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from Ruggiero Ricci, Gunter Wand - Saint-saens/ Koechlin/ Berlioz/ Cherubini/ Gunter Wand Edition Vol.7 (2005)
4:35 |
from Luciano Berio, Herbert Schernus - Berio: Coro (2002)
2:56 |
from Luciano Berio, Herbert Schernus - Berio: Coro (2002)
2:32 |
from Luciano Berio, Herbert Schernus - Berio: Coro (2002)
5:14 |
from Luciano Berio, Herbert Schernus - Berio: Coro (2002)
1:42 |
from Luciano Berio, Herbert Schernus - Berio: Coro (2002)
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from Johannes Brahms, Carl Maria Von Weber - Brahms/ Weber/ Gunter Wand (2006)
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from Johannes Brahms, Carl Maria Von Weber - Brahms/ Weber/ Gunter Wand (2006)
3:31 |
from Luciano Berio, Herbert Schernus - Berio: Coro (2002)
1:48 |
from Luciano Berio, Herbert Schernus - Berio: Coro (2002)
2:54 |
from Luciano Berio, Herbert Schernus - Berio: Coro (2002)
3:34 |
from Luciano Berio, Herbert Schernus - Berio: Coro (2002)
5:52 |
from Luciano Berio, Herbert Schernus - Berio: Coro (2002)
1:59 |
from Luciano Berio, Herbert Schernus - Berio: Coro (2002)
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from Johannes Brahms, Carl Maria Von Weber - Brahms/ Weber/ Gunter Wand (2006)
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from Johannes Brahms, Carl Maria Von Weber - Brahms/ Weber/ Gunter Wand (2006)
4:44 |
from Luciano Berio, Herbert Schernus - Berio: Coro (2002)
5:07 |
from Luciano Berio, Herbert Schernus - Berio: Coro (2002)
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from Johannes Brahms, Carl Maria Von Weber - Brahms/ Weber/ Gunter Wand (2006)
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from Johannes Brahms, Carl Maria Von Weber - Brahms/ Weber/ Gunter Wand (2006)
1:59 |
from Luciano Berio, Herbert Schernus - Berio: Coro (2002)
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from Johannes Brahms, Carl Maria Von Weber - Brahms/ Weber/ Gunter Wand (2006)
4:36 |
from Luciano Berio, Herbert Schernus - Berio: Coro (2002)
3:52 |
from Luciano Berio, Herbert Schernus - Berio: Coro (2002)
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from 100 Christmas Classics (크리스마스 클래식 100곡) (2019)
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from 100 Christmas Classics (크리스마스 클래식 100곡) (2019)
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from 100 Christmas Classics (크리스마스 클래식 100곡) (2019)
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from Jean Sibelius, Max Bruch - Violin Concerto,etc/ Gerhard Taschner (2007)
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from Ferdinand Leitner, Kolner Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester - Carmina Burana/ Ferdinand Leitner (2003)
O Fortuna (O Fortune) velut luna (like the moon) statu variabilis (you are changeable) semper crescis (ever waxing) aut decrescis; (and waning;) vita detestabilis (hateful life) nunc obdurat (first oppresses) et tunc curat (and then soothes) ludo mentis aciem, (as fancy takes it) egestatem, (poverty) potestatem (and power) dissolvit ut glaciem. (it melts them like ice.)
Sors immanis (Fate - monstrous) et inanis, (and empty) rota tu volubilis, (you whirling wheel) status malus, (you are malevolent) vana salus (well-being is vain) semper dissolubilis, (and always fades to nothing)
obumbrata (shadowed) et velata (and veiled) michi quoque niteris; (you plague me too;) nunc per ludum (now through the game) dorsum nudum (I bring my bare back) fero tui sceleris. (to your villainy.)
Sors salutis (Fate is against me) et virtutis (in health) michi nunc contraria, (and virtue) est affectus (driven on) et defectus (and weighted down) semper in angaria. (always enslaved.) Hac in hora (So at this hour) sine mora (without delay) corde pulsum tangite; (pluck the vibrating strings;) quod per sortem (since Fate) sternit fortem, (strikes down the string) mecum omnes plangite! (everyone weep with me!)
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from Johanna Martzy, Michael Rabin - Rarities/ Violin Concerto E Major Bwv1042 Etc (2007)
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from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Richard Staruss - Gunter Wand Edition Vol.16 (2007)
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from Johannes Brahms, Carl Maria Von Weber - Brahms/ Weber/ Gunter Wand (2006)
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from Emil Gilels, Gunter Wand - Piano Concerto/ Emil Gileles (2005)
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from Emil Gilels, Gunter Wand - Piano Concerto/ Emil Gileles (2005)
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from Emil Gilels, Gunter Wand - Piano Concerto/ Emil Gileles (2005)
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from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Richard Staruss - Gunter Wand Edition Vol.16 (2007)
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from Clara Haskil, Ference Fricsay - Inedits Clara Haskil 3 (2005)
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from Clara Haskil, Ference Fricsay - Inedits Clara Haskil 3 (2005)
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from Luciano Berio, Herbert Schernus - Berio: Coro (2002)
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from Michail Jurowski, Kolner Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester - Das Lied Von Den Waldern, Op.81/ Die Nase Op.15a/ Michail Jurowski (2005)
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from Hans Rosbaud, Berliner Philharmonisches Orchestser - Les Grands Interpretes/ Hans Rosbaud (2008)
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from Erich Kleiber, Kolner Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester - Der Freischutz (2006)
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from Michail Jurowski, Kolner Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester - Das Lied Von Den Waldern, Op.81/ Die Nase Op.15a/ Michail Jurowski (2005)
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from Mario Rossi, Kolner Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester - Die Sizilianische Vesper (2006)
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from Joseph Keilberth, Kolner Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester - Die Zauberflote/ Joseph Keilberth (2006)
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from Erich Kleiber, Kolner Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester - Fidelio/ Erich Kleiber (2007)
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from 100 Christmas Classics (크리스마스 클래식 100곡) (2019)
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from The Complete Deutsche Grammophon Recordings (2013)
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from The Complete Deutsche Grammophon Recordings (2013)
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from The Complete Deutsche Grammophon Recordings (2013)
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from The Complete Deutsche Grammophon Recordings (2013)
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from The Complete Deutsche Grammophon Recordings (2013)
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from The Complete Deutsche Grammophon Recordings (2013)
4:21 |
from Peter Anders - Peter Anders - Opernarien und Orchesterlieder (2002)
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from Gary Bertini, Kolner Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester - Lieder Eines Fahrenden Gesellen, Kindertotenlieder Etc/ Gary Bertini (2008)
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from Joseph Keilberth, Kolner Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester - La Clemenza Di Tito/ Joseph Keilberth (2006)
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from Dimitri Mitropoulos, Wdr Sinfonieorchester Koln - Great Conductors Of The 20th Century (2003)
2:59 |
from Peter Anders - Peter Anders - Opernarien und Orchesterlieder (2002)
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from Gary Bertini, Kolner Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester - Lieder Eines Fahrenden Gesellen, Kindertotenlieder Etc/ Gary Bertini (2008)
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from Gary Bertini, Kolner Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester - Lieder Eines Fahrenden Gesellen, Kindertotenlieder Etc/ Gary Bertini (2008)
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from 100 Christmas Classics (크리스마스 클래식 100곡) (2019)
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from Geza Anda, Otto Klemperer - Klemperer The Cologne Years Vol.1 (2005)
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from Emil Gilels, Gunter Wand - Piano Concerto/ Emil Gileles (2005)
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from Emil Gilels, Gunter Wand - Piano Concerto/ Emil Gileles (2005)
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from Ruggiero Ricci, Gunter Wand - Saint-saens/ Koechlin/ Berlioz/ Cherubini/ Gunter Wand Edition Vol.7 (2005)
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from Geza Anda, Otto Klemperer - Klemperer The Cologne Years Vol.1 (2005)
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from Dimitri Mitropoulos, Wdr Sinfonieorchester Koln - Great Conductors Of The 20th Century (2003)
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from Gunter Wand, Kolner Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester(Wdr-Sinfonieorchester) - Symphony No.5/ Gunter Wand (2002)
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from Gunter Wand, Kolner Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester(Wdr-Sinfonieorchester) - Symphony No.5/ Gunter Wand (2002)
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from Gunter Wand, Kolner Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester(Wdr-Sinfonieorchester) - Symphony No.5/ Gunter Wand (2002)
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from Dimitri Mitropoulos, Wdr Sinfonieorchester Koln - Great Conductors Of The 20th Century (2003)
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from Johannes Brahms, Carl Maria Von Weber - Brahms/ Weber/ Gunter Wand (2006)
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from Jean Sibelius, Max Bruch - Violin Concerto,etc/ Gerhard Taschner (2007)
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from Ruggiero Ricci, Gunter Wand - Saint-saens/ Koechlin/ Berlioz/ Cherubini/ Gunter Wand Edition Vol.7 (2005)
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from Hans Rosbaud, Berliner Philharmonisches Orchestser - Les Grands Interpretes/ Hans Rosbaud (2008)
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from Gunter Wand, Kolner Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester - Symphony No.1/ Gunter Wand (2002)
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from Gunter Wand, Kolner Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester - Symphony No.1/ Gunter Wand (2002)
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from Gunter Wand, Kolner Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester - Symphony No.1/ Gunter Wand (2002)
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from Gunter Wand, Kolner Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester - Symphony No.1/ Gunter Wand (2002)
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from Gunter Wand, Kolner Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester - Symphony No.1,2/ Gunter Wand (2002)
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from Gunter Wand, Kolner Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester - Symphony No.1,2/ Gunter Wand (2002)
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from Gunter Wand, Kolner Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester - Symphony No.1,2/ Gunter Wand (2002)
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from Gunter Wand, Kolner Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester - Symphony No.1,2/ Gunter Wand (2002)
11:00 |
from Gunter Wand, Kolner Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester - Symphony No.2/ Gunter Wand (2002)
21:19 |
from Gunter Wand, Kolner Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester - Symphony No.2/ Gunter Wand (2002)
18:06 |
from Gunter Wand, Kolner Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester - Symphony No.2/ Gunter Wand (2002)
20:55 |
from Gunter Wand, Kolner Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester - Symphony No.2/ Gunter Wand (2002)
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from Gunter Wand, Kolner Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester - Symphony No.1,2/ Gunter Wand (2002)
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from Gunter Wand, Kolner Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester - Symphony No.1,2/ Gunter Wand (2002)
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from Gunter Wand, Kolner Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester - Symphony No.1,2/ Gunter Wand (2002)
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from Gunter Wand, Kolner Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester - Symphony No.1,2/ Gunter Wand (2002)
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from Geza Anda, Otto Klemperer - Klemperer The Cologne Years Vol.1 (2005)
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from Gunter Wand, Kolner Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester - Symphony No.3/ Gunter Wand (2002)
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from Gunter Wand, Kolner Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester - Symphony No.3/ Gunter Wand (2002)
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from Gunter Wand, Kolner Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester - Symphony No.3/ Gunter Wand (2002)
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from Gunter Wand, Kolner Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester - Symphony No.3/ Gunter Wand (2002)
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from Gunter Wand, Kolner Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester - Symphony No.3,6/ Gunter Wand (2002)
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from Gunter Wand, Kolner Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester - Symphony No.3,6/ Gunter Wand (2002)
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from Gunter Wand, Kolner Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester - Symphony No.3,6/ Gunter Wand (2002)
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from Gunter Wand, Kolner Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester - Symphony No.3,6/ Gunter Wand (2002)