飛びたいなら羽を持つんだ 토비타이나라하네오모츤다 날고싶다면날개를가지는거야 進みたいなら道をつくればいい (you can do that) 스스미타이나라미치오츠쿠레바이이 (you can do that) 앞으로나아가고싶다면길을만들면돼 (you can do that) あの星が欲しいならきっと君に屆くよ 아노호시가호시이나라킷토키미니토도쿠요 저별을원한다면분명그대에게전해질거야 信じて…… 신지테…… 믿어봐…… つかめないものはない (you can do that) 츠카메나이모노와나이 (you can do that) 잡을수없는것은없어 (you can do that) I lost my way 迷って惱んで見えてくる my new way I lost my way 마욧테나얀데미에테쿠루 my new way I lost my way 방황하고고민해보여지는 my new way 明かりのなこを步き續けるために I light up my fire 아카리노나이미치오아루키츠즈케루타메니 I light up my fire 불빛없는길을계속걷기위해 I light up my fire Because of tears ゆがんで光って見える君が say to me Because of tears 유간데히캇테미에루키미가 say to me Because of tears 비뚤어져빛나보이는그대가 say to me 「なぜそんなに you feel so worry? 望めば出來ない事はないのに…」 「나제손나니 you feel so worry? 노조메바데키나이코토와나이노니…」 「왜그렇게 you feel so worry? 원하면할수없는일은없는데…」 步き出せば風がやさしく包む 아루키다세바카제가야사시쿠츠츠무 걷기시작하면바람이부드럽게감싸 瞳開けば夜空が君を包む 히토미히라케바요조라가키미오츠츠무 눈을뜨면밤하늘이그대를감싸 すべては君の中に生まれる 스베테와키미노나카니우마레루 모든것은그대안에태어나 君だけの道を 키미다케노미치오 그대만의길을 君だけの風にのって 키미다케노카제니놋테 그대만의바람에실어 君だけの星を今つかみとろう 키미다케노호시오이마츠차미토로- 그대만의별을지금붙잡아 飛びたいなら羽を持つんだ 토비타이나라하네오모츤다 날고싶다면날개를가지는거야 進みたいなら道をつくればいい (you can do that) 스스미타이나라미치오츠쿠레바이이 (you can do that) 앞으로나아가고싶다면길을만들면돼 (you can do that) あの星が欲しいならきっと君に屆くよ 아노호시가호시이나라킷토키미니토도쿠요 저별을원한다면분명그대에게전해질거야 信じて…… 신지테…… 믿어봐…… つかめないものはない (you can do that) 츠카메나이모노와나이 (you can do that) 잡을수없는것은없어 (you can do that) 今ならわかるあなたの言いたかった事が 이마나라와카루아나타노이이타캇타코토가 지금이라면알아요그대가말하고싶어했던것 淚ひとつ見せないあなたが 나미다히토츠미세나이아나타가 눈물한방울보이지않는그대가 私のために流した一粒の意味も 와타시노타메니나가시타히토츠부노이미모 나를위해흘렸던한줄기눈물의의미를 あなたが私の心に殘したものは2つ 아나타가와타시노코코로니노코시타모노와후타츠 그대가나의마음에남긴것은두가지 あなたが星になった last of June 아나타가호시니낫타 last of June 그대가별이되어버린 last of June そして自分自身を生きぬくという事 소시테지분지신오이키누쿠토이우코토 그리고자기자신이꿋꿋이살아가는것 Don't be afraid to see what you having かばんが empty でも 카방가 empty 데모 가방이 empty 이어도 Keep on having dreams 大切なのは what you see and how you feel 타이세츠나노와 what you see and how you feel 중요한 것은 what you see and how you feel Listen to yourself ""How you wanna be"" 立ち上がるだけで近づく sky 타치아가루다케데치카즈쿠 sky 일어서는것만으로도가까워지는 sky 手をのばしてみれば yes you can fly 테오노바시테미레바 yes you can fly 손을뻗어보면 yes you can fly うまく飛べなくても never give it up 우마쿠토베나쿠테모 never give it up 멋지게날수없어도 never give it up Baby please don't cry Don't be afraid to make some changes 無制限に廣がる my destiny 무세이겐니히로가루 my destiny 무제한으로펼쳐지는 my destiny 自由に宙を遊泳 지유-니츄-오유-헤이 자유롭게하늘을날아 夢じゃなく you can do it 유메쟈나쿠 you can do it 꿈이아니라 you can do it かかんに向かい風を見方に go your way 카칸니무카이카제오미카타니 go your way 과감히역풍을내편으로만들어 go your way じゃまな不安は throw'em away 쟈마나후안와 throw'em away 방해가되는불안은 throw'em away 探しものが見つかったら right away 사가시모노가미츠캇타라 right away 찾고있는것을발견했다면 right away その瞬間まで proud of yourself 소노슌칸마데 proud of yourself 그때까지 proud of yourself いつの日か見えるハズ夢と現實をつなぐ 이츠노히카미에루하즈유메토겐지츠오츠나구 어느날인가보일거야꿈과현실을잇는 長く續く階段が遠まわりだと I knew that 나가쿠츠즈쿠카이단가토오마와리다토 I knew that 길게이어지는계단이돌아가는것이라고 I knew that でも止まらずに I walking I walking 데모토마라즈니 I walking I walking 하지만멈추지않고 I walking I walking 飛びたいなら羽を持つんだ 토비타이나라하네오모츤다 날고싶다면날개를가지는거야 進みたいなら道をつくればいい (you can do that) 스스미타이나라미치오츠쿠레바이이 (you can do that) 앞으로나아가고싶다면길을만들면돼 (you can do that) 飛びたいなら羽を持つんだ 토비타이나라하네오모츤다 날고싶다면날개를가지는거야 進みたいなら道をつくればいい (you can do that) 스스미타이나라미치오츠쿠레바이이 (you can do that) 앞으로나아가고싶다면길을만들면돼 (you can do that) あの星が欲しいならきっと君に屆くよ 아노호시가호시이나라킷토키미니토도쿠요 저별을원한다면분명그대에게전해질거야 信じて…… 신지테…… 믿어봐…… つかめないものはない (you can do that) 츠카메나이모노와나이 (you can do that) 잡을수없는것은없어 (you can do that) 飛びたいなら羽を持つんだ 토비타이나라하네오모츤다 날고싶다면날개를가지는거야 進みたいなら道をつくればいい (you can do that) 스스미타이나라미치오츠쿠레바이이 (you can do that) 앞으로나아가고싶다면길을만들면돼 (you can do that) あの星が欲しいならきっと君に屆くよ 아노호시가호시이나라킷토키미니토도쿠요 저별을원한다면분명그대에게전해질거야 信じて…… 신지테…… 믿어봐…… つかめないものはない (you can do that) 츠카메나이모노와나이 (you can do that) 잡을수없는것은없어 (you can do that)
Call our homies (alright!) Roll up in the night! It's time for (the) party night To show'em how we get down (Shake) shake your body around (Move) move your body around We know the party's star wherever we are! I saw boy staring at me If U wanna try to holla at me (OK baby!) I like your style babe, Yeah come and join us! Get chor, get chor, ya ya ya....
We ride up to the party, always It's about 12:40 AM
Call our homies (alright!) Roll up in the night! It's time for (the) party night To show'em how we get down (Shake) shake your body around (Move) move your body around We know the party's star wherever we are! I saw boy staring at me If U wanna try to holla at me (OK baby!) I like your style babe, Yeah come and join us! Get chor, get chor, ya ya ya....
Saw me in da club!
There we goes 皆大さわぎ There we goes 민나오-사와기 There we goes 모두떠들썩해
Check your way, oh~ Shake your head Keep your head up!
You'd better face it もうそろそろ You'd better face it 모-소로소로 You'd better face it 이제슬슬
You wanna close to me なら You wanna close to me 나라 You wanna close to me 라면
Do what you gatta do Before somebody's gonna take your place
何でもそう face 上げろ or else.... 난데모소- face 아게로 or else.... 무엇이든그래 face 들어 or else....
I gonna get you It's at the party!!
Call our homies (alright!) Roll up in the night! It's time for (the) party night To show'em how we get down (Shake) shake your body around (Move) move your body around We know the party's star wherever we are! I saw boy staring at me If U wanna try to holla at me (OK baby!) I like your style babe, Yeah come and join us! Get chor, get chor, ya ya ya....
考えてるヒマなんてない if you wanna get attention 캉카에테루히마난테나이 if you wanna get attention 생각하고있을틈따위없어 if you wanna get attention
Put your hands up in the air you ain't gotta time to hesitate
待ちきれずにしのび入る always from the back door 마치키레즈니시노비하이루 always from the back door 기다리지못하고들어오는 always from the back door
Bounce beat に合わせて上がりまくる體溫何でもアリの @ the party Bounce beat 니아와세테아가리마쿠루타이온난데모아리노 @ the party Bounce beat 에맞추어올라휘감기는체온무엇이든있는 @ the party
裸になり rock the club shake your booty ×2 하다카니나리 rock the club shake your booty ×2 알몸이되어 rock the club shake your booty ×2
High になって rock the club throw your hands up higher High 니낫테 rock the club throw your hands up higher High 한기분이되어 rock the club throw your hands up higher
Let's make it a 熱帶夜 throw your hands up higher and higher Let's make it a 넷타이야 throw your hands up higher and higher Let's make it a 열대야 throw your hands up higher and higher
Till see ya
Let me here you say "Party" party ×3 ×2
Call our homies (alright!) Roll up in the night! It's time for (the) party night To show'em how we get down (Shake) shake your body around (Move) move your body around We know the party's star wherever we are! I saw boy staring at me If U wanna try to holla at me (OK baby!) I like your style babe, Yeah come and join us! Get chor, get chor, ya ya ya....
Call our homies (alright!) Roll up in the night! It's time for (the) party night To show'em how we get down (Shake) shake your body around (Move) move your body around We know the party's star wherever we are! I saw boy staring at me If U wanna try to holla at me (OK baby!) I like your style babe, Yeah come and join us! Get chor, get chor, ya ya ya....
Everyday & night I`m feeling you Everytime you give the big love to me This is what makes so sad Oh but, oh but, oh but.... (I will always love you) ×2
幸せなのに何故か 시아와세나노니나제카 행복한데도왠지
壞されていくような 코와사레테이쿠요-나 부서져가는것같은
氣持ちになるのは何故 키모치니나루노와나제 기분이되는것은왜죠
だからせめて束縛させて 다카라세메테소쿠바쿠사세테 그러니적어도구속해줘요
ずるすぎるよ 즈루스기루요 너무교활하잖아요
これ以上好きになれない程 코레이죠-스키니나레나이호도 이이상좋아할수없을만큼
君のこと好きになりすぎて 키미노코토스키니나리스기테 그대를너무나사랑하게되어
苦しいよ 쿠루시이요 괴로워요
When you touch my hand When you touch my hair I`m feeling happy And I think never let you go How to the way to love you? Cause I.... too much love you So help me, oh ~ but (I will always love you)×2
Open your mind and move your body like me Open your mind and move your body like me Open your mind and move your body like me
12 o'clock 走り出す straight to the top 12 o'clock 하시리다스 straight to the top 12 o'clock 달리기시작해 straight to the top
限りなくまっさらな my mind, it's so bright 카기리나쿠맛사라나 my mind, it's so bright 끝없이전혀새로운 my mind, it's so bright
Brand new day 新しい世界へ Brand new day 아타라시이세카이에 Brand new day 새로운세상으로
走り出すこの brand new day 하시리다스코노 brand new day 달리기시작해이 brand new day
Don't be afraid, cuz' it's a brand new day
Com'on now baby Release your mind baby
今夜こそは step to the new world 콘야코소와 step to the new world 오늘밤이야말로 step to the new world
Tell you now baby How to enjoy yourself Just like me move your body like me
Open your mind and move your body like me Open your mind and move your body like me Open your mind and move your body like me ×4
12 o'clock 走り出す straight to the top 12 o'clock 하시리다스 straight to the top 12 o'clock 달리기시작해 straight to the top
限りなくまっさらな my mind, it's so bright 카기리나쿠맛사라나 my mind, it's so bright 끝없이전혀새로운 my mind, it's so bright
Brand new day 新しい世界へ Brand new day 아타라시이세카이에 Brand new day 새로운세상으로
走り出すこの brand new day 하시리다스코노 brand new day 달리기시작해이 brand new day
Don't be afraid, cuz' it's a brand new day
Free your mind, welcome to the party!!
迷いを捨てたら let's step to the new world 마요이오스테타라 let's step to the new world 방황함을버리면 let's step to the new world
Are you ready now baby Move your body all right long We can make our special time!
Open your mind and move your body like me Open your mind and move your body like me Open your mind and move your body like me ×4
Step to the new world Just the little bit harder Everything is gonna be for ya If you need me, holla at me I'll be there for ya Move your body like me Be free like me Everybody now Get your ass in the club Move your body in the crowd Clap clap all through the night
지금은 인사말밖에 못하지만 일본어 열심히 해서 언젠가는 소울헤드의 가사를
다 알아듣는 날이 올 거야~!! 흑흑흑. 히라가나 간신히 읽지만 언젠가는 할 수 있을 거라구~ 엉엉
일본 알앤비 듀오 소울헤드의 베스트 앨범. 07년에 나온건데 오늘 알았네.
한동안 까먹고 있어갖구 미안하네. 베스트 앨범 나온 거 보니 이젠 인기가 많이 떨어졌나부다....