다이나믹 듀오 6집 - Dynamic Duo 6th DIGILOG 1/2 (2011) by 다이나믹 듀오 (보컬) on maniadb.com

다이나믹 듀오
다이나믹 듀오 6집 - Dynamic Duo 6th DIGILOG 1/2
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RELEASE DATE: 2011-11-25
ALBUM TYPE: 정규, 6집
팝 랩
INDEX: 2897


Dynamic Duo 6th DIGILOG 1/2
데뷔 10주년 기념 6집 앨범 그 첫 번째 이야기

재해석이 아닌 진화를 택한 다이나믹듀오.
CBMASS부터 지금에 이르기까지 어느덧 “힙합” 하나로 데뷔 10주년을 맞이한 그들.
매 앨범마다 흥행과 비평을 동시에 만족시키며 10년을 한결같은 모습으로, 이제는 대중들에게 명실공히 한국 힙합씬의 대 ....


Disc 1
다이나믹 듀오
다이나믹 듀오
다이나믹 듀오
다이나믹 듀오
다이나믹 듀오
다이나믹 듀오
다이나믹 듀오
다이나믹 듀오
다이나믹 듀오


CD 2011-11-25 아메바컬쳐, CJ E&M MUSIC


Performed by 다이나믹 듀오 1기 (2004)
- 최자 : 랩, 보컬
- 개코 : 랩, 보컬
1. Digilog intro
producer : simo&moodschula
mixed by : simo&moodschula
mastered by 전"bigboom"훈 at sonic studio

2. 살발해 (Forever Young) feat. beenzino
producer : dynamicduo
lyrics : dynamicduo, beebzino
main them originated by gaeko
all instruments arranged by 이병호(flow)
drum programed by gaeko
keyboard played by (E.P& clavinet - 박지운, organ - 전영호)
guitar played by 이병호(Flow)
bass played by 노덕래
drum played by 장혁
percussion played by 김진환
brass played by (saxophone -Jami
trumpet - 김성민 trumbone - 박경건)
all voices recorded by 임승현 at ark sound
all instruments recorded by 서진원 at ark studio
mixed by 고현정 at musicabal studio assisted by 오단영
mastered by 전"bigboom"훈 at sonic studio

3. 해뜰때까지만 (Girl)
producer : dynamicduo, 이병호(flow)
lyrics : dynamicduo
main theme oringinated by gaeko
all instruments arranged by 이병호(flow)
drum programed by gaeko
keyboard played by 박지운
guitar played 이병호(Flow)
bass played by 노덕래
drum played by 장혁
percussion played by 김진환
brass played by (saxophone -Jami
trumpet - 김성민
trumbone - 박경건)
all voice recorded by 임승현 at ark sound
all instruments recorded by 서진원 at ark studio
mixed by 고현정 at musicabal studio assisted by 김일호, 오단영
mastered by 전"bigboom"훈 at sonic studio

4. 사선에서 (In The Line Of Fire) feat. mAd sOuL cHiLd
producer : dynamicduo, mAd sOuL cHiLd
lyrics : dynamicduo
main theme originated by choiza
all instruments arranged and played by mAd sOuL cHiLd
male voice recorded by 임승현 at ark sound
female voice recorded by 정무경 at hcmp studio
mixed by 고현정 at musicabal studio assisted by 오단영
mastered by Mazen Murad at Metropolis Studios in London
assisted by 구미영

5. 막잔하고 나갈게 (Lost One)
producer : dynamicduo
lyrics : dynamicduo
main theme oringinated by gaeko
all instruments arranged by 이병호(flow)
drum programed by gaeko
keyboard played by 박지운
string played by 전영호
bass played by 노덕래
drum played by 장혁
percussion played by 김진환
all voices recorded by 임승현 at ark sound
all instruments recorded by 서진원 at ark studio
mixed by 고현정 at musicabal studio assisted by 김일호
mastered by 전"bigboom"훈 at sonic studio

6. 수면장애 (Sleep Disorder)
producer : assbrass, dynamicduo
lyrics : dynamicduo
main theme originated by assbrass
all instruments arranged and played by assbrass
all voice recorded by 임승현 at ark sound
mixed by MasterKey at MasterPiece Studio
mastered by 전"bigboom"훈 at sonic studio

7. 불타는 금요일 (Friday Night)
producer : planet shiver, dynamicduo
lyrics : dynamicduo
main theme oringinated by planet shiver
all instruments played and arranged by planet shiver
all voices recorded by 임승현 at ark sound
mixed by 임승현, planet shiver at ark sound
mastered by 전"bigboom"훈 at sonic studio

8. Precious Love feat. JINBO
producer : JINBO, dynamicduo
lyrics : dynamicduo, JINBO
main theme oringinated by JINBO
all instruments played and arranged by JINBO
all voices recorded by 이병우 at beyond starz studio
mixed by mixed by 고현정 at musicabal studio assisted by 김일호
mastered by Mazen Murad at Metropolis Studios in London
assisted by 구미영

9. 남자로서 (Great Expectation)
producer : primary, dynamicduo
lyrics : dynamicduo
main theme oringinated by Primary
all instruments played and arranged by Primary
all voice recorded by 성주현 at beyond starz studio
mixed by mixed by 고현정 at musicabal studio assisted by 오단영
mastered by 전"bigboom"훈 at sonic studio

Trackback :: http://d2.maniadb.com/trackback/A687626

Trackback from :: 끔찍하게 민감한 마음 :: 2011-11-25 15:02:32

Subject : 살발하게 좋네. 다이나믹 듀오 - 6th DIGILOG 1/2

다이나믹 듀오 (Dynamic Duo) - 정규 6집 Digilog 1/2 - 다이나믹 듀오 (Dynamic Duo) 노래/씨제이 이앤엠 (구 엠넷) 랩 가사는 내게 별 위로가 안 되는 편이었는데 다듀만큼은 제외다. 리쌍은 매번 비슷하게 들리는 사랑 얘기를 하게 된 다음부터는 잘 안 듣게 됐다. 슈프림팀은 내 귀엔 그렇게 좋게 느껴지지 않았다. 에픽 하이는 타블로의 목소리가 가늘어서 별로 좋아하지 않는다. 하지만 다듀는 다르다. 이들은 정말 뮤지션.....


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