Raphael Imbert

Raphael Imbert    



I've Got Rythm   Ensemble Contraste, George Gershwin, Ira Gershwin, Raphael Imbert
from Harold Arlen, Ensemble Contraste - Songs (2016)
Crazy World   Ensemble Contraste, Henry Mancini, Isabelle Georges, Johan Farjot
from Harold Arlen, Ensemble Contraste - Songs (2016)
Somewhere Over the Rainbow   Edgar Yipsel Harburg, Ensemble Contraste, Harold Arlen, Johan Farjot
from Harold Arlen, Ensemble Contraste - Songs (2016)
1er Air De La Cantate 'Vergnugte Ruh, Beliebte Seelenlust', Bwv 170 (Johann Sebastian Bach)   Johann Sebastian Bach
from Johann Sebastian Bach, John Coltrane - Bach & Coltrane/ Raphael Imbert Project (2008)
O Welt, Ich Muss Dich Iassem', Bwv 45 (Johann Sebastian Bach)   Johann Sebastian Bach
from Johann Sebastian Bach, John Coltrane - Bach & Coltrane/ Raphael Imbert Project (2008)
Choral De Mi (19-20) (A. Rossi)   Johann Sebastian Bach
from Johann Sebastian Bach, John Coltrane - Bach & Coltrane/ Raphael Imbert Project (2008)
Reverend King (John Coltrane)   Johann Sebastian Bach
from Johann Sebastian Bach, John Coltrane - Bach & Coltrane/ Raphael Imbert Project (2008)
Mit' Fried Und Freud' Ich Fahr Dahin (Martin Luther)   Johann Sebastian Bach
from Johann Sebastian Bach, John Coltrane - Bach & Coltrane/ Raphael Imbert Project (2008)
Improvisation Sur Bach / The Father, The Son And The Holy Ghost   Johann Sebastian Bach
from Johann Sebastian Bach, John Coltrane - Bach & Coltrane/ Raphael Imbert Project (2008)
Art De La Fugue (Johann Sebastian Bach)   Johann Sebastian Bach
from Johann Sebastian Bach, John Coltrane - Bach & Coltrane/ Raphael Imbert Project (2008)
Song Of Praise/jesu Meine Freude, Bwv 227 (13-14) (John Coltrane)   Johann Sebastian Bach
from Johann Sebastian Bach, John Coltrane - Bach & Coltrane/ Raphael Imbert Project (2008)
Art De La Fugue, 9e Contrepoint   Johann Sebastian Bach
from Johann Sebastian Bach, John Coltrane - Bach & Coltrane/ Raphael Imbert Project (2008)
Messe, Bwv 232 En Si Mineur : Crucifixus   Johann Sebastian Bach
from Johann Sebastian Bach, John Coltrane - Bach & Coltrane/ Raphael Imbert Project (2008)
Fantaisie En Sol Mineur, Bwv 542   Johann Sebastian Bach
from Johann Sebastian Bach, John Coltrane - Bach & Coltrane/ Raphael Imbert Project (2008)
He Nevuh Said A Mumbalin' Word (Live) (8-9) (Live)   Johann Sebastian Bach
from Johann Sebastian Bach, John Coltrane - Bach & Coltrane/ Raphael Imbert Project (2008)
Concerto Pour Clavier, Bwv 1056 (6-7) (Johann Sebastian Bach)   Johann Sebastian Bach
from Johann Sebastian Bach, John Coltrane - Bach & Coltrane/ Raphael Imbert Project (2008)
Crescent (2-5) (John Coltrane)   Johann Sebastian Bach
from Johann Sebastian Bach, John Coltrane - Bach & Coltrane/ Raphael Imbert Project (2008)

Trackback :: http://d2.maniadb.com/trackback/P247578


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