Joseph Marx

Joseph Marx    
1882년 05월 11일 / 오스트리아
실내악 / 독주곡



Ein Abschied   Joseph Marx
from Steven Sloane, Bochum Symphony Orchestra - Orchestral Songs/ Angela Maria Blasi/ Stella Doufexis/ Steven Sloane (2004)
Selige Nacht   Joseph Marx
from Steven Sloane, Bochum Symphony Orchestra - Orchestral Songs/ Angela Maria Blasi/ Stella Doufexis/ Steven Sloane (2004)
Piemontesisches Volkslied   Joseph Marx
from Steven Sloane, Bochum Symphony Orchestra - Orchestral Songs/ Angela Maria Blasi/ Stella Doufexis/ Steven Sloane (2004)
Standchen   Joseph Marx
from Steven Sloane, Bochum Symphony Orchestra - Orchestral Songs/ Angela Maria Blasi/ Stella Doufexis/ Steven Sloane (2004)
Der Bescheidene Schafer   Joseph Marx
from Steven Sloane, Bochum Symphony Orchestra - Orchestral Songs/ Angela Maria Blasi/ Stella Doufexis/ Steven Sloane (2004)
Barkarole   Joseph Marx
from Steven Sloane, Bochum Symphony Orchestra - Orchestral Songs/ Angela Maria Blasi/ Stella Doufexis/ Steven Sloane (2004)
Jugend Und Alter   Joseph Marx
from Steven Sloane, Bochum Symphony Orchestra - Orchestral Songs/ Angela Maria Blasi/ Stella Doufexis/ Steven Sloane (2004)
Die Liebste Spricht   Joseph Marx
from Steven Sloane, Bochum Symphony Orchestra - Orchestral Songs/ Angela Maria Blasi/ Stella Doufexis/ Steven Sloane (2004)
Sendung   Joseph Marx
from Steven Sloane, Bochum Symphony Orchestra - Orchestral Songs/ Angela Maria Blasi/ Stella Doufexis/ Steven Sloane (2004)
Japanisches Regenlied   Joseph Marx
from Steven Sloane, Bochum Symphony Orchestra - Orchestral Songs/ Angela Maria Blasi/ Stella Doufexis/ Steven Sloane (2004)
Venetianisches Wiegenlied   Joseph Marx
from Steven Sloane, Bochum Symphony Orchestra - Orchestral Songs/ Angela Maria Blasi/ Stella Doufexis/ Steven Sloane (2004)
Erinnerung   Joseph Marx
from Steven Sloane, Bochum Symphony Orchestra - Orchestral Songs/ Angela Maria Blasi/ Stella Doufexis/ Steven Sloane (2004)
Zigeuner   Joseph Marx
from Steven Sloane, Bochum Symphony Orchestra - Orchestral Songs/ Angela Maria Blasi/ Stella Doufexis/ Steven Sloane (2004)
Dezember   Joseph Marx
from Steven Sloane, Bochum Symphony Orchestra - Orchestral Songs/ Angela Maria Blasi/ Stella Doufexis/ Steven Sloane (2004)
Lieder   Joseph Marx
from Steven Sloane, Bochum Symphony Orchestra - Orchestral Songs/ Angela Maria Blasi/ Stella Doufexis/ Steven Sloane (2004)
In Meiner Traume Heimat   Joseph Marx
from Steven Sloane, Bochum Symphony Orchestra - Orchestral Songs/ Angela Maria Blasi/ Stella Doufexis/ Steven Sloane (2004)
Auf Der Campagna   Joseph Marx
from Steven Sloane, Bochum Symphony Orchestra - Orchestral Songs/ Angela Maria Blasi/ Stella Doufexis/ Steven Sloane (2004)
Romantisches Klavierkonzert (Romantic Piano Concerto) (1-3)   Joseph Marx
from David Lively, Steven Sloane - The Piano Concertos/ David Lively (2005)
Castelli Romani For Piano And Orchestra (4-6)   Joseph Marx
from David Lively, Steven Sloane - The Piano Concertos/ David Lively (2005)
I.bewegt Und Frei Im Vortrag   Joseph Marx
from Tobias Ringborg, Daniel Blumenthal - Sonata For Violin And Piano/ Tobias Ringborg (2005)

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