Rebecca Outram

Rebecca Outram    
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2000s -
0000년 / 영국



Act 1, No. 7 - Scene of the Drunken Poet   Accademia Bizantina, Gillian Keith, Michael Bundy, Ottavio Dantone
from Ottavio Dantone, Accademia Bizantina - Percell: The Fairy Queen (2003)
Act 2, No. 15 - Mystery 'I am come to lock all fast'   Accademia Bizantina, Ottavio Dantone, Rebecca Outram
from Ottavio Dantone, Accademia Bizantina - Percell: The Fairy Queen (2003)
Act 3, No. 20 - Solo with Chorus 'If love's a sweet passion'   Accademia Bizantina, Ottavio Dantone, Rebecca Outram
from Ottavio Dantone, Accademia Bizantina - Percell: The Fairy Queen (2003)
Act 4, No. 32 - Two Others Attendants 'Let the fife and the clarions'   Accademia Bizantina, Andrew Carwood, Ottavio Dantone, Rebecca Outram
from Ottavio Dantone, Accademia Bizantina - Percell: The Fairy Queen (2003)
Act 5, No. 42 - Epithalamium: Juno 'Thrice happy lovers'   Accademia Bizantina, Ottavio Dantone, Rebecca Outram
from Ottavio Dantone, Accademia Bizantina - Percell: The Fairy Queen (2003)
Act 5, No. 50 - First Chinese Woman 'Hark, how all the things'   Accademia Bizantina, Ottavio Dantone, Rebecca Outram
from Ottavio Dantone, Accademia Bizantina - Percell: The Fairy Queen (2003)
Act 5, No. 52 - Two Chinese Women and Chorus 'Sure the dull God of Marriage'   Accademia Bizantina, Gillian Keith, Ottavio Dantone, Rebecca Outram
from Ottavio Dantone, Accademia Bizantina - Percell: The Fairy Queen (2003)
Act 5, No. 55 - Two Chinese Women 'Turn then thine eyes'   Accademia Bizantina, Gillian Keith, Ottavio Dantone, Rebecca Outram
from Ottavio Dantone, Accademia Bizantina - Percell: The Fairy Queen (2003)
Act 5, No. 58 - Two Chinese Women and Hymen with Chorus 'They shall be happy'   Accademia Bizantina, Gillian Keith, Michael Bundy, Ottavio Dantone
from Ottavio Dantone, Accademia Bizantina - Percell: The Fairy Queen (2003)

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