대중들은 생소하나 몇몇관계자로부터 은근한 기대를 받고 있던 스트레인져가 드디어 출항(Sailing Out)을 했다. 멤버 각자가 나름대로의 오랜 경력과 음악성을 가지고 있던 중에 의기 투합하여 많은 연구 끝에 앨범을 내놓았다. 옥타브, 메카 출신의 놀라운 실력을 보여주고 있는 기타 임덕규를 중심으로 Phoenix 출신의 베이스 박인고, 미케닉스 출신의 드럼 임창언, 프리즈마, 디오니서스 출신의 보컬 이승철, 오디세이 출신의 키보드 김동규로 구성된 5인조 그룹으로 시작은 다른 뮤지션에 비해 다소 늦은 그룹이지만, 블루스, 바로크, 스피드, 쓰래쉬 등을 추구하며, 이미 섭렵한 실력파들로서 기대를 모으고 있는 다크 호스. 다소 대중성은 없다는 평이지만, 언젠가는 그들의 음악이 발판을 굳힐 때가 올 것이라는 생각으로 그룹과 스탭은 힘을 모으고 있다. .... ....
I try to use a red manicure on my rotten nails. Nice! but my mother isn't here. I try to use a red rouge on my lips. Nice! but I can't place her. My love stands by me. but my mother isn't here
As parched with thirst, as parched with thirst. I'm crying out your name. Bending legs seem to be broken, not to have control me. Although I'm here smelling perfume it My inside doesn't accept it.
To take away this pain I'll go to Eden. To take away this pain I'll go to your breast.
Gases cover the deep blue skies, It's been a long time. I do love I do love some one. I can't feel Cause my mother isn't here. I'm crying I'm crying. There's no one to soothe me, no friend whom I love I'll stand high to be a candle.
I'll light this world at the cost of my flesh. I'll light this world at the cost of my soul.
Every time when my feeling in blue I hear this song and start humming a tune to myself. I close my eyes when I sing. Past by gones lay their spell on me. A calm memory of love. The song's melody comes out of your heart. and your heavenly voice starts me to dreaming.
Since a forgotten times I've never seen your face My splendid day begins to hearing your song carrying out from a radio then I can imagine you against the color of sunset. Melodies breathe into red sky and bring about a calm. Wind setting your long hair to fluttering in the breeze. Little blind girls see those scenes the eyes of the mind.
When I listen to this song. I have a feeling. When I listen to this song. I have a feeling.
When I appear on the street with broken heart. There are blank faces. Cars passing by in a little cafe in your feeling flowing through the dense smoke my heart is fascinated.
1 A little watch worn in my broken wrist always teaching always the same A signal light standing in the crossway It's eyes flickering out of order
2 Just like a can sadly my shell is spread out in places and it is reflected in my mirror more sadly Now, I will go alone this way to go
* I'm a stranger on my way It's a expression of solitude I felt I'm a stranger on my way But I will fight against them
3 Darkness came down in this street again Neon nights hold a tense atmosphere in it's arms. It's Now I will go alone this way to go You're a stranger on my way It's a expression of solitude I felt. You're stranger on my way But I will fight against them
There were many trees and birds flying through the sky. If May were to came we had thought to talk about life and to drink sitting on the grass. I remember that eagle which is on top ready to fly ready to the sky. In long ago time when May go away this grass fades away at once. All the year around it's color doesn't come.
After you I'm separated After you for whom I'll flow.
네 어깨 너머로 비친 성 은혜의 눈물 나눠 가지고 싶은 나의 사랑이요 허술한 성주를 지키는 마음 동산의 끝에 선 당신의 모습처럼 기적의 눈물은 세상의 바가 되어 이곳을 적시네 축복의 하늘이여 축복의 땅이여 오- 대지의 생명이여 이곳은 언제나 푸르러 싱그러움의 빛깔로 영생의 소망을 이루리라.