Back Home   Edward Baker-Duly, Lauren Kennedy
from South Pacific (2002 Royal National Theatre Cast Recording) by Oscar Hammerstein Ii, Richard Rodgers [single, ost] (2020)
Communication Discontinued   John Shrapnel, Lauren Kennedy, Sheila Francisco, South Pacific 2002 National Theatre Ensemble
from South Pacific (2002 Royal National Theatre Cast Recording) by Oscar Hammerstein Ii, Richard Rodgers [single, ost] (2020)
Operation Alligator   Caresse Mingo, Kevin Tan, Lauren Kennedy, Malissa Tang
from South Pacific (2002 Royal National Theatre Cast Recording) by Oscar Hammerstein Ii, Richard Rodgers [single, ost] (2020)
Finale Ultimo   Caresse Mingo, Kevin Tan, Lauren Kennedy, Malissa Tang
from South Pacific (2002 Royal National Theatre Cast Recording) by Oscar Hammerstein Ii, Richard Rodgers [single, ost] (2020)

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