Now we're living in wonderful world Many choices and facts all around And we all have a right to get a freedom so greed for free There are sorrow and gloom in the world Still it's keeping on blooming for us And we all have a chance to flower for each to you and to me It's a full of visions in this field Like a flowing music in your mind Close your eyes Take a breath and just feel it let fly away Still it's keeping on blooming for us There are impressions and fantasies And we all have a chance to flower for each to you and to me oh Just a thing that you say makes somebody smile and smile Just a thing that you find makes somebody smile and smile Just a thing that you draw makes somebody smile and smile Now I sing this one song hope to get just for you
It's a full of visions in this field Like a flowing music in your mind Close your eyes Take a breath and just feel it let fly away Now we're living in wonderful world Many choices and facts all around And we all have a right to get a freedom so greed for free Still it's keeping on blooming for us There are impressions and fantasies And we all have a chance to flower for each to you and to me And we all have a chance to flower for each to you and to me oh Just a thing that you say makes somebody smile and smile Just a thing that you find makes somebody smile and smile Just a thing that you drew makes somebody smile and smile Just a thing that you know makes somebody smile and smile Just a thing that you show makes somebody smile and smile Now I sing this one song hope to get just for you Now I sing this one song hope to get just for you Now I sing this one song hope to get just for you Now I sing this one song hope to get just for you Now I sing this one song hope to get just for you
Girl, close your eyes Let that rhythm get into you Don't try to fight it There ain't nothin' that you can do Relax your mind Lay back and groove with mine You got to feel that heat And we can ride the boogie Share that beat of love I wanna rock with you Dance you into day I wanna rock with you We're gonna rock the night away Out on the floor There ain't nobody there but us Girl, when you dance There's a magic that must be love Just take it slow 'Cause we got so far to go When you feel that heat And we're gonna ride the boogie Share that beat of love I wanna rock with you Dance you into day I wanna rock with you We're gonna rock the night away And when the groove is dead and gone (yeah) You know that love survives So we can rock forever, on I wanna rock with you I wanna groove with you I wanna rock with you I wanna groove with you I (yeah) with you (sunlight) Rock with you, rock with you Dance the night away (all night) Rock you into day (sunlight) I wanna rock with you rock with you Rock the night away Dance the night away Feel the heat feel (sunlight) Rock with you (yeah) Rock the night away (yeah)
褪せた窓邊にもたられ まどろむ 아세타마도베니모타레테마도로무 색 바랜 창가에 기대어 잠시 졸아 まるで街はバタ-のように溶けて 마루데마치와바타-노요-니토케테 마치 거리는 버터처럼 녹아 들어가 君がいない夏 키미가이나이나츠 네가 없는 여름 灼けたベランダでバスマット搖らめく 야케타베란다데바스맛토유라메쿠 그을린 베란다에서 욕실 매트가 흔들거려 風に街のざわめきが溶けて溶けて 카제니마치노자와메키가토케테토케테 바람에 거리의 웅성거림이 녹아 들어가 녹아 들어가 にじむ 波の音 니지무나미노오토 스며드는 파도소리 甘い感覺 아마이캉카쿠 달콤한 감각 君の夢を見てたまた戀に落ちてた 키미노유메오미테타마타코이니오치테타 너의 꿈을 봤어 또 다시 사랑에 빠졌어 岸邊を步いてた 키시베오아루이테타 물가를 걷고 있었어 君の聲を聞いたその手にふれた 키미노코에오키이타소노테니후레타 너의 목소리를 들었어 그 손에 닿았어 君がいた summer day dream 키미가이타 summer day dream 네가 있던 summer day dream 明日も晴れるでしょう 아스모하레루데쇼- 내일도 맑은 날이겠지 君がいない夏 키미가이나이나츠 네가 없는 여름 君の夢を見てたまた戀に落ちてた 키미노유메오미테타마타코이니오치테타 너의 꿈을 봤어 또 다시 사랑에 빠졌어 海邊を眺めてた 우미베오나가메테타 물가를 바라보았어 星が流れていた 願いをかけた 호시가나가레테이타네가이오카케타 별이 흐르고 있었어 소원을 빌었어 君がいたあの日のまま 키미가이타아노히노마마 네가 있던 그 날처럼 君の夢を見てた 키미노유메오미테타사요나라가키코에타 너의 꿈을 봤었어 淚が溢れてた 니미다가아후레테타 눈물이 흘러 넘쳤어 君の聲を聞いたその手にふれた 키미노코에오키이타소노테니후레타 너의 목소리를 들었어 그 손에 닿았어 君がいた summer day dream 키미가이타 summer day dream 네가 있던 summer day dream
When I called you You were strange Something`s been changing since we used to be I know what`s causing you to make you feel blue But forget and talk like we used to be I want to go back to the days we were together I want to go back I want to go back to the time we spent together I want to go back how we used to be Close your eyes I`m on your side It`s plain enough how we used to be Even flowers will be fine after rain weeps So forget and talk like we used to be I want to go back to the days we were together I want to go back I want to go back to the time we spent together I want to go back how we used to be I want to go back to the days we were together I want to go back we laugh together Remember always to the days we were together remember always Remember always to the time we spent together remember always how we used to be I want to go back to the days we laugh together I want to go back I want to go back to the time we spent together I want to go back how we used to be we laugh together we spent together
廣い廣い宇宙の 廣い廣い地球で 히로이히로이우츄-노히로이히로이치큐-데 넓고 넓은 우주의 넓고 넓은 지구에서 長い旅の幕が靜かに降りた 나가이타비노마쿠가시즈카니오리타 긴 여행의 막이 조용히 내렸어 いつか來るその日を誰もが 이츠카쿠루소노히오다레모가 언젠가 올 그 날을 누구나가 受け止めきれなくて 우케토메키레나쿠테 다 막아낼 수 없어서 深い深い悲しみに包まれた 후카이후카이카나시미니츠츠마레타 깊고 깊은 슬픔에 감싸였어 橋が架かる明かりが燈る 하시가카카루아카리가토모루 다리가 이어지고 빛이 밝혀졌어 太陽が昇る手をつなごう 타이요-가노보루테오츠나고- 태양이 떠올라 손을 잡자 ラララ生生しい今呼吸して 라라라나마나마시이이마코큐-시테 라라라 새로운 지금 호흡해 家路につくかれらはやかて朝を迎え 이에지니츠쿠카레라와야가테아사오무카에 집으로 돌아가는 그들은 결국 아침을 맞이해 日當たりのいい食卓でコ-ヒ-を飮む 히아타리노이이쇼쿠타쿠데코-히-오노무 햇빛이 잘 드는 식탁에서 커피를 마셔 溫かい生活と平和な世界 아타타카이세이카츠토헤이와나세카이 따뜻한 생활과 평화로운 세계 その他に望むものはなにもない 소노호카니노조무모노와나니모나이 그 밖에 바라는 것은 아무 것도 없어 月を步くいつでも人は求める 츠키오아루쿠이츠데모히토와모토메루 달을 걸어가 언제라도 사람은 바래 太陽が昇る手をつなごう 타이요-가노보루테오츠나고- 태양이 떠올라 손을 잡자 心が幸福であるように 코코로가코-후쿠데아루요-니 마음이 행복해 지도록 視界をさえぎる深い霧の奧の 시카이오사에기루후카이키리노오쿠노 시야를 차단하는 깊은 안개 안쪽의 かすかなサインを聞き逃さないように 카스카나사잉오키키노가사나이요-니 희미한 사인을 듣고 놓치지 않게 廣い廣い宇宙の 廣い廣い地球で 히로이히로이우츄-노히로이히로이치큐-데 넓고 넓은 우주의 넓고 넓은 지구에서 長い旅の幕が靜かに開けた 나가이타비노마쿠가시즈카니아케타 긴 여행의 막이 조용히 열렸어 太陽が昇る手をつなごう 타이요-가노보루테오츠나고- 태양이 떠올라 손을 잡자 めくるめくくり返す今呼吸して 메쿠루메쿠쿠리카에스이마코큐-시테 가면 갈수록 반복하는 지금 호흡해 太陽が昇る手をつなごう 타이요-가노보루테오츠나고- 태양이 떠올라 손을 잡자 ラララ生生しい今 呼吸して 라라라나마나마시이이마코큐-시테 라라라 새로운 지금 호흡해 太陽が昇る手をつなごう 타이요-가노보루테오츠나고- 태양이 떠올라 손을 잡자 心が幸福であるように 코코로가코-후쿠데아루요-니 마음이 행복해 지도록 -
편안한 목소리를 가진 비 더 보이스(Be the voice)가 14일에 내한을 했었다. 역시나 편안한 그 목소리를 들려주고 간 그들.. 공연내내 나의 귀와 마음을 즐겁게 해준 그들.. 멋졌다! 예전엔 시끄러운 음악들을 좋아했는데, 요즘에 듣는 음악들을 보면 조용한 음악들의 비중이 꽤 커졌다. 나이를 먹고 있는건가?! [ Be the voice - Altogether Alone]...