Noritake Hiroyuki

Noritake Hiroyuki    노리타케 히로유키 / 본명:則竹裕之
2000s -


[Disc 1]
1. harenotihare / 2. Magical Hour / 3. Trial Road / 4. Good For You / 5. Lady “S” nohatukoi / 6. Freaky Rats / 7. Lover's Beat / 8. Smile on the hill / 9. As you wish!
[Disc 1]
1. AI Factory / 2. Geisha / 3. Daylight / 4. Rising Scope / 5. 88/200 / 6. 残照 / Zanshou (석양) / 7. Colors Of The Smile / 8. Darwin / 9. Over The Border
[Disc 1]
1. Golden Splash / 2. Heidi / 3. Sugar / 4. 慕情~Longing~(Bojou / 그리운 마음 ~Longing~) / 5. Time Spiral / 6. Old School Babies / 7. 紺碧の向こうに (Konpekinomukouni / 검푸른 저편에) / 8. HELLO LIKE BEFORE / 9. It's a Wonderful Life!
[Disc 1]
1. City Coaster / 2. From Now On / 3. In My Dreams / 4. Better Than Yesterday / 5. Sleepless Night / 6. 幻想の世界 / Gensono Sekai (환상의 세계) / 7. Trade Wind / 8. Everlasting Dream Part Ⅱ / 9. Trap It
[Disc 1]
1. You'Re The One / 2. Thank You / 3. Shine / 4. Snow Walker / 5. 魂の肖像 (영혼의 초상) / 6. Wish / 7. Kiss And Cry / 8. Eagle Spear / 9. I Stand Alone / 10. Next
[Disc 1]
1. Heroes / 2. The Bird Of Wonder / 3. The Flight Of The Phoenix / 4. Sunshower / 5. 夏の足音 (여름의 발소리) / 6. Cheer Up! / 7. Tell Your Story / 8. Sympathy / 9. Flashpacker / 10. Fast Break
[Disc 1]
1. A Little Big Life / 2. Hayabusa ~The Great Journey: 기적의 귀환~ / 3. Prankster / 4. Atlantis / 5. A•i•ta•ku•te / 6. Night Games / 7. Sunday Kitchen / 8. For The Love Unborn / 9. A~ For The Rookies~
[Disc 1]
1. Discoveries / 2. Survivor / 3. Clappin' / 4. Crazy Beach / 5. Paperplane / 6. Undo / 7. All You Need To Know / 8. かわらぬ想い / Kawaranu Omoi [변함 없는 마음] / 9. Smile Smile Smile
[Disc 1]
1. Islet Beauty / 2. Anthem / 3. Calera / 4. Seeking The Pearl / 5. Wonderful Days / 6. Blues For Monk / 7. Sweet Catastrophe / 8. Freckles / 9. System Of Love / 10. Missing You
[Disc 1]
1. Rondo / 2. Freeze Flame / 3. Insomnia / 4. Flying Colors / 5. Iberian Seascape / 6. Again And Again / 7. Stranger In The Mirror / 8. Bushmaster / 9. Fumble / 10. Hangesho
[Disc 1]
1. Prince Vlad / 2. Don't Play Hard To Get / 3. Revenge / 4. Istanbul / 5. Another Story / 6. Reminiscence / 7. Slick Stick / 8. Cirrus / 9. And Forever / 10. Sayonara
[Disc 1]
1. Barefoot Beauty - T Square / 2. More Than Lemonade [서영은] / 3. Let Your Love Flow - T Square / 4. Surfing U.S.S.R. - T Square / 5. Speechless - T Square / 6. Caribbean Love Affair - T Square / 7. Velvet Slumber - T Square / 8. Cloudburst - T Square / 9. Angel's Love [서영은] - T Square / 10. Teasin' - T Square
[Disc 1]
1. Dream Weaver / 2. I'M In You / 3. Future Maze / 4. Jungle Fever / 5. Peacemaker / 6. Cape Verde / 7. Moon / 8. Don't Tell Me A Truth / 9. Miracle City / 10. In A Sweet Trap
[Disc 1]
1. T Comes Back / 2. Omens Of Love `03 / 3. Kapiolani / 4. El Mirage / 5. Mirage In The Valley / 6. 勇者 (Yuh-ja) / 7. Lily Of The Valley
[Disc 1]
1. Down To Memphis / 2. Phat Phunk / 3. Hit The Streets / 4. One For The Road / 5. Aurora / 6. Good Old Days / 7. Come And Get It / 8. Ancient Dreams / 9. United Soul
[Disc 1]
1. Kaze No Shonen [바람의 소년] / 2. Once In A Lifetime / 3. Eurostar : Run Into The Light / 4. Getting Over / 5. Doors / 6. Ture Love / 7. 7 Miles Bridge / 8. Reflection / 9. The End Of The Summer / 10. Glorious Road
[Disc 1]
1. Time To Landing - Noritake Hiroyuki / 2. Secret Market - Noritake Hiroyuki / 3. Train In The Rain - Noritake Hiroyuki / 4. Clione - Noritake Hiroyuki / 5. Lilac Time - Noritake Hiroyuki / 6. 番犬 "Larry!" [번견 "Larry!"] - Noritake Hiroyuki / 7. Mia Cadol - Noritake Hiroyuki / 8. Port Town [Unforgettable Days] - Noritake Hiroyuki / 9. Cyber City Slicker - Noritake Hiroyuki / 10. Time To Landing [To The Next Voyage] - Noritake Hiroyuki
[Disc 1]
1. Omens Of Love / 2. Feel Alright / 3. Chances / 4. Stimulator / 5. We`ll Never Have A Trouble / 6. In The Grid / 7. Merylu / 8. Prime / 9. Forgotten Saga
[Disc 1]
1. Sailing The Ocean / 2. Sweet & Gentle / 3. Scrambling / 4. A Dream In A Daydream / 5. Belfast Song / 6. Maybe Tomorrow / 7. Friendship / 8. Tempo De Ser Feliz / 9. A Distancia / 10. Control [Live Version From Moment / The Square] / 11. Megalith [Live Version From Moment / The Square] / 12. Truth 21c (T-square Plus) / 13. Japanese Soul Brother
[Disc 1]
1. Megalith / 2. Gerty No Yume / 3. Manatsu No Tameiki / 4. Little League Star / 5. Your Restless Eyes / 6. Midnight Circle / 7. The Summer Of '68 / 8. Nab That Chap! / 9. Romantic City / 10. When I Think Of You
[Disc 1]
1. Yuh-ja / 2. Pioggia Di Capri / 3. Victory (Instrumental) / 4. Naughty Boy / 5. Lately / 6. Ciao!!! / 7. Bossa Grigia / 8. Sunshine Shower / 9. Terra Di Verde
[Disc 1]
1. Yuh-ja / 2. Pioggia Di Capri / 3. Victory / 4. Naughty Boy / 5. Lately / 6. Ciao!!! / 7. Bossa Grigia / 8. Sunshine Shower / 9. Terra Di Verde
[Disc 1]
1. A Dream In A Daydream / 2. Man On The Moon / 3. Ca Et La / 4. Our Fortress / 5. Ale-leyah-yah / 6. An Evening Glow / 7. A Nite Without Memory / 8. Taking Mountain(tops) / 9. Calling Through The Age Of Time / 10. (Don`t Ask About)meaning Of Kiss / 11. A Dream In A Daydream (Reprise) / 12. Belfast Song
[Disc 1]
1. Dans Sa Chambre - T Square / 2. Go For It - T Square / 3. Miss You - T Square / 4. El Mirage - T Square / 5. Shadow - T Square / 6. Mr. Mellow - T Square / 7. Kiss - T Square / 8. Papillon - T Square / 9. Crisis - T Square / 10. Catcher In The Rye - T Square
[Disc 1]
1. Grand Prix / 2. Celebration / 3. Beat In Beat / 4. Unexpected Lover / 5. Truth / 6. Breeze And You / 7. Giant Side Steps / 8. Because / 9. Twilight In Upper West
[Disc 1]
1. A Caminho De Casa~on My Way Home / 2. Despedida / 3. Sem Parar / 4. Toys / 5. Tempo de Ser Feliz / 6. Som Silencioso / 7. A Distancia / 8. Amanhecer / 9. Soft Madness / 10. A Farther Place
[Disc 1]
1. Knight's Song / 2. Chase / 3. Megalith / 4. L'Eau Rouge / 5. Good Bye Hero / 6. Little Mermaid / 7. The Face / 8. It's Happening Again / 9. Truth 21C / 10. Good Bye Blue Wind
[Disc 1]
1. Itoshi No Unaji - T Square / 2. Maybe I`m Wrong - T Square / 3. Cry For The Moon - T Square / 4. Mistral - T Square / 5. Destination - T Square / 6. Overnight Sensation - T Square / 7. Mist Of Time - T Square / 8. Enrai - T Square
[Disc 1]
1. Morning Star - T Square / 2. Love For Spy - T Square / 3. Jealousy - T Square / 4. Your Christmas - T Square / 5. Route405 - T Square / 6. Dooba Wooba!! - T Square / 7. Big City - T Square / 8. Still I Love You - T Square / 9. Hard-boiled - T Square / 10. Arcadia - T Square / 11. Rachael - T Square
[Disc 1]
1. Control / 2. Daisy Field / 3. Wind Song / 4. White Mane / 5. Happy Song / 6. Snowbird / 7. Labyrinth Of Love / 8. Up Town / 9. Radio Star / 10. Last Raindrops
[Disc 1]
1. Faces - T Square / 2. 11月の雨 - T Square / 3. Rise - T Square / 4. Mac`s Back - T Square / 5. Broken Promise - T Square / 6. Dandelion Hill - T Square / 7. Traffic Jam - T Square / 8. Amaranth - T Square / 9. 待ちぼうけの午後 - T Square
[Disc 1]
1. Chor Chow - T Square / 2. It`s Magic - T Square / 3. Change Your Mind - T Square / 4. Hearts - T Square / 5. Sabana Hotel - T Square / 6. Travelers - T Square / 7. Cape Light - T Square / 8. Omens Of Love - T Square / 9. In The Crid - T Square / 10. Forgotten Saga - T Square / 11. Takarajima - T Square
[Disc 1]
1. Friendship / 2. Safari / 3. Day Dreams / 4. Maybe Tomorrow / 5. Sheryl / 6. In This Together / 7. Pain In My Heart / 8. Believe In Me / 9. Heavenly Days
[Disc 1]
1. Mare It Stoned / 2. Dali`s Boogie / 3. A Day In Blue / 4. From Tanjavur / 5. Scrambling / 6. Parr Ave. South / 7. Scene-000 / 8. Can You Feel It / 9. Sweet & Gentle
[Disc 1]
1. The Seven Wonders / 2. Sailing The Ocean / 3. Ms.bracing / 4. Tokyo Sound Machine / 5. Praise / 6. Down To Earth / 7. One Step Beyond / 8. Explorer / 9. The Forest House / 10. Away From Home
[Disc 1]
1. Your Restless Eyes / 2. Midnight Circle / 3. The Summer Of '68 / 4. Megalith / 5. Mr. Mellow / 6. Miss You / 7. Nab That Chap / 8. Romantic City / 9. Route 405 / 10. Gerty's Dream
[Disc 1]
1. Triumph / 2. Crown And Roses / 3. History / 4. Sunnyside Cruise / 5. Splash! / 6. Landscape / 7. 41, Parthenia Rd. / 8. The Autumn Of '75 / 9. Prime Time
[Disc 1]
1. 明日への扉 [내일의 문] - T-Square / 2. Rainy Day, Rainy Heart - T-Square / 3. High Time - T-Square / 4. Anabelle - T-Square / 5. Play For You - T-Square / 6. Beyond The Dawn - T-Square / 7. Scandal Boy - T-Square / 8. Just Like A Woman - T-Square

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