It's so easy to get lost in this Lovely brutal world
I must go to sleep So I can scream as loud as I want Without attention I must go to sleep So I can follow the whispers To my dreams
Come back into the world shiny & new I will meet you there when everything's okay We'll have a good old time together I'll have new ideas I'll be able to laugh I'll be able to love myself
I float on the water Trying to find a direction A place meant for me
It's time to sleep I feel tears over-flowing My emotions
Come back into the world shiny & new I will meet you there when everything's okay We'll have a good old time together I'll have new ideas I'll be able to laugh I'll be able to love myself
瞬きが風を呼ぶ [마바타키가카제오요부] 깜빡거림이 바람을 불러 微笑みが ざわめきを消し去る [호호에미가 자와메키오케시사루] 미소가 웅성거림을 지워가 あなたの目に住む天使がささやく [아나타노메니스무텐시가사사야쿠] 당신의 눈에 사는 천사가 속삭이네 すべてが今始まると [스베떼가이마하지마루또] 모든것이 지금 시작된다고 Can you feel it now Can you feel it now 波に?み?まれたように [나미니노미코마레따요-니] 파도에 휩쓸린 것처럼 Pulling on my heart Pulling on my heart 息を止め 手をのばして [이키오토메 테오노바시떼] 숨을 멈추고 손을 뻗어 Baby この世界は [Baby 코노세까이와] Baby 이 세상은 昨日とは違う [키노-또와찌가우] 어제와는 달라 あなたのことしか見えない [아나타노코또시까미에나이] 당신밖에 보이질않아 Baby my wish on a wing この空を裂いて [코노소라오사이떼] 이 하늘을 찢어서 あふれる一つの言葉で※ [아후레루히토쯔노코또바데] 넘치는 하나의 말로 輝きをたどる視線 [카가야키오타도루시센] 빛을 더듬는 시선 迷わず あなたへ走るのに [마요와즈 아나타에하시루노니] 주저말고 당신에게로 달리는데 立ちすくむ心 ため息をつく [타찌스쿠무코코로 타메이키오쯔쿠] 가만히 서있는 마음 한숨을 쉬어 まるで 長い旅の?で [마루데 나가이타비노요-데] 마치 긴 여행처럼 Can you feel it now Can you feel it now 時は無情に流れてく [토끼와무죠-니나가레떼꾸] 시간은 덧없이 흘러가 Pulling on my heart Pulling on my heart この思い 解き放して [코노오모이 타키하나시떼] 이 마음 해방시켜줘 Baby もう未?も [Baby 모-미라이모] Baby 이제 미래도 約束もいらない [약소쿠모이라나이] 약속도 필요없어 あなたがそこにいるだけで [아나타가소꼬니이루다케데] 당신이 거기에 있는 것 만으로 Baby my wish on a wing この?を翔(と)ばせ [코노코에오토바세] 이 목소리를 날려 ふるえる星を突き?けて△ [후루에루호시오쯔키누케떼] 흔들리는 별을 빠져나가 Do you feel me? Do you feel me now? Baby この世界は [Baby 코노세까이와] Baby 이 세상은 昨日とは違う [키노-또와찌가우] 어제와는 달라 あなたのことしか見えない [아나타노코또시까미에나이] 당신밖에 보이질않아 Baby my wish on a wing この空を裂いて [코노소라오사이떼] 이 하늘을 찢어서 あふれる一つの言葉で※ [아후레루히토쯔노코또바데] 넘치는 하나의 말로 Baby もう未?も [Baby 모-미라이모] Baby 이제 미래도 約束もいらない [약소쿠모이라나이] 약속도 필요없어 あなたがそこにいるだけで [아나타가소꼬니이루다케데] 당신이 거기에 있는 것 만으로 Baby my wish on a wing この?を翔(と)ばせ [코노코에오토바세] 이 목소리를 날려 ふるえる星を突き?けて△ [후루에루호시오쯔키누케떼] 흔들리는 별을 빠져나가
Travel to the moon 君は眠り 夢を解く (Travel to the moon 키미와 네무리 유메오 토쿠) Travel to the moon 너는 잠들어 꿈을 풀지 誰もいない 星の光 繰りながら (다레모 이나이 호시노 히카리 아야츠리나가라) 아무도 없는 별의 빛을 감으면서 强くなるため 忘れた笑顔 (츠요쿠나루타메 와스레타 에가오) 강해지기 위해 잊었던 웃는 얼굴 きっと二人なら 取りもどす (킷토 후타리나라 토리모도스) 분명히 둘이서라면 되찾을 거야 氣づいて (키즈이테) 눈치채 줘 I'm here waiting for you 今とは違う未來があっても (이마토와 치가우 미라이가 앗테모) 지금과는 다른 미래가 있더라도 I'm here waiting for you 叫び續けて (사케비 츠즈케테) 계속 외쳐 줘 きっと心は つなぐ?をたぐってる (킷토 코코로와 츠나구 이토오 타굿테루) 분명 마음은 두 사람을 이어줄 실을 당기고 있어 あの頃の私 目を覺ますように (아노코로노 와타시 메오 사마스요오니) 그 시절의 내가 눈을 뜰 수 있도록 no need to cry Travel in silence 手をのばせば 觸れるのに (Travel in silence 테오 노바세바 후레루노니) Travel in silence 손을 뻗으면 닿을 텐데 君は遠い それは 思い出の中のこと (키미와 토오이 소레와 오모이데노 나카노 코토) 멀리 있는 너 그것은 추억 속의 일 聲が聞こえる 目を閉じれば (코에가 키코에루 메오 토지레바) 목소리가 들려, 눈을 감으면 小さな痛みさえ いとしくて (치이사나 이타미사에 이토시쿠테) 작은 아픔조차 사랑스러워 見つめて (미츠메테) 지켜봐 줘 I'm here waiting for you 風に吹かれ 一人迷っても (카제니 후카레 히토리 마욧테모) 바람에 휩쓸려 혼자 헤매더라도 I'm here waiting for you 空を見上げて (소라오 미아게테) 하늘을 올려다 봐 ずっと心は 手を廣げて守ってる (즛토 코코로와 테오 히로게테 마못테루) 계속 마음은 팔을 벌린 채 지키고 있어. あの頃の君が 振り返るまで (아노코로노 키미가 후리카에루마데) 그 시절의 네가 돌아볼 때까지 no need to cry (Feel something Feel nothing Listen closely Listen closely) Wide open ears Disarm the dream tickler In the constant moment (You will find me Where it's quiet Listen closely Listen closely) Let the blood flow Through all the spaces Of the universe 氣づいて (키즈이테) 눈치채 줘 I'm here waiting for you 今とは違う未來があっても (이마토와 치가우 미라이가 앗테모) 지금과는 다른 미래가 있더라도 I'm here waiting for you 叫び續けて (사케비 츠즈케테) 계속 외쳐 줘 きっと心は つなぐ?をたぐってる (킷토 코코로와 츠나구 이토오 타굿테루) 분명 마음은 두 사람을 이어줄 실을 당기고 있어 あの頃の私 目を覺ますように (아노코로노 와타시 메오 사마스요오니) 그 시절의 내가 눈을 뜰 수 있도록 no need to cry
優雅に踊る in a 無傷の Diamond (유-가니 오도루 in a 무키즈노 Diamond) 우아하게 춤추는 in a 상처없는 다이어몬드 Where it protects her
淚と pink marigold dreams (나미다토 pink marigold dreams) 눈물과 pink marigold dreams はざ間でもがく彼女は 太陽を振り向かせる (하자마데 모가쿠 카노죠와 타이요-오 후리무카세루) 그 틈에서 초조해하는 그녀는 태양을 뒤돌아보게 해요 It lights the stage for her
Ballerina Show them who you are Ballerina Show them who you are
You have been waiting for this Isn't this what you wanted? Why are you crying?
現實と glass oil paintings (겐지츠토 glass oil painitings) 현실과 glass oil paintings 間で生きる彼女を 誰も理解しようとしない (아이다데 이키루 카노죠오 다레모 리카이시요-토 시나이) 사이에서 살고 있는 그녀를 누구도 이해하려고 하지 않아요 They are afraid of chance
Ballerina Show them who you are Ballerina Show them who you are
淚と pink marigold dreams (나미다토 pink marigold dreams) 눈물과 pink marigold dreams はざ間でもがく彼女は 太陽を振り向かせる (하자마데 모가쿠 카노죠와 타이요-오 후리무카세루) 그 틈에서 초조해하는 그녀는 태양을 뒤돌아보게 해요 It lights the stage for her
Ballerina Show them who you are Ballerina Show them who you are
I just wanna love 時の翼はずして (I just wanna love 토키노 츠바사 하즈시테) I just wanna love 시간의 날개를 벗어요 I just wanna love 明日にならないように (I just wanna love 아스니 나라나이요-니) I just wanna love 내일이 되지않도록… 眠り方さえ 息の仕方さえ (네무리카타사에 이키노 시카타사에) 잠자는 법조차 숨쉬는 법조차 あなたは忘れさせる (아나타와 와스레사세루) 그대는 잊게 만들어요 雨の滴さえ 生命感じさせる (아메노 시즈쿠사에 이노치 칸지사세루) 빗방울에서 생명을 느끼게 해요 You take my heart to a place I want forever 二人の永遠は とぎれとぎれで (후타리노 에-엥와 토기레토기레데) 우리 둘의 영원함은 끊어졌다 이어지며 逢えない約束 殘していくだけ (아에나이 야쿠소쿠 노코시테 이쿠다케) 만날 수 없는 약속을 남겨두고 갈 뿐 Please stay with me I`m so happy in this moment with you I just wanna love 夢を消さないように (I just wanna love 유메오 케사나이요-니) I just wanna love 꿈이 사라지지 않도록 I just wanna love あなた思う私 (I just wanna love 아나타 오모- 와타시) I just wanna love 그대를 생각하는 나 すぐにはずれる 本のカバ-の樣に (스구니 하즈레루 혼노 카바-노요-니) 금방 벗겨지는 책 커버와 같이 不安な日常の中 (후안나 니치죠-노 나카) 불안한 일상 속에서 星の動きより 戀よりも强く (호시노 우고키요리 코이요리모 츠요쿠) 별의 움직임보다 사랑보다도 강하게… You take my heart to a place I want forever 二人の樂園は 平等じゃなくて (후타리노 라쿠엥와 뵤-도-쟈 나쿠테) 우리 둘의 낙원은 평등하지 않아요 切なくなるほど 短く過ぎる (세츠나쿠나루 호도 미지카쿠 스기루) 애절할 정도로 빨리 지나가요 Day comes, Night goes I`m standing still you`ve ran off with the stars again 二人の永遠は とぎれとぎれで (후타리노 에-엥와 토기레토기레데) 우리 둘의 영원함은 끊어졌다 이어지며 逢えない約束 殘していくだけ (아에나이 야쿠소쿠 노코시테 이쿠다케) 만날 수 없는 약속을 남겨두고 갈 뿐 Please stay with me I`m so happy in this moment with you I just wanna love 時の翼はずして (I just wanna love 토키노 츠바사 하즈시테) I just wanna love 시간의 날개를 벗어요 I just wanna love 明日にならないように (I just wanna love 아스니 나라나이요-니) I just wanna love 내일이 되지않도록… I just wanna love 夢を消さないように (I just wanna love 유메오 케사나이요-니) I just wanna love 꿈이 사라지지 않도록 I just wanna love あなた思う私 (I just wanna love 아나타 오모- 와타시) I just wanna love 그대를 생각하는 나
I hear the drums echoing tonight She hears only whispers of some quiet conversation She's coming in twelve-thirty flight The moonlit wings reflect the stars That guide me towards salvation
I stopped an old man along the way Hoping to find some old forgotten words or ancient melodies He turned to me as if to say "Hurry, boy, it's waiting there for you."
It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you There's nothing that a hundred men Or more could ever do I met some rains down in Africa Gonna take some time to do The things we never have
The wild dogs cry out in the night As they grow restless Longing for some solitary company I know that I must do what's right Sure as Kilimanjaro rises like a leprous Above the Seregeti I seek to cure what's deep inside Frightened of this thing that I've become
It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you There's nothing that a hundred men Or more could ever do I met some rains down in Africa Gonna take some time to do The things we never have
(Hurry, boy, it's waiting there for you)
It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you There's nothing that a hundred men Or more could ever do I met some rains down in Africa I met some rains down in Africa I met some rains down in Africa I met some rains down in Africa I met some rains down in Africa Gonna take some time to do The things we never have
kiss me forever raindrops get blown by the wind into the rushing river it flows it flows into the sea kiss me forever lemondrops melt into my mouth and creeps out of my pores it flows, it flows into the sea
I come from venus and you come from venice
you melt my heart with your little rebel smile
kiss me forever teardrops fall down my face seep down into the ground it flows it flows into the sea kiss me forever moondrops rain down from the clouds they glow as they spin and fall and it lights up the sea
Little owls bring me messages Transparent envelopes Given by black daisies and through enormous telescopes Addressed the white crow Sent it out Was it meant to get to me?
I can hear you I'm just playing it cool Bones quiver gently Vexing blood river flux to the tip of my feathers I laugh at your eagerness Fruitful dandelion heartache is repelling you yet How am I to turn around on my own? Who's to blame for what has become?
Do you wanna be in denial? You wanna be in denial? Must I sacrifice this heart to live this life, the picture? Keep on holding on I want to be around love ..
Wondrous wondrous stars of the night Make all the fury go out of sight Accord me the strength Send it out Send it out Send it out
Your violence is trickling inside me Yet I'm to remain halcyon
Do you wanna be in denial? You wanna be in denial? Must I sacrifice this heart to live this life, the picture? Keep on holding on I want to be around love
Keep on holding on I want to be around love ................
I reached into the sky 思いは?かなくて 오모이와 토도카나쿠테 내 생각은 전해지지 못하고 小さく空に消えた 치이사쿠 소라니 키에타 작은 하늘에 사라졌어 色とりどりの風船 이로 토리도리노 후우센 가지각색의 풍선 I'm alone 行き先のない 私の手を 유키사키노 나이 와타시노 테오 갈 곳 없는 내 손을 そっとつないでくれた 솟토 츠나이데 쿠레타 살짝 잡아 주었지 Starless night 過去の影 振り返らない Starless night 카코노 카게 후리카에라나이 Starless night 과거의 그림자 뒤돌아보지 않아 感じたいあなたのぬくもり 칸지타이 아나타노 누쿠모리 느끼고 싶어 당신의 온기를 Tears are falling down 迷っても離しはしない Tears are falling down 마욧테모 하나시와 시나이 Tears are falling down 망설인대도 놓지 않겠어 つないだあなたの手を 츠나이다 아나타노 테오 잡은 당신의 손을 Sometimes we fall apart臆 病になってしまうけど 오쿠뵤우니 낫테 시마우케도 겁쟁이가 되어 버리지만 きっと人はそこから何かを見つけ出せるはず 킷토 히토와 소코카라 나니카오 미츠케다세루 하즈 분명 사람을 거기서부터 무언가를 발견해낼거야 Take my hand脆く不完全な二人だから 모로쿠 후칸젠나 후타리다카라 여리고 불완전한 우리이기에 ずっと手をつないでいる 즛토 테오 츠나이데이루 계속 손을 잡고 있어 Starless night 唇が弱音吐いても Starless night 쿠치비루가 요와네 하이테모 Starless night 입술이 나약한 말을 뱉어내도 信じたいあなたのぬくもり 신지타이 아나타노 누쿠모리 믿고싶어 당신의 온기를 Endless love 矛盾さえ愛せてるのは Endless love 무쥰사에 아이세테루노와 Endless love 모순조차 사랑할 수 있는건 You are my shining star Starless night 過去の影 振り返らない Starless night 카코노 카게 후리카에라나이 Starless night 과거의 그림자는 뒤돌아보지 않겠어 感じたいあなたのぬくもり 칸지타이 아나타노 누쿠모리 느끼고 싶어 당신의 온기를 Tears are falling down 迷っても離しはしない Tears are falling down 마욧테모 하나시와 시나이 Tears are falling down 망설인대도 놓지 않겠어 つないだあなたを 츠나이다 아나타오 잡은 당신을 Starless night 唇が弱音吐いても Starless night 쿠치비루가 요와네 하이테모 Starless night 입술이 나약한 말을 뱉어내도 信じたいあなたのぬくもり 신지타이 아나타노 누쿠모리 믿고싶어 당신의 온기를 Endless love 矛盾さえ愛せてるのは Endless love 무쥰사에 아이세테루노와 Endless love 모순조차 사랑할 수 있는건 You are my shining star You are my shining star
You tell me that you love me I watch you look out the window Into the luminous blue sky With eyes of loneliness As if you had to go
What will it take to win your smile? Does it help for you to know That nothing can break my love for you Believe in me, if you need to believe
Look into my eyes Deep into my eyes
I wish you would let go Of your space halo Come down here and live with me. Live with me
The fear begins to creep in The distance begin to grow I can't find the right words to say I need to know it's okay Okay
How am I suppose to hold you at ease How am I suppose to know you love me How am I suppose to hold you at ease How am I suppose to know you love me How am I suppose to hold you at ease How am I suppose to know you love me
I wish I could make you Truly happy So you would never want to Leave this world
I wish you would let go Of your space halo Come down here and live with me. Live with me
You live in a home with running water, air conditioner and T.V. you have nothing to give you have nothing to say so you sing-a-ling-a-long everything is alright how can one person change the world? i have to pay my bills i gotta go to work the earth is dying i am so ashamed we are all to blame we must raise humane consciousness
i want to be up high up with the sun disappear completely into love i want to be up high up where i can see the secret roads
all you selfish people who think of nothing but money, realize how angry and stressed you are all the time when you're angry you only see things from a bad angle that's why you are going crazy that why you feel like shit you'll never find true happiness in this state of mind
i want to be up high up with the sun disappear completely into love i want to be up high up where i can see the secret roads
what's most important is where we were born, where we grow, where we live without the earth we are extinct instead of finding ways to live on other planets, we have to find a way to live on our own instead of spending so much money on sending space shuttles into space and making weapons for war, why don't we use if for making solar electricity, homes, cars, appliances someone is going to have to give in somebody is going to lose money we can't be greedy we can't be lazy we have to learn to give and help each other and rise about this world we created rise above fear we need to share to save the human race take the human race into a higher vibration
i want to be up high up with the sun disappear completely into love i want to be up high up where i can see the secret roads
Everyday I bicker with the city life When midnight creeps I spinkle holy water on hints I scrutinize people tread on city lies and they don't even recognize it I slip in between the cracks to hollow chase A time race Embraced by the demons Laced up by the government Feasted by humans Feasted on humans Sweat rush fall under the spell Someone is bound to tell
I crucify my beauty psyche Anticipate the return of heed When the doesn't reflect and keeps moving in one direction there's no room for my tension to ease Hesitation cascades Into the roots that branch down into the earth Magnetize look-a-likes and unconsciously construct a haunted kingdom with perpetual halls I pray to god this is only evanescence
I'm riding on a blind unicorn I'm riding on a blind unicorn .......... I'm going to throw up now
I have my own ways that I stride and I'm not going to stride along the lines of your fucking guidance Fuck the apocalypse stars And let me follow my own natural instinct Unlinked from your universe And your curse Immerse my diverse ways of my mind You make things worse When you babble on about staying positive and being good and keeping sane and sleeping right and removing my dirty nail polish You don't think I fucking know that?
I'm riding on a blind unicorn I'm riding on a blind unicorn I'm going to throw up now