Sam Ock

Sam Ock    샘옥
2000s -


[Disc 1]
1. Godly Love (feat. nak) / 2. Wish (feat. Aleyna Moon) / 3. To You / 4. Keep On (feat. 김진아 (Jina)) / 5. Maybe It Takes Time (feat. Ruth Sanga) / 6. To Us / 7. New Day (feat. 이진아 (Lee Jin-Ah)) / 8. One of a Kind (feat. Sarah Kang) / 9. Never Be the Same / 10. This Side of Eternity / 11. Can I Have the Day With You (feat. Michelle) / 12. To Belonging / 13. Shoot for the Moon (feat. Aren Park & Uzuhan)
[Disc 1]
1. Samba Dream / 2. The Little Things (Feat. Yeji Ock) / 3. Choose 2 Love / 4. Work Out / 5. Cool (Feat. Ruth Cho) / 6. Know Better / 7. Rest of Me / 8. Sugar Love / 9. The Best / 10. Idyll / 11. Beautiful Lie (Feat. 이요한 (OFA))
[Disc 1]
1. Hail The King / 2. Chance / 3. Far Greater / 4. Get It / 5. Keep Me / 6. Balance / 7. Over / 8. Mighty (Feat. Tim Be Told) / 9. Futuregen / 10. Lead The Way
[Disc 1]
1. Fall Leaves / 2. Winter Has Come / 3. Season's Taste / 4. Who Would've Thought  featuring Hanbyul / 5. Ever Celebrate / 6. Tidings & Joy / 7. Save / 8. My Fire / 9. New Year
[Disc 1]
1. Amplify / 2. No Other Place / 3. Beauty / 4. Everywhere / 5. You Lift Me Up / 6. For The Day / 7. No Turning Back / 8. Worthy Is The Lamb / 9. New Creation / 10. Your Word / 11. Wonderful / 12. People`s Song / 13. Triumphant / 14. Faithful / 15. Refiner`s Flame / 16. The Master / 17. Amplify (Remix)
[Disc 1]
1. All My Love / 2. Mend Your Broken Heart  featuring Ai Ninomiya / 3. Not Alone / 4. Yourside / 5. Shine A Light Pt.5 / 6. Realize (Still Caravan Remix) / 7. On My Own / 8. Fly / 9. Welcome to You & Me / 10. Simple Things  featuring Clara C / 11. One Dream / 12. A New Day
[Disc 1]
1. Never Ending / 2. What Have I Done / 3. Near / 4. Made For More / 5. All (More II) / 6. Out Of My Head / 7. Long / 8. Crown (feat.J.Han & Ruth Cho) / 9. Possible (feat.Ruth Cho) / 10. Got A Love / 11. Make Me Smile (feat.J.Han)
[Disc 1]
1. Come Thou Fount  featuring Yuris Yoon - John Rhee, Sam Ock / 2. Nothing But The Blood  featuring Yuris Yoon - John Rhee, Sam Ock / 3. All The Way My Savior Leads Me - John Rhee, Sam Ock / 4. Holy, Holy, Holy  featuring Yuris Yoon - John Rhee, Sam Ock / 5. All Creatures Of Our God And King - John Rhee, Sam Ock / 6. Be Thou My Vision - John Rhee, Sam Ock / 7. Faithful God - John Rhee, Sam Ock / 8. The Love Of God - John Rhee, Sam Ock / 9. It Is Well With My Soul - John Rhee, Sam Ock
[Disc 1]
1. Here I Go / 2. All I Need / 3. New Sights / 4. Goodbye / 5. Peaceful & Lovely / 6. Something Devine / 7. Every Moment / 8. I`m Okay / 9. Rest Easy / 10. I Believe / 11. Me Vs Me / 12. Moving On / 13. Here I Go (Gemini Remix)
[Disc 1]
1. Amplify / 2. No Other Place / 3. Beauty / 4. Everywhere / 5. You Lift Me Up / 6. For The Day / 7. No Turning Back / 8. Worthy Is The Lamb / 9. New Creation / 10. Your Word / 11. Wonderful / 12. People`s Song / 13. Triumphant
[Disc 1]
1. Rollercoaster / 2. Love / 3. Beautiful People / 4. Pieces  featuring Kero One / 5. Green Shades / 6. Tenshi / 7. Little Light / 8. Simple Steps / 9. There Will Be / 10. Ms. (Inst.) / 11. Home / 12. In Remembrance / 13. Love (Re:plus Remix)

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