Stuttgart Bach Collegium

Stuttgart Bach Collegium    슈투트가르트 바흐 콜레기움
2000s -

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Widerstehe Doch Der Sunde, Bwv54 (1-3)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Bach-Collegium Stuttgart - Cantatas Bwv 54-57 (2003)
Ich Armer Mensch, Ich Sundenknecht, Bwv55 (4-8)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Bach-Collegium Stuttgart - Cantatas Bwv 54-57 (2003)
Ich Will Den Kreuzstab Gerne Tragen, Bwv56 (9-13)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Bach-Collegium Stuttgart - Cantatas Bwv 54-57 (2003)
Selig Ist Der Mann, Bwv57 (14-21)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Bach-Collegium Stuttgart - Cantatas Bwv 54-57 (2003)
Magnificat D-dur (1-3)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei Stuttgart - Die Schonsten Chore Von/ Magnificat (2006)
Matthaus-passion (4-6)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei Stuttgart - Die Schonsten Chore Von/ Magnificat (2006)
Johannes-passion (7-12)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei Stuttgart - Die Schonsten Chore Von/ Magnificat (2006)
"Hohe Messe" In H-moll (13-17)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei Stuttgart - Die Schonsten Chore Von/ Magnificat (2006)
The Messiah (In Der Bearbeitung Von Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Kv572)   Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Helmuth Rilling - Der Messias/ Helmuth Rilling (2003)
Missa Kv427 (417a)   W.A.Mozart
from Helmuth Rilling, Bach-Collegium Stuttgart - Missa Kv427/ Helmuth Rilling (2002)
Missa Op.86   Helmuth Rilling
from Helmuth Rilling, Bach-Collegium Stuttgart - Missa Op.86 (2006)
Elijah Op.70   Felix Mendelssohn
from Helmuth Rilling, Bach-Collegium Stuttgart - Elias/ Helmuth Rilling (2002)
Mass In E Flat Major D950   Franz Peter Schubert
from Bach-Collegium Stuttgart, Helmuth Rilling - Messe Es-dur D950/ Helmuth Rilling (2002)
Offertorium `Intende Voci` D963   Franz Peter Schubert
from Bach-Collegium Stuttgart, Helmuth Rilling - Messe Es-dur D950/ Helmuth Rilling (2002)
Tantum Ergo D962   Franz Peter Schubert
from Bach-Collegium Stuttgart, Helmuth Rilling - Messe Es-dur D950/ Helmuth Rilling (2002)
Aus/ From: The Messiah(track 1-5) (George Friedrich Handel)   Helmuth Rilling
from Helmuth Rilling, Bach Collegium Stuttgart - The Messiah Etc/ Thomas Quasthoff (2002)
Aus/ From: Mass A Major Bwv234 (Johann Sebastian Bach)   Helmuth Rilling
from Helmuth Rilling, Bach Collegium Stuttgart - The Messiah Etc/ Thomas Quasthoff (2002)
Aus/ From: Magnificat D Major Bwv243   Helmuth Rilling
from Helmuth Rilling, Bach Collegium Stuttgart - The Messiah Etc/ Thomas Quasthoff (2002)
Aus/ From: Mass G Minor Bwv235   Helmuth Rilling
from Helmuth Rilling, Bach Collegium Stuttgart - The Messiah Etc/ Thomas Quasthoff (2002)
So Heb Ich Denn Mein Auge Sehnlich Auf Bwv1088   Helmuth Rilling
from Helmuth Rilling, Bach Collegium Stuttgart - The Messiah Etc/ Thomas Quasthoff (2002)
Aus/ From: Mer Hahn En Neue Oberkeet Bwv212(track 10-17)   Helmuth Rilling
from Helmuth Rilling, Bach Collegium Stuttgart - The Messiah Etc/ Thomas Quasthoff (2002)
Aus/ From: Schweigt Stille, Plaudert Nicht Bwv211(coffee Cantata)(track 18-19)   Helmuth Rilling
from Helmuth Rilling, Bach Collegium Stuttgart - The Messiah Etc/ Thomas Quasthoff (2002)
Matthaus-passion/ St. Matthew Passion Bwv244(track 20-26)   Helmuth Rilling
from Helmuth Rilling, Bach Collegium Stuttgart - The Messiah Etc/ Thomas Quasthoff (2002)
Introduktion   L.V. Beethoven
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei Stuttgart - Christus Am Olberge/ Helmut Rilling (2004)
Jehovah, Du Mein Vater   L.V. Beethoven
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei Stuttgart - Christus Am Olberge/ Helmut Rilling (2004)
Meine Seele Ist Erschuttert   L.V. Beethoven
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei Stuttgart - Christus Am Olberge/ Helmut Rilling (2004)
Erzitte, Erde!   L.V. Beethoven
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei Stuttgart - Christus Am Olberge/ Helmut Rilling (2004)
Preist Des Erlosers Gute   L.V. Beethoven
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei Stuttgart - Christus Am Olberge/ Helmut Rilling (2004)
O Heil Euch, Ihr Erlosten   L.V. Beethoven
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei Stuttgart - Christus Am Olberge/ Helmut Rilling (2004)
Doch Weh! Die Frech Entehren   L.V. Beethoven
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei Stuttgart - Christus Am Olberge/ Helmut Rilling (2004)
Verkundet, Seraph, Mir Dein Mund   L.V. Beethoven
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei Stuttgart - Christus Am Olberge/ Helmut Rilling (2004)
So Ruhe Denn   L.V. Beethoven
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei Stuttgart - Christus Am Olberge/ Helmut Rilling (2004)
Willkommen, Tod!   L.V. Beethoven
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei Stuttgart - Christus Am Olberge/ Helmut Rilling (2004)
Wir Haben Ihn Gesehen   L.V. Beethoven
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei Stuttgart - Christus Am Olberge/ Helmut Rilling (2004)
Die Mich Zu Fangen Ausgezogen   L.V. Beethoven
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei Stuttgart - Christus Am Olberge/ Helmut Rilling (2004)
Hier Ist Er   L.V. Beethoven
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei Stuttgart - Christus Am Olberge/ Helmut Rilling (2004)
Nicht Ungestraft   L.V. Beethoven
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei Stuttgart - Christus Am Olberge/ Helmut Rilling (2004)
In Meinen Adern Wuhlen   L.V. Beethoven
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei Stuttgart - Christus Am Olberge/ Helmut Rilling (2004)
Auf, Ergreifet Den Verrater!   L.V. Beethoven
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei Stuttgart - Christus Am Olberge/ Helmut Rilling (2004)
Welten Singen Dank Und Ehre   L.V. Beethoven
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei Stuttgart - Christus Am Olberge/ Helmut Rilling (2004)
Preiset Ihn, Ihr Engelchore   L.V. Beethoven
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei Stuttgart - Christus Am Olberge/ Helmut Rilling (2004)
This My Soul Exalts The Lord Now Bwv 10 (1-7)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Cantatas Bwv 10,12,13/ Helmuth Rilling (2004)
Weeping, Wailing, Grieving, Fearing Bwv 12 (8-14)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Cantatas Bwv 10,12,13/ Helmuth Rilling (2004)
Of My Signing, Of My Crying Bwv 13 (15-20)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Cantatas Bwv 10,12,13/ Helmuth Rilling (2004)
They Shall From Out Sheba All Be Coming Bwv 65 (1-7)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Cantatas Bwv.65 - 67/ Arleen Auger (2005)
Rejoice, All Ye Spirits Bwv 66 (8-13)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Cantatas Bwv.65 - 67/ Arleen Auger (2005)
Hold In Remembrance Jesus Christ Bwv 67 (14-20)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Cantatas Bwv.65 - 67/ Arleen Auger (2005)
In Truth Hath God The World So Loved Bwv 68 (1-5)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Cantatas Bwv.68 - 70/ Arleen Auger (2005)
Praise Thou The Lord, O My Spirit Bwv 69 (6-11)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Cantatas Bwv.68 - 70/ Arleen Auger (2005)
Watch Ye, Pray Ye, Pray Ye, Watch Ye! Bwv 70 (12-22)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Cantatas Bwv.68 - 70/ Arleen Auger (2005)
God Is My Sov`reign Bwv 71 (1-7)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Cantatas Bwv.71 - 74/ Katrin Graf (2005)
All Things But As God Is Willing Bwv 72 (8-13)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Cantatas Bwv.71 - 74/ Katrin Graf (2005)
Lord, As Thou Wilt, So Deal With Me Bwv 73 (14-18)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Cantatas Bwv.71 - 74/ Katrin Graf (2005)
He Who Loves Me Will Keep My Commandments Bwv 74 (19-26)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Cantatas Bwv.71 - 74/ Katrin Graf (2005)
Thou Shalt Thy God And Master Cherish Bwv 77 (1-6)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Cantatas Bwv.77 - 79/ Helen Donath (2005)
Jesus, Thou Who This My Spirit Bwv 78 (7-3)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Cantatas Bwv.77 - 79/ Helen Donath (2005)
God The Lord Is Sun And Shield Bwv 79 (14-19)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Cantatas Bwv.77 - 79/ Helen Donath (2005)
Ich Freue Mich In Dir (I Find My Joy In Thee) Bwv133 (1-6) (Johann Sebastian Bach)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Bach-Collegium Stuttgart - Cantatas Bwv133-135 Etc/ Helmuth Rilling (2003)
Ein Herz, Das Seinen Jesum Lebend Weib (A Heart Which Doth Its Jesus Clearly Know) Bwv134 (7-12)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Bach-Collegium Stuttgart - Cantatas Bwv133-135 Etc/ Helmuth Rilling (2003)
Ach Herr, Mich Armen Sunder (Ah Lord, Me A Poor Sinner) Bwv135 (13-18)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Bach-Collegium Stuttgart - Cantatas Bwv133-135 Etc/ Helmuth Rilling (2003)
Examine Me, God, And Discover My Heart, Bwv136 (1-6)   J.S.Bach
from Bach-Collegium Stuttgart, Helmuth Rilling - Cantatas Bwv 136-139/ Helmuth Rilling (2003)
Praise The Almighty, The Powerful King Of All Honor, Bwv137 (7-11)   J.S.Bach
from Bach-Collegium Stuttgart, Helmuth Rilling - Cantatas Bwv 136-139/ Helmuth Rilling (2003)
Why Art Thou Troubled, O My Heart, Bwv138 (12-18)   J.S.Bach
from Bach-Collegium Stuttgart, Helmuth Rilling - Cantatas Bwv 136-139/ Helmuth Rilling (2003)
Blest He Who Self Can To His God, Bwv139 (19-24)   J.S.Bach
from Bach-Collegium Stuttgart, Helmuth Rilling - Cantatas Bwv 136-139/ Helmuth Rilling (2003)
There Is A Darling And A Shy Thing Bwv 176 (1-6)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Cantatas Bwv.176 - 178/ Helmuth Rilling (2005)
I Call To Thee, Lord Jesus Christ Bwv 177 (7-11)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Cantatas Bwv.176 - 178/ Helmuth Rilling (2005)
Where God The Lord Stand With Us Not Bwv 178 (12-18)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Cantatas Bwv.176 - 178/ Helmuth Rilling (2005)
Watch With Care Last All Thy Piety Hypocrisy Be Bwv 179 (1-6)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Cantatas Bwv.179 - 181/ Helmuth Rilling (2005)
Deck Thyself, O Soul Beloved Bwv 180 (7-13)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Cantatas Bwv.179 - 181/ Helmuth Rilling (2005)
Insincere And Fickle Spirits Bwv 181 (14-18)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Cantatas Bwv.179 - 181/ Helmuth Rilling (2005)
King Of Heaven, Thou Art Welcome Bwv 182 (1-8)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Cantatas Bwv.182 - 184/ Helmuth Rilling (2005)
In Branishment Hey Will Cast You Bwv 183 (9-13)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Cantatas Bwv.182 - 184/ Helmuth Rilling (2005)
O Welcome Light Of Joy Bwv 184 (14-19)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Cantatas Bwv.182 - 184/ Helmuth Rilling (2005)
Ye Gateways To Zion Bwv 193 (1-6)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Cantatas Bwv.193, 194/ Helmuth Rilling (2005)
O Most Lovely Feast Of Joy Bwv 194 (7-18)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Cantatas Bwv.193, 194/ Helmuth Rilling (2005)
For The Rightous Must The Light Bwv 195 (1-6)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Cantatas Bwv.195 - 197/ Helmuth Rilling (2005)
The Lord Careth For Us Bwv 196 (7-11)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Cantatas Bwv.195 - 197/ Helmuth Rilling (2005)
God Is Our True Confidence Bwv 197 (12-21)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Cantatas Bwv.195 - 197/ Helmuth Rilling (2005)
Glide, Playful Waves, And Murmur Gently Bwv 206 (1-11)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Secular Cantatas Bwv 206,207a,207/ Helmuth Rilling (2004)
Up, Lively Trumpets` Blaring Sounds Bwv 207a (12-23)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Secular Cantatas Bwv 206,207a,207/ Helmuth Rilling (2004)
Untied Discord Of Changing Strings Bwv 207 (24-26)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Secular Cantatas Bwv 206,207a,207/ Helmuth Rilling (2004)
Peasant Cantata Bwv212 (1-24)   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Secular Cantatas Bwv212,213/ Rilling (2001)
Peasant Cantata Bwv212   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Secular Cantatas Bwv212,213/ Rilling (2001)
Peasant Cantata Bwv212   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Secular Cantatas Bwv212,213/ Rilling (2001)
Peasant Cantata Bwv212   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Secular Cantatas Bwv212,213/ Rilling (2001)
Peasant Cantata Bwv212   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Secular Cantatas Bwv212,213/ Rilling (2001)
Peasant Cantata Bwv212   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Secular Cantatas Bwv212,213/ Rilling (2001)
Peasant Cantata Bwv212   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Secular Cantatas Bwv212,213/ Rilling (2001)
Peasant Cantata Bwv212   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Secular Cantatas Bwv212,213/ Rilling (2001)
Peasant Cantata Bwv212   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Secular Cantatas Bwv212,213/ Rilling (2001)
Peasant Cantata Bwv212   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Secular Cantatas Bwv212,213/ Rilling (2001)
Peasant Cantata Bwv212   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Secular Cantatas Bwv212,213/ Rilling (2001)
Peasant Cantata Bwv212   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Secular Cantatas Bwv212,213/ Rilling (2001)
Peasant Cantata Bwv212   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Secular Cantatas Bwv212,213/ Rilling (2001)
Peasant Cantata Bwv212   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Secular Cantatas Bwv212,213/ Rilling (2001)
Peasant Cantata Bwv212   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Secular Cantatas Bwv212,213/ Rilling (2001)
Peasant Cantata Bwv212   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Secular Cantatas Bwv212,213/ Rilling (2001)
Peasant Cantata Bwv212   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Secular Cantatas Bwv212,213/ Rilling (2001)
Peasant Cantata Bwv212   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Secular Cantatas Bwv212,213/ Rilling (2001)
Peasant Cantata Bwv212   J.S.Bach
from Helmuth Rilling, Gachinger Kantorei - Secular Cantatas Bwv212,213/ Rilling (2001)

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