유럽 음악계는 아일랜드 자매 그룹 코어스의 손아귀에 있다. 그들이 들려주는 친화력이 강한 음악과 아름다운 외모에 단단히 홀려버렸다. 코어스처럼 음악과 생김새를 동시에 완벽 구비해 사람들을 유혹하는 그룹은 거의 없다. '보기 좋고 듣기 좋은' 그룹. 그들은 당연히 유럽에서 영광의 나날들을 전리품으로 획득했다. 이제 미국만을 공략하면 모든 것을 이루게 된다. 그들은 방금 치밀하게 구성한 신작 을 미국정복의 확실한 카드로 내놓았다. 대중적인 측면에서 '코어'라 할 음악을 가지고 지구촌을 물들이려 하는 패밀리 그룹의 석세스 스토리! 사람들을 음악으로 사로잡는다는 것은 말처럼 쉬운 일이 아니다. 먼저 음악이 좋아야 하고 더불어 가수를 '보는 맛'도 있어야 한다. 성공과 동시에 음악성도 인정받는다면 금상첨화일 것이다. 코어스는 이러한 음악 평천하(平天下)를 위한 3대 여건 이를테면 곡, 스타성 그리고 음악성을 완벽하게 갖춘 그룹이다. 코어스는 그래서 처음부터 순탄한 길을 걸어왔다. 이들의 음악성을 즉각 알아본 사람들이 줄을 섰기 때문이었다. 그 중 한사람이 더블린의 조그만 클럽에서 코어스가 연주하는 것을 보고 감동한 주(駐)아일랜드 미국대사 진 케네디 스미스였다. 그의 적극적 알선으로 그들은 1994년 보스톤에서 거행된 미국 월드컵의 축하공연에 참여하게 됐다. 코어스가 미국에 머무는 동안 이번에는 어틀랜틱 레코드사의 부사장 제이슨 플롬과 프로듀서 데이비드 포스터가 그들의 음악에 반했다. 데이비드 포스터는 흥분한 나머지 처음 만난 자리에서 선뜻 “난 10에서 10을 주겠소. 아니 10 플러스를 주겠소!”라며 계약을 제의했다고 한다. 이래서 1996년 데이비드 포스터가 프로듀스한 대망의 첫 앨범 이 나왔다. 왜 사람들이 그들에게 주목하는 것인가. 말할 것도 없이 사운드의 독특함 때문이다. 코어스 음악에는 밴 모리슨, 시네드 오코너, 엔야, 클라나드 그리고 치프턴스 등 아일랜드 뮤지션들의 공통분모인 아일랜드의 토속 사운드 이를테면 켈틱(celtic)의 숨결이 퍼져있다. 이런 느낌은 이들이 연주하는 아일랜드의 토속악기 틴 휘슬, 보드랜(일종의 드럼), 바이올린에 의해서 생겨난다. 바로 이것들이 빚어내는 켈틱 무드에 진 케네디 스미스 대사나 데이비드 포스터도 홀려버린 것이다. 2집 앨범 의 한 곡으로 충분하다. 이 곡을 관통하며 살짝 깔린 틴 휘슬, 보드랜, 바이올린 소리는 모던 팝에 아일랜드 스타일을 부여하며 딴 영미 그룹 연주에서 느낄 수 없는 순결한 분위기를 제공한다. # 영미 팝 사운드에 숨쉬는 켈틱 무드 이들에겐 분명히 아일랜드라는 아이덴티티가 존재한다. 하지만 이들은 지구촌 전체가 하룻밤 자고 나면 바뀌는 무한속도의 변화시대에 재래식 소리로 고집을 피우는 '외로운 악사들'이 아니다. 그 주체성에 서구의 모던 록을 융합하는 '근대화'의 지혜를 발휘한다. 그러니까 다음과 같은 효과를 노리는 것이다. '아무 생각 없이 들으면 영미 팝이나 록과 다를 게 없다. 그런데 들으면 시나브로 뭔가 다르다는 느낌이 든다.' 에 이어서 그리고 이전에 플리트우드 맥의 고전을 리메이크한 가 연속 공전의 히트를 기록하게 된 비결이 바로 이것이었다. 앞의 두 곡들은 국내에서도 CF와 드라마 등에 삽입되면서 미치지 못할 듯 보이던 우리 시장에도 인기 진지를 구축했다. 유럽을 주무대로 이들이 질주하는 성공가도는 끝없는 찬란함이다. 2집 은 영국에서 1998년 145만장이 팔려나가 그 해 발표된 앨범들 가운데 가장 많은 판매량을 기록했다(현재까지 270만장). 모든 것을 삼킬 것 같은 가공할 '코어스 센세이션'! 호응이 폭발하면서 앨범은 영국 차트 정상에 오른 것은 물론이고 1999년에는 그 음반의 스페셜 에디션이 3위를 차지하고 있을 때 전작의 소급마저 가져오면서 이 5위에 올라 아일랜드 그룹으로선 최초로 두 앨범이 영국 앨범 차트 톱5에 랭크된 주인공이 되었다. 이 무렵 전 세계 앨범 판매량은 자그마치 2500만장. U2가 부럽지 않은 가공할 회오리바람이었다. 그들이 얼마 전 내놓은 신작 도 타는 불에 퍼부은 기름처럼 성공의 화염을 활활 태우고있다. 앨범을 내놓은 지 유럽 국제음반연맹에 따르면 2주만에 100만장 이상이 팔려나갔고 첫 싱글 는 데뷔와 동시에 영국 차트 정상에 올라 제목대로 숨가쁜 스타파워를 과시했다. 새 앨범은 코어스의 최종목표를 다시 한번 만천하에 드러낸 야심작이다. 전작은 데이비드 포스터, 글렌 발라드, 올리버 리이버 등에 맡겼으나 이번은 공격수위를 훨씬 높였다. 작품을 의뢰한 프로듀서는 위세에 있어서 당대 최강인 로버트 존 머트 랭(Robert John “Mutt" Range)으로 바로 슈퍼 컨트리 스타 샤니아 트웨인의 남편이다. 코어스 멤버들은 '팝의 마이더스'로 불리는 그를 통해 신작에서 아일랜드 켈틱에 구애받지 않고 완연한 영미 팝을 꾸려내기로 작심한 듯 보인다. '이제 미국이다! 미국을 잡으면 천하를 손에 넣는다!' 아일랜드의 악기소리는 수면 밑으로 밀어 넣어 과거에도 튀지 않았던 그 색깔은 더욱 연해졌다. 대신 영미 팝의 주요 사운드인 기타와 키보드의 비중을 높였다. 특히 로버트 존 머트 랭이 작곡에 참여하고 프로듀스한 등 3곡은 틴 휘슬, 바이얼린 소리가 거의 들리지 않아 마치 영미 팝이나 록을 듣는 기분이다. 모던 록 경향을 강화해 세계시장 공략을 구체화, 노골화한 것이다. 그 외 우수한 곡들인 도 다를 게 없다. 때문에 앨범의 질로 볼 때 “수록된 15곡 전체가 모두 미국에서 싱글로 발표되어도 손색이 없다”는 평을 받기도 했다. 아일랜드 전통의 체취를 원한다면 아마 이들보다 치프턴스(Chieftains) 음악을 듣는 것이 훨씬 나을 것이다. 코어스는 '대중전선'을 의도적으로 표방하며 아이리시 팝의 흡수력 증강에 타깃을 정해 출발부터 길을 달리 했다. '본격 팝의 가장 꼭대기로!'(To the toppermost of the poppermost)라는 1960년대 비틀스의 미국정복 목표설정과 흡사하다. 지구촌 석권에 대한 야망과 자신감이 불탄다. # 아름다운 세 자매, 그 트리플 뷰티! 이것은 과연 어디에서 나오는가. 그들을 사진으로 또는 비디오로 보면 즉각적으로 알 수 있다. 코어가(家)의 4남매인 이들 가운데 세 자매의 외모는 한 집안 피라는 것을 웅변하는 동시에 마치 무언가로 찍어낸 듯 아름답다. 바이올린을 켜는 샤론 코어(1970년생), 드럼과 보드랜을 치는 캐롤라인 코어(1973년생) 그리고 틴 휘슬을 불며 노래하는 간판 안드레아 코어(1974년생)가 무대에 서면 관객들은 미(美)가 세 곱절 더해진 '트리플 뷰티'에 절로 넋을 잃는다. 자꾸 눈이 쏠릴 수밖에 없다. 그것도 근래의 경향인 자극적이고 퇴폐적 섹슈얼리티에 의존하는 뷰티나 모델의 창백하고 건조한 아름다움이 아니라 어디까지나 순결하고 청아한 '클래식 뷰티'다. 모처럼 사람들은 정감을 주는 아름다운 여인들을 본다. 아마 유럽의 코어스 열기나 음악관계자들이 넋을 잃었던 것은 음악도 음악이지만 이처럼 3자매의 포토제닉 프로필과 편안한 미모 때문이었을 것이다. 1990년 아일랜드 던달크에서 결성된 이들이 처음 바깥 세상에 나온 것도 안드레아가 알란 파커의 영화 에 뮤지션 역할로 조연 출연하면서부터였다. 안드레아는 1996년 말 다시 마돈나의 영화 에 페론 대통령의 연인으로 모습을 드러냈다. 안드레아 뿐 아니라 코어스 멤버들이 얼마나 '얼굴대접'을 받고있는지 일러주는 작은 실례이다. 큰오빠이자 그룹의 실세인 오빠 짐 코어(1968년, 기타 키보드)도 편안한 모습으로 여동생들을 살려주며, 때론 강렬함으로 카리스마를 내뿜는다. 미국 팝 시장이 감각적 10대 버블 검 음악에 포위된 상황에서 코어스는 '대항의 가치'를 갖는다. 전원이 악기를 연주하고, 능란하게 노래하고 그러면서 기분 좋은 얼굴을 가졌다는 것이 포장 일색인 이 시대에 갖는 잠재적 에너지는 실로 막강하다. 더욱이 '패밀리 비즈니스' 아닌가. 이들의 빼놓을 수 없는 무기 중 하나인 코러스 하모니가 바로 '같은 DNA의 힘'을 실증한다. 투명하고 자연스럽고 서정적인 음악이다. 아무리 미국을 향해 달려간다지만 여전히 아일랜드의 피는 수면 밑을 면면히 흐른다. 특히 해외진출에 부쩍 귀를 세우는 우리 입장에서는 여러 면에서 참고할 만한 그룹이다. 아름다운 사람들의 아름다운 음악은 음악 세상에 있어 '영원한 정통'이다. 전 세계가 모처럼의 정통파 그룹 코어스의 서정성과 자연미에 의해 무장해제 당할 날이 바로 눈앞에 와있다. -수록곡- 1. Breathless (Lange/The Coors) 2. Give Me a Reason (The Coors) 3. Somebody for Someone (The Corrs) 4. Say (The Corrs) 5. All the Love in the World (Lange/The Corrs) 6. Radio (The Corrs) 7. Irresistable (Lange/The Corrs) 8. One Night (Corrs) 9. All in a Day (The Corrs) 10. At Your Side (The Corrs) 11. No More Cry (The Corrs) 12. Rain (The Corrs) 13. Give It All Up (The Corrs) 14. Hurt Before (The Corrs) 15. Rebel Heart [instrumental] (The Corrs) .... ....
You're only just a dreamboat Sailing in my head You swim my secret oceans Of coral blue and red Your smell is incense burning Your touch is silken yet It reaches through my skin And moving from within It clutches at my breast
But it's only when I sleep See you in my dreams You got me spinning round and round Turning upside-down But I only hear you breathe
Somewhere in my sleep Got me spinning round and round Turning upside-down But its only when I sleep
And when I wake from slumber Your shadow's disappear Your breath is just a sea mist Surrounding my body I'm workin' through the daytime But when it's time to rest I'm lying in my bed Listening to my breath Falling from the edge
But it's only when I sleep See you in my dreams, - dreams - You got me spinning round and round Turning upside-down But I only hear you breathe Somewhere in my sleep, - in my sleep - Got me spinning round and round Turning upside-down But its only when I sleep It's only when I sleep
Up to the sky Where angels fly I'll never die Hawaiian High In bed I lie No need to cry My sleeping cry Hawaiian High
It's reaching through my skin Movin' from within And clutches at my breasts
But it's only when I sleep See you in my dreams, - dreams - You got me spinning round and round Turning upside-down But I only hear you breathe
In bed I lie No need to cry My sleeping cry Hawaiian High
But it's only when I sleep Got me spinning round and round - Turning upside-down -
Up to the sky Where angels fly I'll never die Hawaiian High But it's only when I sleep
It's late at night And I'm feeling down There're couples standing on the street Sharing summer kisses and silly sounds
So I step inside Pour a glass of wine With a full glass and an empty heart I search for something to occupy my mind
But you are in my head Swimming forever in my head Tangled in my dreams Swimming forever
*So listen to the radio (listen to the radio) And all the songs we used to know, oh, oh So listen to the radio (listen to the radio) Remember where we used to go...
Now it's morning light And it's cold outside Caught up in a distant dream I turn and think that you are by my side
So I leave my bed And I try to dress Wandering why my mind plays tricks And fools me into thinking you are there
But you're just in my head Swimming forever in my head Not lying in my bed Just swimming forever
*So listen to the radio (listen to the radio) And all the songs we used to know, oh, oh So listen to the radio (listen to the radio) Remember where we used to go... I listen to the radio (listen to the radio) And all the songs we used to know, oh, oh I listen to the radio (listen to the radio) Remember where we used to go...
You are in my head Swimming forever in my head Tangled in my dreams Swimming forever (Swimming forever) Swimming forever
*So listen to the radio (listen to the radio) And all the songs we used to know, oh, oh So listen to the radio (listen to the radio) Remember where we used to go... I listen to the radio (listen to the radio) And all the songs we used to know, oh, oh I listen to the radio (listen to the radio) all the songs we used to know... all the songs we used to know...
Say it's true, there's nothing like me and you, I'm not alone, tell me you feel it too, And I would runaway, I would runaway, yeah, yeah, I would runaway, I would runaway with you,
Cause I have fallen in love, With you, no never have, I'm never gonna stop fallin' in love, with you,
Close the door, lay down upon the floor, And by candlelight, candlelight make love to me through the night, through the night, through the night, 'Cause I have runaway, I have runaway, yeah, yeah, I have runaway, runaway, I have runaway with you,
'Cause I have fallen in love, fallen in love, With you, no never oh, oh, I'm never gonna stop fallin' in love, with you, With you,
And I would runaway, I would runaway, yeah, yeah, I would runaway, runaway, I would runaway hey with you,
Cause I have, have fallen in love, fallen in love, With you, no never oh, oh, I'm never gonna stop fallin' in love, with you,
Fallen in love fallen in love With you, no never have I'm never gonna stop fallin' in love, with you
With you, my love, With you, with you, with you, with you,
Transcribed by Peter Shevlin All alone, staring on, watching her life go by, When her days are grey and her nights are black, Different shades of mundane and the one eyed furry toy That lies upon the bed has often heard her cry And heard her whisper out a name long forgiven, but not forgotten,
You're forgiven not forgotten You're forgiven not forgotten You're forgiven not forgotten You're not forgotten
A bleeding heart torn apart, left on an icy grave, In the room where they once lay, face to face, Nothing could get in their way, but now the memories of the man Are haunting her days and the craving never fades, She's still dreaming of a man long forgiven, but not forgotten,
You're forgiven not forgotten You're forgiven not forgotten You're forgiven not forgotten You're not forgotten
Still alone, staring on, wishing her life goodbye As she goes searching for the man long forgiven, but not forgotten,
You're forgiven not forgotten You're forgiven not forgotten You're forgiven not forgotten You're forgiven not forgotten You're forgiven not forgotten You're forgiven not forgotten You're forgiven not forgotten You're forgiven not forgotten You're not forgotten You're not forgotten No, You're not forgotten
When the daylight's gone and you're on your own And you need a friend just to be around I will comfort you, I will take your hand And I'll pull you through, I will understand
And you know that
I'll be at your side, there's no need to worry Together we'll survive through the haste and hurry I'll be at your side If you feel like you're alone, and you've nowhere to turn I'll be at your side
If life's standing still and your soul's confused And you cannot find what road to choose If you make mistakes (make mistakes) You can't let me down (let me down) I will still believe (still believe) I will turn around
And you know that
I'll be at your side, there's no need to worry Together we'll survive through the haste and hurry I'll be at your side If you feel like you're alone, and you've nowhere to turn I'll be at your side
I'll be at your side I'll be at your side You know that
I'll be at your side, there's no need to worry Together we'll survive through the haste and hurry I'll be at your side If you feel like you're alone, you've got somewhere to go, 'Cos I'm right there I'll be at your side, I'll be right there for you (Together we'll survive) through the haste and hurry I'll be at your side If you feel like you're alone, you've got somewhere to go, 'Cos I'm at your side
I'll be right there for you I'll be right there for you, yeah I'm right at your side
Now she's walking through the clouds With a circus mind That's running wild Butterflies and zebras And moonbeams and fairytales All she ever thinks about is riding with the wind
When I'm sad she comes to me With a thousand smiles She gives to me, free 'It's alright, it's alright' she says Take anything you want from me Anything
Now she's walking through the clouds With a circus mind That's running wild Butterflies and zebras And moonbeams and fairytales All she ever thinks about is riding with the wind
When I'm sad she comes to me With a thousand smiles She gives to me free 'It's alright, it's alright' she says Take anything you want from me Anything
Fly Little Wing...Yeah, Yeah Fly Little Wing... I want her to fly
If life is a river and your heart is a boat And just like a water baby, baby born to float And if life is a wild wind that blows way on high And your heart is Amelia dying to fly Heaven knows no frontiers and I've seen heaven in your eyes
And if life is a bar room in which we must wait 'Round the man with his fingers on the ivory gates Where we sing until dawn of our fears and our fates And we stack all the dead men in self addressed crates
In your eyes faint as the singing of a lark That somehow this black night Feels warmer for the spark Warmer for the spark To hold us 'til the day When fear will lose its grip And heaven has its ways
Heaven knows no frontiers And I've seen heaven in your eyes
If your life is a rough bed of brambles and nails And your spirit's a slave to man's whips and man's jails
Where you thirst and you hunger for justice and right And your heart is a pure flame of man's constant night
In your eyes faint as the singing of a lark That somehow this black night Feels warmer for the spark Warmer for the spark To hold us 'til the day when fear will lose its grip And heaven has its ways And heaven has its ways When all will harmonise And you know what's in our hearts The dream will realise
Heaven knows no frontiers And I've seen heaven in your eyes Heaven knows no frontiers And I've seen heaven in your eyes
She drove a long way through the night From an urban neighborhood She left her mother in a fight For a dream misunderstood And her friends they talk on corners They could never comprehend
But there was always something different In the way she held a stare And the pictures that she painted Were of glamour and of flair And her boyfriend though he loved her Knew he couldn't quite fulfill He could never meet her there
She's never gonna be like the one before She read it in her stars that there's something more No matter what it takes no matter how she breaks She'll be the Queen of Hollywood
And the cynics they will wonder What's the difference with this dream And the dreams of countless others All believing in TV They see their handprints in a sidewalk Flashing cameras on the scene And a shining limousine
She's never gonna be like the one before She read it in her stars that there's something more No matter what it takes no matter how she breaks She'll be the Queen of Hollywood She's believing in a dream Queen of Hollywood It's a loaded fantasy
Now her mother collects cut-outs And the pictures make her smile But if she saw behind the curtains It could only make her cry She's got hand prints on her body Sad moonbeams in her eyes not so innocent a child
She's never gonna be like the one before She read it in her stars that there's something more No matter what it takes no matter how s
The girl's a fool She broke the rule She hurt him hard This time you will break down She's lost his trust And so she must Now all is lost The system has broke down Romance has broke down
This boy is crackin' up This boy has broken down This boy is crackin' up This boy has broke down
She plays it hard She plays it tough But thats enough The love is over She's broke his heart and that is rough But in the end you'll soon recover The romance is over
This boy is crackin' up This boy has broken down This boy is crackin' up This boy has broke down
This boy is crackin' up This boy has broken down This boy is crackin' up This boy has broke down
I've been spending my money In the old town It's not the same honey With you not around I've been spending my time In the old town I sure miss you honey
Now you're not around You're not around This old town
This boy is crackin' up This boy has broken down This boy is crackin' up This boy has broke down This boy is crackin' up This boy has broken down This boy is crackin' up This boy has broke down
We were taking it easy Bride and breazy We were living it up Just fine and dandy
We are chasing the moon Just running wild and free (running a wild and a wilde and free) We are following through Every dream, and every need (following every dream and need)
And it really doesn't matter if we don't eat And it really doesn't matter if we never sleep No it really doesn't matter, really doesn't matter at all
Coz we are so young now, we are so youn, so young now And when tomorrow comes we can do it all again
We are chasing the moon just running wild and free We are following through every dream and every need
And it really doesn't matter if we don't eat And it really doesn't matter if we never sleep No it really doesn't matter, really doesn't matter at all
Coz we are so young now, we are so young, so young now And when tomorrow comes we can do it all again
Yeah, we are so young now, we are so young, so young now And when tomorrow comes we can do it all again
All again... all agian... hee-yeah-hee All again, yeah yeah yeah So young now, we are so so young now And when tomorrow comes we just do it all again
Yeah wo are so young now, we are so young so young now And when tomorrow comes we just do it all again
We are soooooo yooooooung-yeah We are soooooo yooooooung-yeah We are soooooo yooooooung-yeah Let's do it all agaaaaaaaaaaain Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah
really doesn't matter really doesn't matter really doesn't matter, really doesn't matter at all
so young, so young now do it all againg
wild and free
really doesn't matter really doesn't matter (aaaaah)really doesn't matter, really doesn't matter at all
When your day is long And the night The night is yours alone When you think you've had enough of this life Well hang on
Don't let yourself go Cause everybody cries And everybody hurts Sometimes
Sometimes everything is wrong Now it's time to sing along - When your day is night alone - Hold on, hold on - If you feel like letting go - Hold on If you're sure you've had too much of this life Hang on
Cause everybody hurts, sometimes Take comfort in your friends And everybody hurts
Don't blow your head Oh, no Don't blow your head If you feel like you're alone No, no, no, you're not alone
If you're on your own In this life And the days and nights are long If you're sure you've had too much Of this life To hang on
Well, everybody hurts Sometimes, everybody cries Sometimes, everybody hurts Sometimes
And everybody hurts Sometimes
So, hold on, hold on Hold on, hold on Hold on, hold on Hold on, hold on - Cause no you are not alone -
I'm not looking for someone to talk to I've got my friends, I'm more than O.K. I've got more than a girl could wish for I live my dreams but it's not all they say Still I believe I'm missing something real I need someone who really sees me
Don't wanna wake up alone anymore Still believing you'll walk through my door All I need is to know it's for sure Then I'll give all the love in the world
I've often wondered if love's an illusion Just to get you through the loneliest days I can't criticize it - I have no hesitation My imagination just stole me away Still I believe I'm missing something real I need someone who really sees me
Don't wanna wake up alone anymore Still believing you'll walk through my door All I need is to know it's for sure Then I'll give all the love in the world
Love's for a lifetime not for a moment So how could I throw it away Yeah I'm only human And nights grow colder With no-one to love me that way Yeah I need someone who really sees me And I won't wake up alone anymore Still believing you'll walk through my door You'll reach for me and I'll know it's for sure Then I'll give all the love in the world (Don't wanna wake up alone)
If you were with me now I'd find myself in you If you were with me now Your the only one who knew All the things we planned to do
I want to live my life The way you said I would With courage as my light Fighting for what's right Like you made me believe I could
And I will fly on my father's wings To places I have never been There is so much I've never seen And I can feel his heartbeat still And I will do great things On my father's wings
This world I'll never see My dreams that just won't be This horse's stride with one days ride Will have covered more distance than me
But I will fly on my father's wings To places I have never been There is so much I've never seen And I can feel his heartbeat still And I will do great things On my father's wings
Someday with his spirit to guide me And his memory beside me I will be free to
Fly on my father's wings To places I have never been There is so much I've never seen And I can feel his heartbeat still And I will do great things On my father's wings On my father's wings
Look at the sky tell me what do you see Just close your eyes and describe it to me The heavens are sparkling with starlight tonight That's what I see through your eyes
I see the heavens each time that you smile I hear your heartbeat just go on for miles And suddenly I know why life is worthwhile That's what I see through your eyes That's what I see through your eyes
Here in the night, I see the sun Here in the dark, our two hearts are one Its out of our hands, we can't stop what we have begun And love just took me by surprise, looking through your eyes
I see a night I wish could last forever I see a world we're meant to see together And it is so much more than I remember More than I remember More than I have known
Here in the night, I see the sun Here in the dark, our two hearts are one Its out of our hands, we can't stop what we have begun And love just took me by surprise, looking through your eyes Looking through your eyes
Now here you go again, you say you want your freedom Well who am I to keep you down It's only right that you should play the way you feel it But listen carefully to the sound, of your loneliness Like a heartbeat.. drives you mad In the stillness of remembering what you had And what you lost, yeah what you had, and what you lost
Yeah, Thunder only happens when it's raining Players only love you when they're playing And women, they will come and they will go When the rain washes you clean, you'll know
Well here I go again, I see the crystal visions I keep my visions to myself, it's only me that wants to wrap around your dreams and have you any dreams you'd like to sell? Dreams of loneliness like a heartbeat.. drives you mad In the stillness of remembering what you had And what you lost, yeah what you had, yeah, and what you lost
Yeah, Thunder only happens when it's raining Players only love you when they're playing Yeah Women, they will come and they will go When the rain washes you clean you'll know Yeah, Thunder only happens when it's raining Players only love you when they're playing Women, they will come and they will go When the rain washes you clean you'll know You will know You will know Fade Out
I don't wanna talk about things we've gone through Though it's hurting me, now it's history I've played all my cards, and that's what you've done too Nothing more to say, no more ace to play The winner takes it all, the loser standing small Beside the victory that's her destiny
I was in your arms thinking I belonged there I figured it made sense building me a fence Building me a home thinking I'd be strong there But I was a fool playing by the rules The judges will decide, the likes of me abide Spectators of the show always stand alone The winner takes it all, the loser standing small Beside the victory that's her destiny
But tell me does she kiss like I used to kiss you Does it feel the same when she calls your name But somewhere deep inside you must know I miss you But what can I say, rules must be obeyed The judges will decide, the lies as cold as ice When someone way down here loses someone dear The winner takes it all, the loser stands small Its simple and it's plain, to whom shall I compain
I don't wanna talk if it makes you feel sad And I understand, you've come to shake my hand I apologize if it makes you feel sad Seeing me so tense, no self-confidence The winner takes it all, the loser standing small Beside the victory that's her destiny
The winner takes it all (so the winner takes it all) The winner takes it all (and the loser has to fall) The winner takes it all (so the winner takes it all) The winner takes it all (and the loser has to fall) The winner takes it all (so the winner) The loser standing small (takes it all) Beside the victory (and the loser) That's her destiny (has to fall) The winner takes it all