Magdalena Kozena [Mezzo Soprano]

Magdalena Kozena [Mezzo Soprano]    막달레나 코제나
1990s -
1973년 / 체코
1997년 / 앨범 'JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH-Arias'



Chansons Madecasses (Madagascan Songs) (1-3) (Maurice Ravel)   Magdalena Kozena
from Magdalena Kozena, Malcolm Martineau - Songs, Lieder, Chansons (2004)
Satires (Pictures Of The Past) On Verses By Sasha Chorny, Op.109 (4-8) (Dmitri Shostakovich)   Magdalena Kozena
from Magdalena Kozena, Malcolm Martineau - Songs, Lieder, Chansons (2004)
Il Tramonto (The Sunset) (Ottorino Respighi)   Magdalena Kozena
from Magdalena Kozena, Malcolm Martineau - Songs, Lieder, Chansons (2004)
Drei Stimmungsbilder (Three Atmospheric Portraits), Op.12 (10-12) (Erwin Schulhoff)   Magdalena Kozena
from Magdalena Kozena, Malcolm Martineau - Songs, Lieder, Chansons (2004)
A Charm Of Lullabies, Op.41 (13-17) (Benjamin Britten)   Magdalena Kozena
from Magdalena Kozena, Malcolm Martineau - Songs, Lieder, Chansons (2004)
"Ach, Daß Ich Wassers Gnug Hatte" (Johann Christoph Bach)   Magdalena Kozena
from Magdalena Kozena, Reinhard Goebel - Lamento (2005)
Languet Anima Mea- Recitativo: "Languet Anima Mea Amore Tuo" (Francesco Conti)   Magdalena Kozena
from Magdalena Kozena, Reinhard Goebel - Lamento (2005)
Languet Anima Mea- Aria: "O Vulnera, Vita Coelestis"   Magdalena Kozena
from Magdalena Kozena, Reinhard Goebel - Lamento (2005)
Languet Anima Mea- Recitativo: "Amoris Tui Jaculo"   Magdalena Kozena
from Magdalena Kozena, Reinhard Goebel - Lamento (2005)
Languet Anima Mea- Aria: "Tu Lumen Mentis Es"   Magdalena Kozena
from Magdalena Kozena, Reinhard Goebel - Lamento (2005)
Languet Anima Mea- "Alleluja"   Magdalena Kozena
from Magdalena Kozena, Reinhard Goebel - Lamento (2005)
Vergnugte Ruh, Beliebte Seelenlust, Bwv 170 - "Vergnugte Ruh, Beliebte Seelenlust" (Johann Sebastian Bach)   Magdalena Kozena
from Magdalena Kozena, Reinhard Goebel - Lamento (2005)
Vergnugte Ruh, Beliebte Seelenlust, Bwv 170 - Recitative: "Die Welt, Das Sundenhaus"   Magdalena Kozena
from Magdalena Kozena, Reinhard Goebel - Lamento (2005)
Vergnugte Ruh, Beliebte Seelenlust, Bwv 170 - Aria: "Wie Jammern Mich Doch Die Verkehrten Herzen"   Magdalena Kozena
from Magdalena Kozena, Reinhard Goebel - Lamento (2005)
Vergnugte Ruh, Beliebte Seelenlust, Bwv 170 - Recitative: "Wer Sollte Sich Demnach Wohl Hier"   Magdalena Kozena
from Magdalena Kozena, Reinhard Goebel - Lamento (2005)
Vergnugte Ruh, Beliebte Seelenlust, Bwv 170 - Aria: "Mir Ekelt Mehr Zu Leben"   Magdalena Kozena
from Magdalena Kozena, Reinhard Goebel - Lamento (2005)
"Bekennen Will Ich Seinen Namen", Bwv 200 (Johann Sebastian Bach)   Magdalena Kozena
from Magdalena Kozena, Reinhard Goebel - Lamento (2005)
"Selma", H 739 (Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach)   Magdalena Kozena
from Magdalena Kozena, Reinhard Goebel - Lamento (2005)
Die Amerikanerin, Jcfb G 47 : "Saide, Komm, Mein Wunsch, Mein Lied!" (Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach)   Magdalena Kozena
from Magdalena Kozena, Reinhard Goebel - Lamento (2005)
Die Amerikanerin, Jcfb G 47 : "Schon Ist Mein Madchen, Wie Die Traube"   Magdalena Kozena
from Magdalena Kozena, Reinhard Goebel - Lamento (2005)

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