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傷つけ合うくらい 愛していた
夢は絶望になった 知らぬうちに 刺し込む光が すきま風が 濡れた頬に痛く 浸み入るよう どうせ明日という日はあって 何かが満たしてゆくの いつの日か 根拠のない 小さな新しい夢 手の平に感じてるの wo yeah I'm feeling my self again I'm feeling better now … ゆりかごを 揺さぶる風 I'm feeling my self again I'm feeling better yeah … 振り返るように 夢から覚めた 清らかな心で ぶっ潰したい 夢も希望も捨てた 自分の手で 怖れていたもの 何だったっけ そう 今はもうわからないし わかりたくもない ここからまた日は昇って この空に痛切に何か感じても 想い出と切なく語らうことが 何の役に立つってゆうの wo yeah I'm feeling my self again I'm feeling better now … 大切に 壊したい oh I'm feeling my self again I'm feeling better yeah … 冷たい花を 蹴り散らすように I'm feeling my self again I'm feeling better now… ゆりかごを 揺さぶる風 oh I'm feeling my self again I'm feeling better yeah… 振り返るように 夢から覚めた I'm feeling my self again… I'm feeling my self again I'm feeling better yeah … 冷たい花を 蹴り散らすように |
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Always And Always
Like it this way, I always want to be here with you I never want to leave your side My love for you with all my soul Look in your eyes, somehow I know just what you're thinking Smile and you please me, baby I can't endure being apart Always be good to me Tell me you love me Here with you always and always My heart beats fast when you kiss me Yes, you are everything to me I want you, in my life forever Forever and a day Here with you always and always You love me and the world is mine So peaceful and soft all the time Yes, always and always Always be good to me Tell me you love me Here with you always and always My heart beats fast when you kiss me Yes, you are everything to me I want you, in my life forever Forever and a day Here with you always and always You love me and the world is mine So peaceful and soft all the time Here with you always and always Always with you Lyrics: Tomoko Kawase / Music: Shusaku Okuda |
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Stand by
Sunday she said I cannot bear to say goodbye Then she turned away and began to cry Monday she said goodbye my love she'd made up her mind She's down and in the darkness she sits she needs me now Every dream I have is real I can deliver sweet magic It will be no trouble to help you my friend You know I'll always stand by you whatever happens Don't worry, I will stand by you cos it's alright Goodbye, the sun is going down in the west, are you ready? Let's go, there's something waiting for you, a brand new day Everybody has troubles, they're wishing for peace everyday Though no one else can see me, I watch over you Remember I'll standby you whatever happens Don't worry, I will stand by you cos it's alright Every dream I have is real Every wish I make is magic It will be no trouble to help you my friend, I'll always here Yeah, the guiding light above the roof The shooting star that follows you'round Won't be any trouble to help you my friend You know I'll always stand by you whatever happens Don't worry I will stand by you cos it's alright Remember I will stand by you whatever happens Don't worry I will stand by you cos it's alright Lyrics: Tomoko Kawase / Music: Shusaku Okuda |
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Now I wanna go there, I know a place I'm going there now, I'm going to the Magic place, yeah 淚とゆう 言葉が 長い 一日の 終わりを 告げた (나미다또유우 고토바가 나가이 이찌니찌노 오와리오 쯔게타) 눈물이라는 말이 긴 하루의 마지막을 고했다 この 世界 このまま (고노 세카이 고노마마) 이 세상 이대로 思い出になるより 忘れたいと 思うと (오모이 데니나루요리 와스레타이토 오모우토) 기억하게 되기보단 잊고싶다고 생각하며 よけいに 盛り上がる 愛しさに むなしい 氣持ち (요케이니 모리아가루 이토시사니 무나시이 기모찌) 더욱 부풀어오른 사랑에 공허한 기분 視線を 床に 落として (시센오 유카니 오토시테) 시선을 바닥에 떨구고 絶望の 夢を 見る 日も (제쯔보우노 유메오 미루 히모) 절망의 꿈을 꾼 날도 繪を 描くように ぬりつぶして (에오 카쿠요오니 누리쯔부시테) 그림을 그린것처럼 빈틈없이 메워져 心を 埋めていって I'm going there... (코코로오 우메테잇테 I'm going there... ) 마음을 채우고있어 I'm going there... Now I wanna go there, I know a place I'm going there now, I'm going to the Magic place, yeah 暖かい 日差し 晴れた 空の 下に (아타타카이 히자시 하레타 소라노 시타니) 따뜻한 햇살 맑은 하늘 아래 ひとりきり 私は 悲しい 歌うたう (히토리키리 와타시와 카나시이 우타우타우) 홀로 나는 슬픈 노래를 부르네 テ-ブルを 打つ ペンの 音 (테-부루오 우쯔 펜노 오토) 테이블을 치는 펜의 소리 書き出しの 手紙の 文字に (카키다시노 테가미노 모지니) 써낸 편지의 글자에 立ち昇る 記憶の 全て (타찌노보루 기오쿠노 스베테) 피어오르는 기억의 모든것 何もかも 忘れたい I'm going there... (나니모카모 와스레타이 I'm going there... ) 모조리 잊고싶어 I'm going there... Now I wanna go there, I know a place I'm going there now, I'm going to the Magic place I'm going there now, I'm going to the Magic place I'm going there now I wanna go there, yeah I'm going there now, yeah Lyrics: Tomoko Kawase / Music: Shusaku Okuda |
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" I "
さよなら My Friend ドキドキしてる (사요나라 My Friend 도키도키시테루) 안녕 My Friend 가슴이 뛰고있어 雨上がり 夜の 歸り 道 (아메아가리 요루노 카에리 미치) 비가 막 그친 밤 돌아오는 길 カサを 引きずって 言葉を 失くして (카사오 히키즛데 고토바오 우시나쿠시테) 우산을 끌어대며 말을 잃고 足どりもまた 重く 悲しい 心も 同じ (아시도리모마타 오모쿠 카나시이 코코로모 오나지) 발걸음도 무거운 슬픈 마음과 같아 苦手な 6月はもう 過ぎたけど (니가테나 로꾸가쯔와모우 스기다케도) 서투른 6월은 이제 지나갔지만 心はうつろな メロディ···橫たわる 景色 (코코로와우쯔로나 메로디 ... 요코타와루 케시키) 마음은 공허한 멜로디 ... 가로놓이는 경치 新しい 朝が 來て 暖かな (아타라시이 아사가 키테 아타타카나) 새로운 아침이 오면 따뜻한 淚を 手のくぼみに 受けて (나미다오 테노쿠보미니 우케테) 눈물을 손을 모아 받아서 生まれた 想いを 太陽に 隱した "I say good bye..." (우마레타 오모이오 타이요니 카쿠시타 "I say good bye...") 태어나는 생각을 태양에 감추었어 "I say good bye..." 光に 閉じた "Bye bye my love" (히카리니 토지타 "Bye bye my love") 빛에 눈감았어 "Bye bye my love" 昔の 情熱を 時時思う (무카시노 조메치오 도키도키오모우) 옛 정열을 때때로 생각해 "强くいるって 難しいね" と あなたは 言った ("쯔요쿠이룻테 무즈카시이네" 토 아나타와 잇타) "강하게 있는건 어려워" 하고 당신은 말했어 無數の 星のように 流れて 落ちる (무스우노 호시노요오니 나가레테 오치루) 수많은 별처럼 흘러가 떨어져 靑ざめた 胸に 手を 當てて そして 忘れるように (아오자메타 무네니 테오 아테테 소시테 와스레루요오니) 새파래진 마음에 손을 대고 그리고 잊은것처럼 耳を 傾けるのは 遠い 昔 (미미오 카타무케루노와 토오이 무카시) 귀를 기울이면 먼 옛날 驅り 立てた 記憶に 今浮かびくる (토리다테타 기오쿠니 이마 우카비쿠루) 몰아낸 기억이 지금 떠올라와 金色の空 思い出して 泣いた Wo ... yeah (콘지키노소라 오모이다시테 나이타 Wo ... yeah) 금빛의 하늘 추억하며 울었네 Wo ... yeah この 胸を 寫して 雲とともに (고노 무네오 우쯔시테 쿠모토토모니) 이 마음을 본떠 구름과 함께 靑い 風にのせて 流して (아오이 카제니노세테 나가시테) 푸른 바람을 타고 흘러가서 ひそかな 想いを 太陽に 隱した "I say good bye..." (히소카나 오모이오 타이요니 카쿠시타 "I say good bye...") 비밀스런 생각을 태양에 감추었어 "I say good bye..." 光に 閉じた "Bye bye my love" (히카리니 토지타 "Bye bye my love") 빛에 눈감았어 "Bye bye my love" 小さく 手を 振った "Bye bye my friend" (치이사쿠 테오 훗타 "Bye bye my friend") 작게 손을 흔들었어 "Bye bye my friend" Lyrics: Tomoko Kawase / Music: Ryo Matsui |
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Baby London Star
I just can't walk away Why should we wait till tomorrow I just can't walk away, can't walk away I just want you to know I can never let you go I just want you to know I can't wait till tomorrow The music stops, you walk me to my door You say good night I need you even more You say babe it's getting so hard leaving you behind Wanna hold you this way want you stay Baby London star OK You're my sugar "I love you" Baby London star OK You're my sugar "I love you" My busy London star, OK Hey, you superstar, yeah My shiny London star "My boy" You're my baby "London star" Always too busy to eat Always too busy to sleep I can't wait, I never want to leave your side Just say you love me Don't ever leave me You give me everything I just want you to know I can't wait till tomorrow When you're gone darkness comes into my soul So sad, I can't wait cause I need more If only for one night darling let me keep you here Wanna kiss you this way boy, please stay Baby London star OK You're my sugar "I love you" Baby London star OK You're my sugar "I love you" My busy London star, OK Hey, you superstar, yeah My shiny London star "I love you" You're my baby "London star" I just want you to know Boy I can not let you go Another kiss and I just might Darling, please don't say "good night" yeah Baby London star OK You're my sugar "I love you" Baby London star OK You're my sugar "I love you" My busy London star, OK Hey, you superstar, yeah My shiny London star "My boy" You're my baby "London star" TU RU TU TU...... You're my baby "London Star" Lyrics: Tomoko Kawase / Music: Ryo Matsui |
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