Carolyn Watkinson [메조소프라노]

Carolyn Watkinson [메조소프라노]    캐롤린 왓킨슨



Handel: La Resurrezione (1708), HWV 47 / Parte Prima - "Quando è parto dell'affetto"   Carolyn Watkinson, Christopher Hogwood, Ian Partridge, Patrizia Kwella
from Christopher Hogwood, The Academy Of Ancient Music - Hogwood conducts Handel Oratorios (2005)
Allegro: Qui Sedes Ad Dexteram Patris   작곡:Antonio Vivaldi Carolyn Watkinson, Simon Preston, The Academy of Ancient Music
from Simon Preston, Christopher Hogwood - Vivaldi: Gloria; Stabat Mater (2012)
Requiem In D Minor, K.626 3. Sequentia: Tuba Mirum   Academy Of St. Martin In The Fields, Carolyn Watkinson, Francisco Araiza, Neville Marriner
from Sylvia Mcnair - Mozart: Requiem (Classic FM: The Full Works) (2012)
Requiem In D Minor, K.626 3. Sequentia: Recordare   Academy Of St. Martin In The Fields, Carolyn Watkinson, Francisco Araiza, Neville Marriner
from Sylvia Mcnair - Mozart: Requiem (Classic FM: The Full Works) (2012)
Requiem In D Minor, K.626 4. Offertorium: Domine Jesu   Academy Of St. Martin In The Fields, Carolyn Watkinson, Francisco Araiza, Neville Marriner
from Sylvia Mcnair - Mozart: Requiem (Classic FM: The Full Works) (2012)
Requiem In D Minor, K.626 6. Benedictus   Academy Of St. Martin In The Fields, Carolyn Watkinson, Francisco Araiza, Neville Marriner
from Sylvia Mcnair - Mozart: Requiem (Classic FM: The Full Works) (2012)
Messiah - Part 1 7. Recit: Behold, a Virgin Shall Conceive 8. Aria:o Thou That Tellest Good Tidings to Zion 9. Coro   Carolyn Watkinson, Choir of Christ Church Cathedral, Christopher Hogwood, Oxford
from David Thomas, Emma Kirkby - Handel: Messiah Highlights (Classic FM: The Full Works) (2012)
Haydn : Missa In Honorem Beatissimae Virginis Mariae Hob.XXII:4 'Grosse Orgel' - Kyrie   Carolyn Watkinson, Choir Of Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, David Thomas, Judith Nelson
from Simon Preston, George Guest - Haydn : The Complete Masses / Stabat Mater (2015)
Haydn : Missa In Honorem Beatissimae Virginis Mariae Hob.XXII:4 'Grosse Orgel' - Gloria   Carolyn Watkinson, Choir Of Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, David Thomas, Martyn Hill
from Simon Preston, George Guest - Haydn : The Complete Masses / Stabat Mater (2015)
Haydn : Missa In Honorem Beatissimae Virginis Mariae Hob.XXII:4 'Grosse Orgel' - Bendictus   Carolyn Watkinson, Choir Of Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, David Thomas, Judith Nelson
from Simon Preston, George Guest - Haydn : The Complete Masses / Stabat Mater (2015)
Handel: Messiah - Part 1 - "Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive...O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings"   Carolyn Watkinson, Choir Of Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, Christopher Hogwood, Simon Preston
from Christopher Hogwood, The Academy Of Ancient Music - Hogwood conducts Handel Oratorios (2005)
Handel: Messiah / Part 2 - "He Was Despised"   Carolyn Watkinson, Christopher Hogwood, The Academy Of Ancient Music
from Christopher Hogwood, The Academy Of Ancient Music - Hogwood conducts Handel Oratorios (2005)
Handel: Messiah / Part 3 - "Then Shall Be Brought To Pass - O Death, Where Is Thy Sting?"   Carolyn Watkinson, Christopher Hogwood, Paul Elliott, The Academy Of Ancient Music
from Christopher Hogwood, The Academy Of Ancient Music - Hogwood conducts Handel Oratorios (2005)
Handel: La Resurrezione (1708), HWV 47 / Parte Prima - "Notte, notte funesta"   Carolyn Watkinson, Christopher Hogwood, Patrizia Kwella, The Academy Of Ancient Music
from Christopher Hogwood, The Academy Of Ancient Music - Hogwood conducts Handel Oratorios (2005)
Handel: La Resurrezione (1708), HWV 47 / Parte Prima - "Piangete, sì, piangete"   Carolyn Watkinson, Christopher Hogwood, Patrizia Kwella, The Academy Of Ancient Music
from Christopher Hogwood, The Academy Of Ancient Music - Hogwood conducts Handel Oratorios (2005)
Handel: La Resurrezione (1708), HWV 47 / Parte Prima - "Dolci chiodi, amate spine"   Carolyn Watkinson, Christopher Hogwood, Ian Partridge, Patrizia Kwella
from Christopher Hogwood, The Academy Of Ancient Music - Hogwood conducts Handel Oratorios (2005)
Adagio: Domine Deus, Agnus Dei   작곡:Antonio Vivaldi Carolyn Watkinson, Simon Preston, The Academy of Ancient Music
from Simon Preston, Christopher Hogwood - Vivaldi: Gloria; Stabat Mater (2012)
Handel: La Resurrezione (1708), HWV 47 / Parte Prima - "Naufragando va per l'onde"   Carolyn Watkinson, Christopher Hogwood, Ian Partridge, Patrizia Kwella
from Christopher Hogwood, The Academy Of Ancient Music - Hogwood conducts Handel Oratorios (2005)
Handel: La Resurrezione (1708), HWV 47 / Parte Seconda - "Impedirlo io saprò"   Carolyn Watkinson, David Thomas, Emma Kirkby, Patrizia Kwella
from Christopher Hogwood, The Academy Of Ancient Music - Hogwood conducts Handel Oratorios (2005)
Handel: La Resurrezione (1708), HWV 47 / Parte Seconda - "Vedo il Ciel che più sereno"   Carolyn Watkinson, Christopher Hogwood, Emma Kirkby, Patrizia Kwella
from Christopher Hogwood, The Academy Of Ancient Music - Hogwood conducts Handel Oratorios (2005)

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