St Petersburg Kirov Chorus

St Petersburg Kirov Chorus    
2000s -
0000년 / 러시아



Tchaikovsky: Pique Dame (Pikovaya Dama), Op.68, TH.10 / Act 1 - "Gori, gori yasno"   Orchestra Of The Mariinsky Theatre, St Petersburg Kirov Chorus, Valery Gergiev
from Tchaikovsky: Pique Dame (1993)
Tchaikovsky: Pique Dame (Pikovaya Dama), Op.68, TH.10 / Act 1 - "Nakonets-to Bog" - "A ty uveren" - "Schastlivy den" - "Skazhi, na kom ty zhenishsya?"   Gegam Grigorian, Irina Arkhipova, Maria Guleghina, Nikolai Putilin
from Tchaikovsky: Pique Dame (1993)
Tchaikovsky: Pique Dame (Pikovaya Dama), Op.68, TH.10 / Act 1 - "Se non è vero" - "Kak bystro groza nastupila" - "Po- luchish smertelny udar ty"   Gegam Grigorian, Orchestra Of The Mariinsky Theatre, Sergei Alexashkin, St Petersburg Kirov Chorus
from Tchaikovsky: Pique Dame (1993)
Tchaikovsky: Pique Dame (Pikovaya Dama), Op.68, TH.10 / Act 1 - "Obvorozhitelno!"   Maria Guleghina, Olga Borodina, Orchestra Of The Mariinsky Theatre, St Petersburg Kirov Chorus
from Tchaikovsky: Pique Dame (1993)
Tchaikovsky: Pique Dame (Pikovaya Dama), Op.68, TH.10 / Act 1 - "Da, vspomnilna... Podrugi milie"   Olga Borodina, Orchestra Of The Mariinsky Theatre, St Petersburg Kirov Chorus, Valery Gergiev
from Tchaikovsky: Pique Dame (1993)
Tchaikovsky: Pique Dame (Pikovaya Dama), Op.68, TH.10 / Act 1 - "Nu-ka, svetik Mashenka"   Olga Borodina, Orchestra Of The Mariinsky Theatre, St Petersburg Kirov Chorus, Valery Gergiev
from Tchaikovsky: Pique Dame (1993)
Tchaikovsky: Pique Dame (Pikovaya Dama), Op.68, TH.10 / Act 2 - "Radostno, veselo v den sei"   Orchestra Of The Mariinsky Theatre, St Petersburg Kirov Chorus, Valery Gergiev
from Tchaikovsky: Pique Dame (1993)
Tchaikovsky: Pique Dame (Pikovaya Dama), Op.68, TH.10 / Act 2 - "Pod tenyu gustoyu"   Orchestra Of The Mariinsky Theatre, St Petersburg Kirov Chorus, Valery Gergiev
from Tchaikovsky: Pique Dame (1993)
Tchaikovsky: Pique Dame (Pikovaya Dama), Op.68, TH.10 / Act 2 - "Kak ty mila"   Maria Guleghina, Nikolai Putilin, Olga Borodina, Orchestra Of The Mariinsky Theatre
from Tchaikovsky: Pique Dame (1993)
Tchaikovsky: Pique Dame (Pikovaya Dama), Op.68, TH.10 / Act 2 - "Kto pylko i strastno lyubya!" - "Tsaritsa! Yega Veli- chestvo!"   Gegam Grigorian, Maria Guleghina, Nikolai Gassiev, Orchestra Of The Mariinsky Theatre
from Tchaikovsky: Pique Dame (1993)
Tchaikovsky: Pique Dame (Pikovaya Dama), Op.68, TH.10 / Act 3 - "Ya neveryu chtoby" - "Gospodu molyusya ya" - "Vsyo tezhe dumy" - "Strashno! strashno!"   Gegam Grigorian, Orchestra Of The Mariinsky Theatre, St Petersburg Kirov Chorus, Valery Gergiev
from Tchaikovsky: Pique Dame (1993)
Tchaikovsky: Pique Dame (Pikovaya Dama), Op.68, TH.10 / Act 3 - "Budem pit i veselitsya" - "Dana!"   Gennadi Bezzubenkov, Nikolai Putilin, Orchestra Of The Mariinsky Theatre, Sergei Alexashkin
from Tchaikovsky: Pique Dame (1993)
Tchaikovsky: Pique Dame (Pikovaya Dama), Op.68, TH.10 / Act 3 - "Yeslib miliya devitsy"   Nikolai Putilin, Orchestra Of The Mariinsky Theatre, St Petersburg Kirov Chorus, Valery Gergiev
from Tchaikovsky: Pique Dame (1993)
Tchaikovsky: Pique Dame (Pikovaya Dama), Op.68, TH.10 / Act 3 - "Tak v nenastnye dni"   Gennadi Bezzubenkov, Orchestra Of The Mariinsky Theatre, Sergei Alexashkin, St Petersburg Kirov Chorus
from Tchaikovsky: Pique Dame (1993)
Tchaikovsky: Pique Dame (Pikovaya Dama), Op.68, TH.10 / Act 3 - "Za dela, gospoda"   Gegam Grigorian, Gennadi Bezzubenkov, Nikolai Putilin, Orchestra Of The Mariinsky Theatre
from Tchaikovsky: Pique Dame (1993)
Tchaikovsky: Pique Dame (Pikovaya Dama), Op.68, TH.10 / Act 3 - "Net yeshcho?"   Gegam Grigorian, Orchestra Of The Mariinsky Theatre, St Petersburg Kirov Chorus, Valery Gergiev
from Tchaikovsky: Pique Dame (1993)
Tchaikovsky: Pique Dame (Pikovaya Dama), Op.68, TH.10 / Act 3 - "Gospod! Prosti yemu!"   Orchestra Of The Mariinsky Theatre, St Petersburg Kirov Chorus, Valery Gergiev
from Tchaikovsky: Pique Dame (1993)
Mussorgsky: Boris Godounov / Act 1 - Coronation Scene   Orchestra Of The Mariinsky Theatre, St Petersburg Kirov Chorus, Valery Gergiev
from Russian Spectacular (1995)
Borodin: Polovtsian Dances, FROM: Prince Igor   Orchestra Of The Mariinsky Theatre, St Petersburg Kirov Chorus, Valery Gergiev
from Russian Spectacular (1995)
Prokofiev: War and Peace, Op.91 - Ballet Music - "Hor! Pust'nachinajet hor!"   Elena Prokina, Irina Bogachova, Mikhail Yegorov, Orchestra Of The Mariinsky Theatre
from Russian Spectacular (1995)

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