Ian Partridge

Ian Partridge    
2000s -



Bach : Herz Und Mund Und Tat Und Leben BWV.147 - Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring (바흐 : 마음과 말과 행위와 생명으로 - 예수, 인간 소망의 기쁨)   Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Elly Ameling, Ian Partridge, Janet Baker
from Barbara Hendricks, Neville Marriner - Vivaldi : Gloria & Bach : Magnificat [omnibus] (2012)
Schutz : Historia Der Geburt Jesu Christi SWV.435 - Da Dass Konig Herodes...Zu Bethlehem (Arr. Schoneich) (1664)   Charles Spinks, Heinrich Schutz Choir, Ian Partridge, Keith Harvey
from Schutz : Historia Der Geburt Jesu Christi [omnibus] (2006)
Schutz : Historia Der Geburt Jesu Christi SWV.435 - Da Nun Jesus Geboren War...Wo Ist Der Neugeborne Konig (Arr. Schoneich) (1664)   Brendan O'Reilly, Charles Spinks, Christopher Keyte, Heinrich Schutz Choir
from Schutz : Historia Der Geburt Jesu Christi [omnibus] (2006)
Schutz : Historia Der Geburt Jesu Christi SWV.435 - Und Sie Kamen Eilend (Arr. Schoneich) (1664)   Charles Spinks, Heinrich Schutz Choir, Ian Partridge, Keith Harvey
from Schutz : Historia Der Geburt Jesu Christi [omnibus] (2006)
Schutz : Historia Der Geburt Jesu Christi SWV.435 - Und Da Die Engel...Lasset Uns Nun Gehen (Arr. Schoneich) (1664)   Charles Spinks, David Munrow, Derek McCulloch, Heinrich Schutz Choir
from Schutz : Historia Der Geburt Jesu Christi [omnibus] (2006)
Schutz : Historia Der Geburt Jesu Christi SWV.435 - Und Alsbald War Da Bi Dem Engel...Ehre Sei Gott (Arr. Schoneich) (1664)   Brendan O'Reilly, David Munrow, Heinrich Schutz Choir, Ian Partridge
from Schutz : Historia Der Geburt Jesu Christi [omnibus] (2006)
Schutz : Historia Der Geburt Jesu Christi SWV.435 - Und Es Waren Hirten...Fürchtet Euch Nicht! (Arr. Schoneich) (1664)   Charles Spinks, Felicity Palmer, Heinrich Schutz Choir, Ian Partridge
from Schutz : Historia Der Geburt Jesu Christi [omnibus] (2006)
Schutz : Historia Der Geburt Jesu Christi SWV.435 - Es Begab Sich Aber Zu Der Selbigen Zeit (Arr. Schoneich) (1664)   Charles Spinks, Heinrich Schutz Choir, Ian Partridge, Keith Harvey
from Schutz : Historia Der Geburt Jesu Christi [omnibus] (2006)
Bach : Herz Und Mund Und Tat Und Leben BWV.147 - Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring (바흐 : 마음과 말과 행위와 생명으로 - 예수, 인간 소망의 기쁨)   Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Cambridge King's College Choir, Elly Ameling, Ian Partridge
from Barbara Hendricks, Neville Marriner - Vivaldi : Gloria / Bach : Magnificat [omnibus] (2008)
Schutz : Historia Der Geburt Jesu Christi SWV.435 - Da Berief Herodes Die Weisen (Arr. Schoneich) (1664)   Charles Spinks, Eric Stannard, Heinrich Schutz Choir, Ian Partridge
from Schutz : Historia Der Geburt Jesu Christi [omnibus] (2006)
Purcell : Funeral Sentences For The Death Of Queen Mary II Z.860 / Man That Is Born Of Woman Z.27 / In The Midst Of Life Z.17B / Thou Knowest Lord Z.58B   Charles Brett, Choir Of St. John`s College Cambridge, Forbes Robinson, George Guest
from Purcell : Te Deum & Jubilate, Complete Funeral Sentences (2017)
Purcell : Te Deum Laudamus And Jubilate Deo In D Major Z.232 (Ed. Dennison) - Jubilate. O Be Joyful In The Lord   Choir Of St. John`s College Cambridge, English Chamber Orchestra, Forbes Robinson, George Guest
from Purcell : Te Deum & Jubilate, Complete Funeral Sentences (2017)
Purcell : Te Deum Laudamus And Jubilate Deo In D Major Z.232 (Ed. Dennison) - II. Thou Art The King Of Glory   Charles Brett, Choir Of St. John`s College Cambridge, English Chamber Orchestra, Forbes Robinson
from Purcell : Te Deum & Jubilate, Complete Funeral Sentences (2017)
Purcell : Te Deum Laudamus And Jubilate Deo In D Major Z.232 (Ed. Dennison) - I. We Praise Thee   Charles Brett, Choir Of St. John`s College Cambridge, English Chamber Orchestra, Forbes Robinson
from Purcell : Te Deum & Jubilate, Complete Funeral Sentences (2017)
On Wenlock Egge   Ian Partridge
from Ian Partridge - On Wenlock Edge Etc. (1996)
The Blake Songs   Ian Partridge
from Ian Partridge - On Wenlock Edge Etc. (1996)
The New Ghost   Ian Partridge
from Ian Partridge - On Wenlock Edge Etc. (1996)
The Water Mill   Ian Partridge
from Ian Partridge - On Wenlock Edge Etc. (1996)
Handel: La Resurrezione (1708), HWV 47 / Parte Prima - "Dolci chiodi, amate spine"   Carolyn Watkinson, Christopher Hogwood, Ian Partridge, Patrizia Kwella
from Christopher Hogwood, The Academy Of Ancient Music - Hogwood conducts Handel Oratorios (2005)
Handel: La Resurrezione (1708), HWV 47 / Parte Seconda - "Se impassibile, immortale"   Carolyn Watkinson, Christopher Hogwood, Ian Partridge, Patrizia Kwella
from Christopher Hogwood, The Academy Of Ancient Music - Hogwood conducts Handel Oratorios (2005)

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