미국 메릴랜드 주 에리콧트 시티에 살고 있는 21세의 청년 Sam Ock. 메릴랜드 대학에서 뮤직 테크놀로지를 전공하는 대학생인 그의 또 다른 얼굴이, 작곡 / 프로그래밍 / 드럼 / 기타 / 베이스 / 피아노 / 보컬까지 혼자서 해내는, 멀티 아티스트 “Sam Ock”으로서의 얼굴이다. 음악가 집안에서 태어나고 자라, 어렸을때부터 여러가지 악기를 연주해왔다는 그는, 고등학생때부터 오리지널 송 제작 스타트. 당시는 밴드활동을 하는 한편, DTM에서의 음악제작도 하고 있었고(현재도 사이드 프로젝트로서 2개의 밴드에서도 활동중), 대학에서 뮤직 테크놀로지를 전공하게 된 것을 계기로 솔로 아티스트로서의 활동을 결의. Death Cab For Cutie、Kings Of Convenience라는 인디 록 ~ Bill Evans、Miles Davis등의 재즈 신의 위한, 포크계의 보물 Damien Rice나 일본의 포스트록계의 보물 Toe, 그리고 지금은 사망한 Jazzy/Mellow Hip Hop의 신 Nujabes까지, 폭넓은 장르로부터 영향을받으면서도, 아시아인의 피가 흐르므로(Sam Ock은 한국계미국인), 이모셔널적인 멜로디 만들기에 평소에도 주력해온 그의 음악은 Youtube에 게시되자마자, 금새 화제가 되었다. 그 다음에 LA의 언더 그라운드 Hip Hop 씬에서 화제의 랩퍼 Dumbfoundead와, 일본에서도 인기인 캘리포니아 랩퍼 Kero One, 코리안 싱어로써는 이례적으로 빅 히트를 기록한 화제의 싱어 Clara C라는 가수와도 콜라보레이션을 하게 되어, Sam Ock의 이름은 제로세대의 아티스트답게, 인터넷 세계를 통해 급속도로 침투해 갔다. 그리고 2011년 12월 지금은 John Legend이나 Bruno Mars라는, 누구나 아는 카리스마 싱어를 인용할 정도로 성정한 그가, 대망의 첫 번째 앨범을 릴리스한다. “음악이란, 자신의 마음과 영혼을, 주위의 사람들과 공유하기 위한 도구. 나는 모든 것을 이용해 많은 사람들과 묶이고 싶다. 내가 만든 음악으로 사람들이 인생을 즐기는 희망을 느껴주었으면 하는 마음으로 “ 이렇게 말하는 Sam Ock의 아름다운 멜로디들은 우리들의 심금을 울린다. .... ....
I wish i could say that I'm a honest human being but what you're really seeing is the truth but times go and change I really don't know what I'm feeling the one thing that I know is that I'm with you I know there's pain 'cause life it ain't so easy and people go and leave you all alone and I can't complain I've been blessed with many things and in the end I know that I'll be home i'll go home let the bad times roll 'cause I'm with you and you're with me let the bad times roll 'cause we're together and that's all that matters to me and I gotta say fellowship in pain is a kind that never fades away which is why i don't fight it I let it come the peace I receive when it's over is a different one from the lack of better words it's intimate a bad time will show me all my pride and it'll murder me you've heard of it right the sound of a soul cry so much louder when there's someone else by its side so my brothers and my sisters when you see it coming the wave of pain stand firm stop your running I think we all agree that it can't be stopped but if we all hold our breath then how can we not share in this connection this empathy so much stronger than our good times though anything personally I think that it's a better day when the light shines and i see the darkness run away let the bad times roll 'cause I'm with you and you're with me let the bad times roll 'cause we're together and that's all that matters to me sometimes they say about the things you're keeping you don't know what you got until it's gone but i'm here to stay of course until i'm leaving 'til life it calls it quits and then i fall i know there's a way to eternity in heaven for i will say that jesus is my truth a smile on my face yes that's what i'll be keeping when all is through ill come home back to you i'll come home back to you let the bad times roll 'cause I'm with you and you're with me let the bad times roll 'cause we're together and that's all that matters to me
This LOVE is reaching to my heart Feels so good don't want to break apart Hold me close don't let me fall away I thank you for each and every day This LOVE is reaching to my heart Feels so good don't want to break apart Hold me close don't let me fall away I thank you for each and every day Morning time rub your eyes and look around Soak in all the beautiful sounds as you Crack a window and hear all the forces of nature and the blending of a whole new atmosphere One question reflection the number of mornings that you show appreciation Cause you're alive here to see another day Did you thank GOD for waking you up today To live life and live to the fullest To show LOVE and LOVE without limits Live to LOVE and LOVE to live are the simple keys to this life we've been given One life remains go own it One love reigns grow in it and once you come to know the mercy of GOD we sing once you come to know the LOVE of GOD we sing This LOVE is reaching to my heart Feels so good don't want to break apart Hold me close don't let me fall away I thank you for each and every day This LOVE is reaching to my heart Feels so good don't want to break apart Hold me close don't let me fall away I thank you for each and every day Where do I start Lord how should I say this There's nothing better than the one that I came with You're my shining sun and you're the pouring rain Oh GOD you took all the pain that was for me it should've been for me but you sent your son oh so graciously and i'll thank you each and every day for the blessings you've poured out my way I lay here full of sin full of wrongs took your blessings to write you this song you sent me faith sent me hope sent me LOVE and they’re the three greatest things from above I'm giving you my life and everything I have and break my heart Lord to do what you will I know it's going to be hard but I'll listen Cause it's LOVE that I know is worth keeping This LOVE is reaching to my heart Feels so good don't want to break apart Hold me close don't let me fall away I thank you for each and every day This LOVE is reaching to my heart Feels so good don't want to break apart Hold me close don't let me fall away I thank you for each and every day I've been searching hard all day and all night Looking for something that makes my soul feel right In this sinful world the hate won't stop So I got to spread your LOVE Lord be my solid rock I admit GOD I take you for granted Your LOVE unchanging I just can't understand it The fact that you gave your son to die and how I still sin it must kill you inside Father help me to see what you saw all the pain and anguish when your son was nailed to the cross I want to know you the lover of my soul JESUS is the only one who makes me whole LOVE is patient it's kind it's everything you are without LOVE nothing's right to life say au revoir work through me spread the word through sound share the LOVE shine the LIGHT let your GRACE abound This LOVE is reaching to my heart Feels so good don't want to break apart Hold me close don't let me fall away I thank you for each and every day This LOVE is reaching to my heart Feels so good don't want to break apart Hold me close don't let me fall away I thank you for each and every day This LOVE is reaching to my heart Feels so good don't want to break apart Hold me close don't let me fall away I thank you for each and every day This LOVE is reaching to my heart Feels so good don't want to break apart Hold me close don't let me fall away I thank you for each and every day
Hello Mr Handsome and Ms Real Beautiful I'm feelin' good hope the feelings are mutual If not well I got the remedy the cure Don't get it twisted my intentions are pure I just want to address an ongoing issue we all struggle with it maybe with tears and tissues misusing adjectives the name of the game calling some people beautiful and other people plain can I just say that we are going insane putting things on pedestals which are truly inane got the new kicks and clothes but we still complain are we really afraid of being some kind of lame well I'm a messenger with something to say you yes you are beautiful in every way don't let the world tell you anything else and put a big smile on 'cause it's good for your health and sing even when the sun goes down I will shine and spread my love around even when the moon goes out I will shine and give my love my love to you now I'm not trying to say that your troubles go away I'm just trying to tell you that you're lookin' nice today even with your sweatpants on your big bright smile makes my worries go gone I think we all forget how far our words go mean things to say can make a nice day ice cold we all know the small things in life the smiles the compliments that help us get by so please take this song as a gentle reminder that life is much BRIGHTER if you're generally kinder so once you've done said it you can't hit rewind and just remember words are the gates to the mind and the soul love is what fills the holes in the gaps of the hearts that will break the old mold if you're resonating with me that love matters the most from me to you then I do propose this toast and so we sing even when the sun goes down I will shine and spread my love around even when the moon goes out I will shine and give my love my love to you All you need All you need All you need is love
stop take a look around the physical world do you see all the invisible girls and boys in situations critical worlds apart from us so minuscule the problem appears from behind a screen we're thousand of miles away from torn dreams so as the good Word goes what good is it to gain the world but lose your soul so what is cash but a way to show you care if your money's where your heart is with whom will you share will you keep your heart covered while the under served bear the pain undeserved will you do nothing more than just stare or lend out your own hand the beauty of creation is when together we stand so don't just sit there my friend it's on you a little goes a long ways when your love is true here's little a piece of my heart spreadin' light to the darkest parts and i hope that a smile will shine illuminate the world with a love so bright here's little a piece of my heart spreadin' light to the darkest parts and i hope that a smile will shine i'll show the world i got a love so bright i see people get shot right below my window sill over love drugs colors and wrinkled bills thugs huggin' stainless steal with intent to kill out to destroy for real what was meant to build sportin' scars on their sleeves and walk their hearts on a Heash barkin' at peace talkin' smart with police please you think it's gonna stop soon brother as long as the sun shines we'll always have thunder but love conquers all so we'll always have to wonder what life could be like if we lived LOVE for others 'cause fo'sho we know what it's like without it just look at the body and chalk lines that surround it here's little a piece of my heart spreadin' light to the darkest parts and i hope that a smile will shine illuminate the world with a love so bright here's little a piece of my heart spreadin' light to the darkest parts and i hope that a smile will shine i'll show the world i got a love so bright so we gotta get up and show that our love is true get up and do what we've got to do 'cause time aint slowing down for no one we're the children of hope yea the daughters and the sons so get up and show that your love is true get up and do what you've got to do and keep on fighting 'til the war is won for the children of hope yea the daughters and the sons here's little a piece of my heart spreadin' light to the darkest parts and i hope that a smile will shine illuminate the world with a love so bright here's little a piece of my heart spreadin' light to the darkest parts and i hope that a smile will shine i'll show the world i got a love so bright