Felicity Lott

Felicity Lott    
1990s -


[Disc 1]
0. Mass In B Minor, Bwv 232 - Anne Sofie Von Otter, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Felicity Lott, Sir Georg Solti / 1. Kyrie Eleison - Anne Sofie Von Otter, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Felicity Lott, Sir Georg Solti / 2. Kyrie Christe Eleison - Anne Sofie Von Otter, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Felicity Lott, Sir Georg Solti / 3. Kyrie Kyrie Eleison - Chicago Symphony Chorus, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Sir Georg Solti / 4. Gloria Gloria In Excelsis Deo - Chicago Symphony Chorus, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Sir Georg Solti / 5. Gloria Et In Terra Pax - Chicago Symphony Chorus, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Sir Georg Solti / 6. Gloria Laudamus Te - Anne Sofie Von Otter, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Samuel Magad, Sir Georg Solti / 7. Gloria Gratias Agimus Tibi - Chicago Symphony Chorus, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Sir Georg Solti / 8. Gloria Domine Deus - Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Felicity Lott, Hans Peter Blochwitz, Sir Georg Solti / 9. Gloria Qui Tollis Peccata Mundi - Chicago Symphony Chorus, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Sir Georg Solti / 10. Gloria Qui Sedes Ad Dexteram Patris - Anne Sofie Von Otter, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Sir Georg Solti / 11. Gloria Quoniam Tu Solus Sanctus - Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Gwynne Howell, Sir Georg Solti / 12. Gloria Cum Sancto Spiritu - Chicago Symphony Chorus, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Sir Georg Solti
[Disc 2]
1. Credo Credo In Unum Deum - Chicago Symphony Chorus, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Sir Georg Solti / 2. Credo Patrem Omnipotentem - Chicago Symphony Chorus, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Sir Georg Solti / 3. Credo Et In Unum Dominum - Anne Sofie Von Otter, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Felicity Lott, Sir Georg Solti / 4. Credo Et Incarnatus Est - Chicago Symphony Chorus, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Sir Georg Solti / 5. Credo Crucifixus - Chicago Symphony Chorus, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Sir Georg Solti / 6. Credo Et Resurrexit - Chicago Symphony Chorus, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Sir Georg Solti / 7. Credo Et In Spiritum Sanctum - Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Sir Georg Solti, William Shimell / 8. Credo Confiteor Unum Baptisma - Chicago Symphony Chorus, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Sir Georg Solti / 9. Credo Et Expecto Resurrectionem - Chicago Symphony Chorus, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Sir Georg Solti / 10. Mass In B Minor, Bwv 232 Sanctus - Chicago Symphony Chorus, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Sir Georg Solti / 11. Sanctus Osanna In Excelsis - Chicago Symphony Chorus, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Sir Georg Solti / 12. Sanctus Benedictus - Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Hans Peter Blochwitz, Sir Georg Solti / 13. Sanctus Osanna In Excelsis - Chicago Symphony Chorus, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Sir Georg Solti / 14. Agnus Dei Agnus Dei - Anne Sofie Von Otter, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Sir Georg Solti / 15. Agnus Dei Dona Nobis Pacem - Chicago Symphony Chorus, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Sir Georg Solti
[Disc 1]
1. Ruckert Lieder: Liebst Du Um Schonheit / 2. Ruckert Lieder: Um Mitternacht / 3. Ruckert Lieder: Ich Atmet' Einen Linden Duft / 4. Ruckert Lieder: Blicke Mir Nicht In Die Lieder / 5. Ruckert Lieder: Ich Bin Der Welt Abhanden Gekommen / 6. Wesendonk Lieder, Wwv91-1: Der Engel / 7. Wesendonk Lieder, Wwv91-2: Stehe Still / 8. Wesendonk Lieder, Wwv91-3: Im Treibhaus / 9. Wesendonk Lieder, Wwv91-4: Schmerzen / 10. Wesendonk Lieder, Wwv91-5: Traume / 11. Tristan Und Isolde: Prelude, Act 1 / 12. Tristan Und Isolde: Finale (Isolde's Love Death, Mild Und Leise)
[Disc 1]
[Disc 1]
[Disc 1]
1. 22 Songs And Duets By Beethoven, Schumann, Brahms, Berlioz, Gounod, Chausson, Shint-saens, Faure - Felicity Lott
[Disc 2]
1. 26 Songs And Duets By Purcell, Mendelssohn, Rossini, Gounod, Delibes, Massenet, Paldilhe, Aubert... - Felicity Lott
[Disc 1]
1. Nannas Lied (Weill) - Felicity Lott / 2. Die Zu Spate Ankunft Der Mutter (Haydn) - Felicity Lott / 3. Die Alte (Mozart) - Felicity Lott / 4. Lied Der Braut Ii (From Mythen) (Schumann) - Felicity Lott / 5. Madchenlied (Brahms) - Felicity Lott / 6. Ich Hab In Penna (Wolf) - Felicity Lott / 7. Drei Lieder Der Ophelia (Strauss) - Felicity Lott / 8. I Know Where I`m Going (Hughes) - Felicity Lott / 9. Wapping Old Stirs (From A Song For The Lord Mayor`s Table) (Walton) - Felicity Lott / 10. The Return From Town (Bliss) - Felicity Lott / 11. Sweet Polly Oliver (Arr. Britten) - Felicity Lott / 12. Und Was Bekam Des Soldten Weib - Felicity Lott / 13. Reponse D`une Epouse Sage (Roussel) - Felicity Lott / 14. Une Sainte En Son Aureole (From La Bonne Chanson) (Faure) - Felicity Lott / 15. Au Pays Ou Se Fait La Guerre (Duparc) - Felicity Lott / 16. Spinning Song (Coward) - Felicity Lott / 17. Alice Is At It Again (Coward) - Felicity Lott / 18. A Bar On The Piccolo Marina (Coward) - Felicity Lott / 19. La Dame De Monte Carlo (Poulenc) - Felicity Lott / 20. C`est Tres Villain D`etre Infidele (Hahn) - Felicity Lott / 21. Warum Soll Eine Frau Kein Verhaltnis Haben (Straus) - Felicity Lott / 22. What`s A Lady Like Me (Grand) - Felicity Lott / 23. [Encores] Geh`n Wir In`s Chambre Separee (From Der Opernball) (Heuberger) - Felicity Lott / 24. O Waly, Waly (Arr. Britten - Felicity Lott
[Disc 1]
1. Liedchen Von Marie Und Papa - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 2. Liedchen Von Marie Und Papa : Op 68 No 21 - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 3. Der Abendstern - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 4. Kleine Studie Op 68 No 14 - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 5. Schmetterling Op 79 No 2 - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 6. Fruhlingsbotschaft Op 79 No 3 - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 7. Fruhlingsgruss Op 79 No 4 - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 8. Vom Schlaraffenland Op 79 No 5 - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 9. Landliches Lied Op 68 No 20 - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 10. Sonntag Op 79 No 6 - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 11. Reiterstuck Op 68 No 23 - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 12. Zigeunerliedchen I Op 79 No 7 - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 13. Zigeunerliedchen Ii Op 79 No 8 - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 14. Des Knaben Berglied Op 79 No 9 - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 15. Mai, Lieber Mai Op 68 No 13 - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 16. Mailied Op 79 No 10 - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 17. Volksliedchen Op 68 No 9 - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 18. Kauzlein Op 79 No 11 - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 19. Erster Verlust Op 68 No 1 - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 20. Hinaus Ins Freie Op 79 No 12 - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 21. Der Sandmann Op 79 No 13 - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 22. Fremder Mann Op 68 No 29 - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 23. Marienwurmchen Op 79 No 14 - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 24. Armes Waisenkind Op 68 No 6 - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 25. Die Waise Op 79 No 15 - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 26. Das Gluck Op 79 No 16 - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 27. Weihnachtslied Op 79 No 17 - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 28. Knecht Ruprecht Op 68 No 12 - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 29. Die Wandelnde Glocke Op 79 No 18 - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 30. Figurierter Choral Op 68 No 42 - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 31. Fruhlingslied Op 79 No 19 - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 32. Fruhlings Ankunft Op 79 No 20 - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 33. Die Schwalben Op 79 No 21 - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 34. Kinderwacht Op 79 No 22 - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 35. Des Sennen Abschied Op 79 No 23 - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 36. Er Ist`s Op 79 No 24 - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 37. Spinnelied Op 79 No 25 - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 38. Jagerliedchen Op 68 No 7 - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 39. Des Buben Schutzenlied Op 79 No 26 - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 40. Winterzeit I Op 68 No 38 - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 41. Schneeglockchen Op 79 No 27 - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 42. Lied Lynceus Des Turmers Op 79 No 2 - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 43. Mignon Op 68 No - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 44. Mignon Op 79 No 29 - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 45. Lied Italienischer Marinari Op 68 No 36 - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson / 46. Soldatenlied Woo6 - Felicity Lott, Graham Johnson
[Disc 1]
1. Sweet Power Of Song Op 223 No 2 - Lott / Murray / 2. Elfin Fairies Op 255 No 1 - Lott / Murray / 3. Would I Were But That Sweet Linnet, Oh Op 255 No 9 - Lott / Murray / 4. English Bulls Op 223 No 12 (Irishman In London) - Lott / Murray / 5. Er Ist's (Liederalbum For Die Jungend Op 79 No 23) - Lott / Murray / 6. Fruhlingslied Op 79 No 19 - Lott / Murray / 7. Schneeglockchen (Liederalbum Fur Die Jungend Op 79 - Lott / Murray / 8. Gluck Op 79 No 16, Das - Lott / Murray / 9. Schwestern Op 61 No 1, Die - Lott / Murray / 10. Klosterfraulien Op 61 No 2 - Lott / Murray / 11. Phanomen Op 61 No 3 - Lott / Murray / 12. Boten Der Liebe, Die Op 61 No 4 - Lott / Murray / 13. Pleur Pauvre Colette - Lott / Murray / 14. Trebuchet, Le Op 13 No 3 - Lott / Murray / 15. D'Un Coeur Qui T'Aime - Lott / Murray / 16. Arithmetique, L' - Lott / Murray / 17. Nuit Op 11 No 1, La - Lott / Murray / 18. Reveil Op 11 No 2 - Lott / Murray / 19. Pastorale - Lott / Murray / 20. Desdichado, El - Lott / Murray / 21. Pleurs D'Or Op 72 - Lott / Murray / 22. Tarantelle Op 10 No 2 - Lott / Murray
[Disc 2]
1. Sound The Trumpet (Come Ye Sons Of Art Away Z323) - Lott / Murray / 2. I Attempt From Love's Sickness To Fly (Indian Quee - Lott / Murray / 3. Lost Is My Quiet Forever Z502 - Lott / Murray / 4. Fairest Isle (King Arthur Z628) - Lott / Murray / 5. What Can We Poor Females Do Z518 - Lott / Murray / 6. Wasserfahrt (Drei Volkslieder No 3) - Lott / Murray / 7. Volkslied Op 63 No 5 - Lott / Murray / 8. Auf Flugeln Des Gesanges Op 34 No 2 - Lott / Murray / 9. Neue Liebe Op 19 No 4 - Lott / Murray / 10. Abendlied (Drei Volkslieder No 2) - Lott / Murray / 11. Maiglockchen Und Die Blumelein Op 63 No 6 - Lott / Murray / 12. Pesca (Soirees Musicales No 10), La - Lott / Murray / 13. Anzoleta Co Passa La Regata (La Regata Veneziana n - Lott / Murray / 14. Promessa (Soirees Musicales No 1) - Lott / Murray / 15. Duetto Buffo Di Due Gatti (Cats Duet) - Lott / Murray / 16. Siesta, La - Lott / Murray / 17. Trois Oiseaux, Les - Lott / Murray / 18. Revons C'Est L'Heure - Lott / Murray / 19. Joie - Lott / Murray / 20. Au Bord De L'Eau - Lott / Murray / 21. Cache Cache - Lott / Murray / 22. Trust Her Not - Lott / Murray / 23. Coming Home - Lott / Murray / 24. It Was A Lover And His Lass Op 23 No 3 - Lott / Murray / 25. Mother Comfort - Lott / Murray / 26. Underneath The Abject Willow - Lott / Murray
[Disc 1]
1. Dir Sing Ich Mein Leid (Franz Lehar) - Felicity Lott / 2. Ich Bin Eine Frau, Die Weiß Was Sie Will (Oscar Straus) - Felicity Lott / 3. Ninon (Oscar Straus) - Felicity Lott / 4. Jede Fau Hat Irgendeine Sehnsucht (Oscar Straus) - Felicity Lott / 5. Warum Soll Eine Frau Kein Verhaltnis Haben? (Oscar Straus) - Felicity Lott / 6. Telefonische Bestellung (Wilhelm Grosz) - Felicity Lott / 7. Die Mutter An Der Wiege (Carl Loewe) - Felicity Lott / 8. Der Zahn (Carl Loewe) - Felicity Lott / 9. Murmelndes Luftchen (Adolf Jensen) - Felicity Lott / 10. Komm, Wir Wandeln Zusammen (Peter Cornelius) - Felicity Lott / 11. Begegnung (Richard Strauss) - Felicity Lott / 12. Ein Ton (Peter Cornelius) - Felicity Lott / 13. Im Walde (Richard Strauss) - Felicity Lott / 14. Wohin Mit Der Freud (Hugo Wolf) - Felicity Lott / 15. Da Unten Im Tale (Johannes Brahms) - Felicity Lott / 16. Och Moder, Ich Well En Ding Han (Johannes Brahms) - Felicity Lott / 17. Wer Hat Dies Liedlein Erdacht (Gustav Mahler) - Felicity Lott / 18. Erstes Liebeslied Eine Madchens (Hugo Wolf) - Felicity Lott / 19. Wiegenlied Im Sommer (Hugo Wolf) - Felicity Lott / 20. Abends, Will Ich Schlafen Gehn (Engelbert Humperdinck) - Felicity Lott / 21. Mahnung (Arnold Schoenberg) - Felicity Lott / 22. Lob Des Hohen Verstandes (Gustav Mahler) - Felicity Lott / 23. Valse Triste - Denkst Du Nie Daran? (Franz Von Vecsey) - Felicity Lott / 24. Die Sprode (Dr. Edmund Nick) - Felicity Lott / 25. Komm Zu Mir Zum Tee! (Franz Lehar) - Felicity Lott / 26. Kiss Me My Darling (Franz Lehar) - Felicity Lott / 27. Dir Sing Ich Mein Leid (Franz Lehar) - Felicity Lott
[Disc 1]
1. On S`amuse, On Applaudit (Jacques Offenbach) - Felicity Lott / 2. Couplets Du Souper (Jacques Offenbach) - Felicity Lott / 3. La Perichole, Operetta, Griserie (Jacques Offenbach) - Felicity Lott / 4. La Chanson De La Rose (Georges Bizet) - Felicity Lott / 5. Chanson D`avril (Georges Bizet) - Felicity Lott / 6. Chanson De L`alouette (Emmanuel Chabrier) - Felicity Lott / 7. Romance Of The Star (Emmanuel Chabrier) - Felicity Lott / 8. Ballad Of Mignon (Henri Duparc) - Felicity Lott / 9. Chanson Triste (Henri Duparc) - Felicity Lott / 10. Le Papillon Et La Fleur (Gabriel Faure) - Felicity Lott / 11. Les Papillons (Ernest Chausson) - Felicity Lott / 12. Le Colibri (Ernest Chausson) - Felicity Lott / 13. La Diva De L`empire (Erik Satie) - Felicity Lott / 14. Je Te Veux (I Want You) (Erik Satie) - Felicity Lott / 15. L`amour Est Un Oiseau Rebelle (Andre Messager) - Felicity Lott / 16. He Regrette Mon Pressigny (Andre Messager) - Felicity Lott / 17. Tous Les Deux Me Plaisent (Andre Messager) - Felicity Lott / 18. Bernard Ca Fait Peur Aux Oiseaux (Paul Bernard) - Felicity Lott / 19. Je Ne Suis Pas Ce Que L`on Pense (Oscar Straus) - Felicity Lott / 20. Is That What It Is? (Maurice Yvain) - Felicity Lott / 21. Yes, Musical, Fox Trot (Maurice Yvain) - Felicity Lott / 22. I Sing At Night (Maurice Yvain) - Felicity Lott / 23. Les Chemins De L`amour (Francis Poulenc) - Felicity Lott / 24. You Enjoy Yourself, You Applaud (Jacques Offenbach) - Felicity Lott
[Disc 1]
1. Ser - Felicity Lott / 2. Guitar - Felicity Lott / 3. Guitar - Felicity Lott / 4. Farewell Of The Arab Hostess - Felicity Lott / 5. Eclogue - Felicity Lott / 6. If There Is A Lovely Lawn - Felicity Lott / 7. The Butterfly And The Flower - Felicity Lott / 8. The Absent One - Felicity Lott / 9. Reverie - Since In This World - Felicity Lott / 10. Waiting - Felicity Lott / 11. Oh! When I Am Sleeping - Felicity Lott / 12. Comment, Disaient-ils - Felicity Lott / 13. Evening At Sea - Felicity Lott / 14. The Kettledrummer`s Bride - Felicity Lott / 15. Sing, Sing, Inspired Maid - Felicity Lott / 16. If My Verses Had Wings - Felicity Lott / 17. Reverie - Felicity Lott
[Disc 1]
1. So We`ll Go No More A-roving (Maude Valerie White) - Felicity Lott / 2. Queen Mary`s Song (Edward Elgar) - Felicity Lott / 3. The Clothes Of Heaven (Thomas Dunhill) - Felicity Lott / 4. Love`s Philosophy Op.3 No.1 (Roger Quilter) - Felicity Lott / 5. Silent Noon (Ralph Vaughan Williams) - Felicity Lott / 6. The Shawl (Dorothy Hogben) - Felicity Lott / 7. Fish In The Unruffled Lakes (Benjamin Britten) - Felicity Lott / 8. O Lurcher-loving Collier Op.53 No.2 (Lennox Berkeley) - Felicity Lott / 9. O Waly, Waly (Benjamin Britten) - Felicity Lott / 10. The Sprig Of Thyme (Percy Grainger) - Felicity Lott / 11. Sigh No More, Ladies (Geoffrey Bush) - Felicity Lott / 12. Come Sing And Dance (Herbert Howells) - Felicity Lott / 13. Gavotte (Herbert Howells) - Felicity Lott / 14. Go Not, Happy Day (Frank Bridge) - Felicity Lott / 15. My Own Country (Peter Warlock) - Felicity Lott / 16. Silver Op.30 No.2 (Cecil Armstrong Gibbs) - Felicity Lott / 17. The Early Morning (Graham Peel) - Felicity Lott / 18. Sweet Chance. That Led My Steps Abroad (Michael Head) - Felicity Lott / 19. The Swing (Liza Lehmann) - Felicity Lott / 20. Red Roses And Red Noses (Lord Berners) - Felicity Lott / 21. Come You Not From Newcastle? (Benjamin Britten) - Felicity Lott / 22. Old Sir Faulk (William Walton) - Felicity Lott
[Disc 1]
0. Missa in angustiis "Nelson Mass", Hob. XXII:11 in D minor - The English Concert / 1. Kyrie - Carolyn Watkinson, David Wilson-Johnson, Felicity Lott, Maldwyn Davies 외 / 2. Gloria: Gloria In Excelsis Deo - Carolyn Watkinson, David Wilson-Johnson, Felicity Lott, Maldwyn Davies 외 / 3. Gloria: Qui Tollis - Carolyn Watkinson, David Wilson-Johnson, Felicity Lott, Maldwyn Davies 외 / 4. Gloria: Quoniam - Carolyn Watkinson, David Wilson-Johnson, Felicity Lott, Maldwyn Davies 외 / 5. Credo: Credo In Unum Deum - Carolyn Watkinson, David Wilson-Johnson, Felicity Lott, Maldwyn Davies 외 / 6. Credo: Et Incarnatus Est - Carolyn Watkinson, David Wilson-Johnson, Felicity Lott, Maldwyn Davies 외 / 7. Credo: Et Resurrexit - Carolyn Watkinson, David Wilson-Johnson, Felicity Lott, Maldwyn Davies 외 / 8. Sanctus - Carolyn Watkinson, David Wilson-Johnson, Felicity Lott, Maldwyn Davies 외 / 9. Benedictus - Carolyn Watkinson, David Wilson-Johnson, Felicity Lott, Maldwyn Davies 외 / 10. Agnus Dei: Agnus Dei Qui Tollis - Carolyn Watkinson, David Wilson-Johnson, Felicity Lott, Maldwyn Davies 외 / 11. Agnus Dei: Dona Nobis Pacem - Carolyn Watkinson, David Wilson-Johnson, Felicity Lott, Maldwyn Davies 외 / 11. Te Deum in C major - Hob.XXIIIc:2 - The English Concert / 12. "Te Deum Laudamus" Allegro - Nicholas Parle, The English Concert, The English Concert Choir, Trevor Pinnock / 13. "Te Ergo Quaesumus" Adagio - Nicholas Parle, The English Concert, The English Concert Choir, Trevor Pinnock / 14. "Aeterna Fac Cum Sanctis Tuis -...allegro Moderato "Aet - Nicholas Parle, The English Concert, The English Concert Choir, Trevor Pinnock
[Disc 1]
1. Sweet Power Of Song Op 223 No 2 / 2. Elfin Fairies Op 255 No 1 / 3. Would I Were But That Sweet Linnet, Oh Op 255 No 9 / 4. English Bulls Op 223 No 12 [Irishman In London] / 5. Er Ist's [Liederalbum For Die Jungend Op 79 No 23] / 6. Fruhlingslied Op 79 No 19 / 7. Schneeglockchen (Liederalbum Fur Die Jungend Op 79 / 8. Gluck, Das Op 79 No 16 / 9. Schwestern, Die Op 61 No 1 / 10. Klosterfraulien Op 61 No 2 / 11. Phanomen Op 61 No 3 / 12. Boten Der Liebe, Die Op 61 No 4 / 13. Pleur Pauvre Colette / 14. Trebuchet, Le Op 13 No 3 / 15. D'un Coeur Qui T'aime / 16. Arithmetique, L' / 17. Nuit, La Op 11 No 1 / 18. Reveil Op 11 No 2 / 19. Pastorale / 20. Desdichado, El / 21. Pleurs D'or Op 72 / 22. Tarantelle Op 10 No 2

Trackback :: http://d2.maniadb.com/trackback/P121453


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