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from Joan Baez - Gracias A La VIda (Here's To Life) (1994)
Gracias a la vida, que me ha dado tanto
me dio dos luceros, que cuando los abro perfecto distingo el negro del blanco y en alto cielo, su fondo estrellado y en las multitudes, el hombre que yo amo 내게 그토록 많은 것을 준 삶에 감사합니다. 삶은 눈을 뜨면 흑과 백을 완벽하게 구별할 수 있는 두 샛별을 내게 주었습니다 그리고 높은 하늘에는 빛나는 별을 많은 사람들 중에는 내 사랑하는 이를 주었습니다 Gracias a la vida, que me ha dado tanto me ha dado el o do que en todo su ancho graba noche y dia grillos y canarios martillos, turbinas, ladridos, chubascos y la voz tan tierna de mi bien amado 내게 그토록 많은 것을 준 삶에 감사합니다 삶은 밤과 낮에 귀뚜라미와 카나리아 소리를 들려주고 망치소리, 터빈소리, 개짖는 소리, 빗소리, 그리고 내가 가장 사랑하는 이의 그토록 부드러운 목소리를 녹음해 넣을 수 있는 넓은 귀도 주었답니다 Gracias a la vida, que me ha dado tanto me ha dado el sonido y el abecedario con el las palabras que pienso y declaro madre amigo hermano y luz alumbrando la ruta del alma del que estoy amando 내게 그토록 많은 것을 준 삶에 감사합니다. 삶은 생각하고 그 생각을 주장할 수 있는 언어와 소리와 알파벳을 선사하고 어머니와 친구와 형제들 그리고 내가 사랑하고 있는 이의 영혼의 길을 밝혀주는 빛도 주었고요 Gracias a la vida, que me ha dado tanto me ha dado la marcha de mis pies cansados con ellos auduve ciudades y charcos, playas y desiertos, monta as y llanos y la casa tuya, tu calle y tu patio 내게 그토록 많은 것을 준 삶에 감사합니다 삶은 피곤한 발로 진군할 수 있게 해 주었습니다 나는 그 피곤한 발을 이끌고 도시와 늪지, 해변과 사막, 산과 평야, 당신의 집과 거리, 그리고 당신의 정원을 거닐었습니다 Gracias a la vida, que me ha dado tanto me dio el coraz n que agita su marco cuando miro el fruto del cerebro humano cuando miro el bueno, tan lejos del malo cuando miro el fondo de tus ojos claros 내게 그토록 많은 것을 준 삶에 감사합니다 인간의 정신이 열매를 거두는 것을 볼 때 악에서 멀리 떠난 선함을 볼 때 그리고 당신의 맑은 눈의 깊은 곳을 응시할 때 삶은 내게 그 틀을 뒤흔드는 마음을 선사했습니다 Gracias a la vida, que me ha dado tanto me ha dado la risa y me ha dado el llanto as yo distingo dicha de quebranto los dos materiales que forman mi canto y el canto de ustedes, que es el mismo canto el canto de todos, que es el propio canto Gracias a la vida que me ha dado tanto 내게 그토록 많은 것을 준 삶에 감사합니다 삶은 내게 웃음과 눈물은 주어 슬픔과 행복을 구별할 수 있게 해주었습니다. 그 슬픔과 행복은 내 노래와 당신들의 노래를 이루었습니다 이 노래가 바로 그것입니다 그것은 우리들 모두의 노래입니다, 모든 노래가 그러하듯 내게 그토록 많은 것을 준 삶에 감사합니다 |
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from Joan Baez - Gracias A La VIda (Here's To Life) (1994)
Llego con tres heridas:
la del amor, la de la muerte, la de la vida. Con tres heridas viene: la de la vida, la del amor, la de la muerte Con tres heridas yo: la de la vida, la de la muerte, la del amor. Llego con tres heridas: la del amor, la de la muerte, la de la vida. Con tres heridas viene: la de la vida, la del amor, la de la muerte. Con tres heridas yo: la de la vida, la de la muerte, la del amor. |
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from Joan Baez - Gracias A La VIda (Here's To Life) (1994)
La Llorona
Todos me dicen el negro, llorona negro pero carinoso Yo soy como el chile verde, llorona picante pero sabroso. Ay! de mi, llorona llorona de ayer y hoy ayer maravilla fui, llorona y ahora ni sombra soy Dicen que no tengo duelo, llorona porque no me ven llorar Hay muertos que no hacen ruido, llorona y es mas grande su penar Ay! de mi, llorona llorona de azul celeste y aunque la vida me cuesta, llorona no dejare de quererte |
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from Joan Baez - Gracias A La VIda (Here's To Life) (1994)
El preso numero nueve ya lo van a confesar
esta encerrado en la celda con el cura del penal y antes del amanecer la vida le han de quitar porque mato a su mujer y a un amigo desleal Dice asi al confesar los mate si senor y si vuelvo a nacer yo los vuelvo a matar Padre no me arrepiento ni me da miedo la eternidad yo se que alla en el cielo el que juzga nos juzgara voy a seguir sus pasos voy a buscarla hasta el mas alla. ay. yayayayayyyyy El preso numero nueve era un hombre muy cabal iba en la noche del pueble muy contento en su jacal pero al mirar a su amor en brazos de su rival ardio en el pecho el rencor y no se pudo aguantar al sonar el clarin se formo el peloton iban al paredon solo alcanzo a decir: Padre no me arrepiento ni me da miedo la eternidad yo se que alla en el cielo el que juzga nos juzgara voy a seguir sus pasos voy a buscarla hasta el mas alla. ay. yayayayayyyyy yaay |
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from Joan Baez - Gracias A La VIda (Here's To Life) (1994)
(Victor Jara)
Te recuerdo Amanda la calle mojada corriendo a la fabrica donde trabajaba Manuel. La sonrisa ancha la lluvia en el pelo no importaba nada Ibas a encontrarte con el, con el, con el, con el, con el, son cinco minutos la vida es eterna en cinco minutos. Suena la sirena de vuelta al trabajo y tu caminando lo iluminas todo los cinco minutos te hacen florecer. La sonrisa ancha la lluvia en el pelo no importaba nada Ibas a encontrarte con el, con el, con el, con el, con el, Que partio a la sierra que nunca hizo dano que partio a la sierra y en cinco minutos quedo destrozado. Suena la sirena de vuelta al trabajo muchos no volvieron tampoco Manuel. |
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from Joan Baez - Gracias A La VIda (Here's To Life) (1994) | |||||
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from Joan Baez - Gracias A La VIda (Here's To Life) (1994)
Rossinyol, que vas a Franca, rossinyol,
encomana'm a la mare, rossinyol, d'un bell boscatge, rossinyol, d'un vol. Encomane'm a la mare, rossinyol, i a mon pare no pas gaire, rossinyol, d'un bell boscatge, rossinyol, d'un vol. Perque m'ha mal maridada, rossinyol, a un pastor me n'ha dada, rossinyol, d'un bell boscatge, rossinyol, d'un vol. Que em fa guardar la ramada, rossinyol, he perduda l'esquellada, rossinyol, d'un bell boscatge, rossinyol, d'un vol. Jo t'he de donar per paga, rossinyol, un pet'o i una abracada, rossinyol, d'un bell boscatge, rossinyol, d'un vol. Rossinyol, que vas a Franca, rossinyol, encomana'm a la mare, rossinyol, d'un bell boscatge, rossinyol, d'un vol. |
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from Joan Baez - Gracias A La VIda (Here's To Life) (1994)
De colores de colores se visten los campos la primavera
De colores de colores son los pa jaritos que veien de fuera De colores de colores es el arco iris que vemos lucir y por eso los grandes amores de muchos coles me gustan a mi y por eso los grandes amores de muchos coles me gustan a mi Canta el gallo canta el gallo con el quri quri .., .., .. La gallina la gallina con el cara cara .., .., .. Los Polluelos los Polluelos col el pio, .., .., pi~ y por eso los grandes amores de muchos coles me gustan a mi y por eso los grandes amores de muchos coles me gustan a mi |
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from Joan Baez - Gracias A La VIda (Here's To Life) (1994)
Cada madre agobiada ya descansara,
Y en nuestros brazos sus criaturas reposaran, Cuando el sol se pone, sobre el campo, Amor y musica les brindaremos, Y las madres cansadas ya descansaran. Y el campesino con su arado y su tractor En la frente la extrana frescura sentira De las lagrimas de pena Derramadas por los comerciantes Y los agricultores ya descansaran Los trabajadores dolientes de la tierra, Otra vez el himno tan resonante cantaran, ¡Ya no seremos los pobres! ¡Ya no viviremos en esclavitud! Y los trabajadores luego cantaran. Cuando los soldados sus garitas dejaran, Y en las trincheras sus uniformes quemaran, O mi general, tus fieles tropas, Ya se habran olvidado de ti, ¡Y la gente del mundo ya descansara! |
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from Joan Baez - Gracias A La VIda (Here's To Life) (1994) | |||||
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from Joan Baez - Gracias A La VIda (Here's To Life) (1994)
(Poema de Fernando Alegria, con
musica de Rolando Alarcon. De Chile) Las cinco ya van a dar Las cinco de la manana abreme la puerta mi alma que he ganado una batalla que he ganado una batalla y herido ya el sol se asoma te busco en la madrugada dame tu pecho, paloma. Dame tu pecho, paloma sin olvidar bien amada flor que no se abre a su dueno se apaga en la madrugada al filo de un esquinazo como el lucero en tu almohada paloma y tu entre mis brazos. Palomita entre mis brazos punteando se viene el alba oye el rumor de las armas que ya suenan los balazos que ya suenan los balazos escucha lo que yo siento no vuela la alondra en vano si en brazos la lleva el viento. |
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from Joan Baez - Dark Chorus On A Big Guitar (2003)
It's another happy April
To every happy fool. And you move through my dreams Like a trout moves through a pool. Sure I will do anything, But I blush at the reverie. Sleeper come and go with me. And she always was a painter And she left me her suitcase, And I still remember The soft lines of her drunken face, As she stood there in my doorway, Like a cat up in a tree. Sleeper come and go with me. A small farm in Wisconsin For a driftless man, Supper on the table, And a lover's tender hands, Though she leaves my salt and woodsmoke, For a job in the city. Sleeper come and go with me. I will take you with my children, Through the clover, to the creek, When Orion's gone a hunting Through the fields our wishes seek, Where we all can love each other Like sugar in our tea. Sleeper come and go with me. Well the last wild fling is over And a cold wind brings the dawn, To rows of parking meters And the shadow of a blond, Who is standing by the wild rye In a pointless dream. Sleeper come and go with me. It's another happy April To every happy fool. And you move through my dreams Like a trout moves through a pool. Sure I will do anything, But I blush at the reverie. Sleeper come and go with me. |
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from Joan Baez - Dark Chorus On A Big Guitar (2003)
Will you comfort me in my time of need?
Can you take away the pain of a hurtful deed? 'Cause when we need it most, there's no rain at all And dust just settles right there on the feed Will you say to me a little rain's gonna come? When the sky can't offer none to me I will come for you when my days are through And I'll let your smile just off and carry me 'Cause when the calm comes down I'll take the truck on into town And buy whatever we can't seem to grow I work these hands till they bleed 'Cause I got mouths to feed I got fifteen dollars hid above the stove Will you say to me a little rain's gonna come? When the sky can't offer none to me And I will come for you when my days are through I'll let your smile just off and carry me 'Cause it ain't like it was on back in those days When everyone would offer up their hand These old bones are worn, I've grown tiresome And I know my time is surely gonna come Will you comfort me in my time of need? Can you take away the pain and hurtful deeds? I will come for you when my days are through And I'll let your smile just off and carry me Lord, we married young and stayed where we came from And gave those children everything we had Will you stay with me in my time of need? It seems we had such little time for us Will you say to me a little rain's gonna come? When the sky can't offer none to me And I will come for you when my days are through And I'll let your smile just off and carry me |
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from Joan Baez - Dark Chorus On A Big Guitar (2003) | |||||
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from Joan Baez - Dark Chorus On A Big Guitar (2003)
Caleb Meyer, he lived alone
In them hollarin' pines Then he made a little whiskey for himself Said it helped pass the time Long one evening in back of my house, Caleb come around And he called my name 'til I went out With no one else around Caleb Meyer, your ghost is gonna Wear them rattlin' chains. But when I go to sleep at night, Don't you call my name Where's your husband, Nellie Kane Where's your darlin gone? Did he go down off the mountain side And leave you all alone? Yes, my husband's gone to Bowlin' Green To do some business there. Then Caleb threw that bottle down And grabbed me by my hair. Caleb Meyer, your ghost is gonna Wear them rattlin' chains. But when I go to sleep at night, Don't you call my name He threw me in the needle bed, Across my dress he lay Then he pinned my hands above my head And I commenced to pray. I cried My God, I am your child Send your angels down Then feelin' with my fingertips, The bottle neck I found I drew that glass across his neck As fine as any blade, And I felt his blood pour fast and hot Around me where I laid. Caleb Meyer, your ghost is gonna Wear them rattlin' chains. But when I go to sleep at night, Don't you call my name Caleb Meyer, your ghost is gonna Wear them rattlin' chains. But when I go to sleep at night, Don't you call my name |
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from Joan Baez - Dark Chorus On A Big Guitar (2003)
Where in the hell can you go far from the things that you know
Far from the sprawl of concrete that keeps crawling its way about 1,000 miles a day? Take one last look behind, commit this to memory and mind. Don't miss this wasteland, this terrible place. When you leave keep your heart off your sleeve. Motherland cradle me, close my eyes, lullaby me to sleep. Keep me safe, lie with me, stay beside me don't go. Don't you go. Oh, my five & dime queen tell me what have you seen? The lust and the avarice, the bottomless, cavernous greed, is that what you see? Motherland cradle me, close my eyes, lullaby me to sleep. Keep me safe, lie with me, stay beside me don't go. It's your happiness I want most of all and for that I'd do anything at all, oh mercy me! If you want the best of it or the most of all, if there's anything I can do at all. Now come on shot gun bride what makes me envy your life? Faceless, nameless, innocent, blameless and free, what's that like to be? Motherland cradle me, close my eyes, lullaby me to sleep. Keep me safe, lie with me, stay beside me don't go. Don't go. |
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from Joan Baez - Dark Chorus On A Big Guitar (2003)
At night we crossed the border
Following a Black robe To the edge of the reservationton Cataldo Mission Where the saints and all the martyrs Look down on dying converts What makes the water holy she says is that that it's the closest thing to rain I stole a mule from Anthony I helped Anne up upon it And we rode to Coeur d'Alene Through Harrison and Wallace They were blasting out the tunnels Making way for the light of learning When Jesus comes a'calling she said he's coming round the mountain on a train It's my home-last night I dreamt that I grew wings I found a place where they could hear me when I sing We floated on to Hanford On a lumber boat up river Past the fisheries and the milltowns like a stretch of future graveyards She was driven to distraction Said I wonder what will happen When they find out they're mistaken The land is too changed to ever change We waded through the marketplace Someone's ship had come in There was silver and begonias Dynamite and cattle There were hearts as big as apples And apples in the shape of Mary's heart I said inside this gilded cage a songbird always looks so plain It's my home-last night I dreamt that I grew wings I found a place where they could hear me when I sing. And so they came with cameras Breaking through the morning mist Press and businessmen-tycoons-Episcopal philanthropists Lost in their appraisal of the body of a woman But all we saw were lowlands Clouds clung to mountains without strings And at last we saw some people... And at last we saw some people... And at last we saw some people Huddled up against The rain that was descending like railroad spikes and hammers They were headed for the border Walking and then running And then they were gone into the fog but Anne said Underneath their jackets she saw wings |
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from Joan Baez - Dark Chorus On A Big Guitar (2003)
Coldest night of the winter
working up my farewell In the middle of everything under no particular spell Dreaming of the mountains where the children learn the stars Clouds roll in from Nebraska dark chords on a big guitar My restlessness is long gone standing like an old jack pine I'm looking for Rexroth's daughter She's a friend of a friend of mine Can't believe your hands and mouth did all that to me And they are so daily naked for all the world to see That thunderstorm in Michigan I never will forget We shook right with the thunder & with the pounding rain got wet Where did you turn when you turned from me with your arms across your chest Ya,I'm looking for Rexroth's daughter saw her in the great northwest Would she have said it was the wrong time if I had found her then I don't ask very much a field across the road and a few good friends She used to come & see me she was always there & gone Even the very longest love do'nt last very long She'd stood there in my doorway smoothing out her dress saying 'life is a thump-ripe melon- -so sweet and such a mess' (I wanted to get to know you but you said you were shy I would have followed you anywhere but hello rolled into goodbye I just stood there watching as you walked along the fence Beware of them that look at you as an experience You're back out on the highway with your poems of city heat I'm looking for Rexroth's daughter here on my own side street) Well,The murderer who lived next door seemed such a normal guy-- You try to swallow what they shove at us you run out of tears to cry I heard a man speak quietly I listened for a while He spoke from his heart to my woe & then he bowed & smiled What is real but compassion as we move from birth to death Ya,I'm looking for Rexroth's daughter & I'm running out of breath Spring will come back I know it will & it'll do its best so useful, so endangered like a lion or a breast I think about my children when I look at any child's face pray that we will find a way to get with all this amazing grace It's so cold out there tonight stormy I can hardly see I'm looking for Rexroth's daughter & I guess I always will be. |
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from Joan Baez - Dark Chorus On A Big Guitar (2003)
I was thinking that night about Elvis
Day that he died, day that he died I was thinking that night about Elvis Day that he died, day that he died Just a country boy that combed his hair And put on a shirt his mother made and went on the air And he shook it like a chorus girl And he shook it like a Harlem queen He shook it like a midnight rebel, baby Like you never seen I was thinking that night about Elvis Day that he died, day that he died I was thinking that night about Elvis Day that he died, day that he died How he took it all out of black and white Grabbed his wand in the other hand and he held on tight And he shook it like a hurricane He shook it like to make it break And he shook it like a holy roller, baby With his soul at stake I was thinking that night about Elvis Day that he died, day that he died I was thinking that night about Elvis Day that he died, day that he died He was all alone in a long decline Thinking how happy John Henry was that he fell down and died When he shook it and he rang like silver He shook it and he shine like gold He shook it and he beat that steam drill, baby Well bless my soul He shook it and he beat that steam drill, baby Well bless my soul, what's wrong with me? I was thinking that night about Elvis Day that he died, day that he died I was thinking that night about Elvis Day that he died, day that he died Just a country boy that combed his hair Put on a shirt his mother made and he went on the air And he shook it like a chorus girl He shook it like a Harlem queen He shook it like a midnight rebel, baby Like he never seen |
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from Joan Baez - Dark Chorus On A Big Guitar (2003)
I might just change my mind
Sometimes you can never tell Where a story will unwind How deep is the shallow ground Sometimes you would never guess Who's all talk and who just might Find a way or lose themselves On the king's highway tonight I am just like many more Who lie in bed, still and numb Waking up and I can see Just how dark it has become Who knows no better angels now Who knows none but earthly light Who is waiting for a stranger On the king's highway tonight It wasn't how I had it planned When it finally came around I took a man with my own hands But I held him close when he went down He hadn't time to be afraid His look was only of surprise Staring up from where he lay On the king's highway tonight I took the little that he had Only as an afterthought He wouldn't have to feel so bad To think I killed him just because He was passing through this town Only 'cause he looked about right He stopped when I flagged him down On the king's highway tonight I might just change my mind Sometimes you can never tell |